•��ti'.: ...:u,�.;.�.�tit r , yr 7' . ,, ' {..�aY,.. .rc��'__— :;,v...�..-..� t�Sisro�.w _=d;�^:-...... Lf� ,.•�»o.'�..�SL•i.ie�J-�o- .�.�?r _,...��.. .
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<br /> �,.�.r. : . • ,..
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<br /> (d) Bene�rciary may elect ta cause the�rr,st Pr�perty a any pan[t�er+eai ra be sotd under the power of safe,and tb's�clf'e� '
<br /> Baneffciary w Trusiae shall gfve such nobce of default and notice ot sat�as may tre then requlrad by law.�l�er�eafter:upon the
<br /> expka6on ot s►rch�ime end th�gfYing ot�uch rroace of sab as may�ren be reyulre:i by raw,Tius[ee,at ttre tinre and p/ace specified
<br /> by aAe rr.,t�se of s�le,sheM�eN sucb Tr�sr Property.or any pan Mereof specifred by Bene�rcisry,ar p�blic e�rcaon ro d�nr�hest
<br /> aid�r fa cas�+in�awfu!morwy of the flrrited Stabs ol,4nrerica.Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bfrf,Tiustee shafJ apply Me �
<br /> proceeds rn the loNowing otCer(ij A�the Cost end expenses of exerCi.^,Ing the poarer o0381e end of the sa1e,ir}c(uding but noilimited
<br /> � ro,arrrstee's fess or eot more thar►�irt�Gr�ptus one-hat!of one percent ot rhe grass sate price,a�sd reasonaDle amsmeyOses,(i�)to '
<br /> tlte tndebtedrless,end(`dfj(he excess 11 aety,to the person or persans legally enti8ed thereto.
<br /> r41t costs and expsrrses ineuned by Beneficia�in enforcirrg eny right under thls Dsed o!Trusf,rr�cfuding withoui GmitaUon,Sbsfract or Otle
<br /> �ees,ap�ora+�al fses pnanNums!ar titfe irssurance,attomoy t�es and ccuncosis,shall�e ar+d canstitute/ndebtasfness secured here6y.
<br /> _ 27. tJ�ties afTruatea.Tn,stor agees tirar. _
<br /> (a) D�riies and tib&ga�ons o/Trtfstae sha!!be d�termined salsty by the expreSS provislar�s a1 q�is Deed of Trust end Trustee shalt noi be
<br /> � IieWe exC8p3!or the pertormarrce ol such duties anal oWiganons as 8re specifically set torth herein,artd na lmplied csavenants ar
<br /> aD�4'ga�ons shaN belmposed upon Trustaa
<br /> (bf No provislon o1 this Qeed of Trust shaH reQuire Trrrstee ta e�end w risk its own funds,or othenvise incur any ffnarrcfal obfigation in �
<br /> . !he pdrifon►tance oi any ol i�s duties Ireleunder,or in the exerase o1 any ot;ts righrs or powers.
<br /> •(c) Trustee may corrsult witA counse!af its oYyn choqsing and tlre advise of such counse!shat!be lWl and complete�authaizeaan and _
<br /> , P��R�n9spect ofany ac6on talren orsuffered by ft hereunder/n good Jaith and reliance thereon,and
<br /> (d) 7rustee shal/not be IiaWe fnr arty action taken by it In good faitlt artd ressonably believed 6y it to be atnhorized or wiU►in its
<br /> discre�on a Rghts Qr powers confened uporr it by thrs Deed of Trust
<br /> 28. Security Agfeen�ni and frxture Flirtg. This Dead of Trust shall constftute a security agreemen!and�ixture fling urtder the provlsJa�s of
<br /> the Nebraa/ca Unifwm Commerciat Code wirt►respect to Mose fixtures descdbed ln the preambles hereof as cons�tifuting a part of the
<br /> , ' ��t Pro,pe�t},togeUter with ap other pr�perfy oE Trusror,either similar or disslmilar to the same,now o�hereafter/acateQ at w at the
<br /> ��
<br /> 29. Fu[sera Adrrances.Upon raquest oi Trusior,Beneficiary,at Berre�rciary's optran,prfor to 1ul!reconveyance of the Trust PrvpeRy by �
<br /> Tcu6�9e ta Trusta,may make fi�tur�advarrces to Trusinr.Such future adverrces.w/th interest the�eon,sha!!�e secured by thfs Ueed ot
<br /> �, , rrusL At�o h'►ne sdral!the princfpal amouni of the�ndebtedrtess secured by thls Deed of Tius�not inc/uding sums advanced to profect
<br /> fAe securfty,exceed the total sum of S .Advances af distrursemenis mada by 8eneflciary to protect Ute securiry,
<br /> under the terms hereof,while disc�etiondry,shall not be deemed fo be pp6onal advances.
