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_ . <br /> .�: .::�:_, •:�K�. ,..._�..2,:S1Slo+.4r`��;e�:si '�-`-':;,Sr•nr,'....._ •-1&1llYt��.d;...,:ta:idYa 1�, r.�, .s