<br /> 3d. Reconveyence t/pon p,�ymrer.Z p!aH lnC�btedrtess secu�ed by fh'rs Deed ofTivst 8enefrciary sha11 request Tiusiee to reconvey the
<br /> Trost Property and shall surr�,;��f�r thfs Deed of Tiust sn�all notes evidencing/ndebtedness secured by tfr:'s Deed ot Trust to Trusiee.
<br /> Tiustee sha11 reconyey the Trust Properry�rithout warranry and wiihout chargs to the person or persons legally enGtled Urereto.Such
<br /> _ person or parsons shall pay all costs af r=.�erd�tion,if arry.
<br /> � 31. Substitute Trusiee.Beneficiary,at its opt�:v�:.rnay from time fo dm�remo�e Trr�siee and appolnt a Successor Tiustee ta&ny Trasfee
<br /> �inted hereunder by an fisbumenf r8�:�ded!n the county in which xltis Deed of Trust is recorded.Witlraut'conveyance o/MB Tiusi
<br /> �rty,the Successor Tiustee ahall suCCeed io a!J tide,powe�end d:ties confeaed upon Tiustee herein am�by applicable law. '
<br /> 32• +S1�sw�tal/erreous Ri�hts o/Beneficlary.Beneficlary may at any 6me and fr�m time to time, witho�t no6ae,Con�:i 4o the making Qf any
<br /> 1��f�T���?r�perty w the creation Ot�;�easemenr the�ean o�ar�,r�venarrts restricting us�or occuQancy thereaf or agree to '
<br /> alte�or amer7���rms o!this Oeed ot Trs,�My persona!properry r���ining upon the Tru�2.W[s��ty alter the Tiust Fraperty has � •�,;3
<br /> be�rf Fossess�+�or o�cupied by Bene/icia�;.its agent or any pu�chasev followinq, Trustee's saJE,;or�c(osur�,.nr uader sr�y deed in lieu � �<�'�.;i
<br /> � ;,0 T�u�?ee's sale or forecicssure,sha11 be concfusively presumed to have been a��;ndaned by trustor. ��-.;:;:-�-
<br /> 33. �sts to 7rustar.Trusia hereby reguests thaf a copy of any nu6ce of default and notice ot sal de w ex,�,:�d by Tiustes pursuant ''`�%t��
<br /> • ta�3 prr�vJslons hereol be sent to Trustor at its mailing addrass set fa hereinabove. �•Y.
<br /> 1�V WANESS WHER�ry�this Deed o/Tiust has been duly executed t y gnd ysa� ve�Tiirrsc;. ,
<br /> t `: —
<br /> Thomas E. Fowler
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASlUt j `�ar,al J. Fowler
<br /> )ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF ;
<br /> .�. �
<br /> ...
<br /> ,.,��,'_y.�:
<br /> On thls day of , 19_.before me,a notary put�:`�in and for sald counry,�c��sonalry came •d�'•��
<br /> � ,ar.0. ' .
<br /> ' of �,kna�v::fo me to bc��he ldent/cal persons who ,.�;-':
<br /> slgned t!►e foregoing�sey o!Tiust and acknowledged the execution thereat^�be th2:i uo.'untary act and deerl,a!sci rlte voluntary act and ��'y
<br /> deed ol said corporatlan.
<br /> W/TNESS my hand�^�notarial seal on thts the day and yea�last above w,��!Qn. •,
<br /> (SEAt) "
<br /> NOfL^J P..!,r��r,
<br /> My tOmm�sSia�exy�ros.
<br /> STATE 06� �ALIFOR�71e1
<br /> � COUNTY OF��_ES �$s�
<br /> )
<br /> �
<br /> �G -�r� / -- -
<br /> On thls ay o! � � tg�S�. beforar►�e,a no1ary�u dc in and far said counry,pv�sonally came �A�� �� f oL.,;c.E'� � T
<br /> er►d � > at.3�� riL15bd cl drid Wl�e ,known[o me ta ba the rdenitcal persons who
<br /> signed fhe loregang Deed of Trusf and acknowledged the execution thereof to be thelr veluntary act aRd deed.
<br /> W/TNESS my hend and notaiial seal on th�s the day and ye�r lasi above writton. �
<br /> �SEp,L� ]�� �`
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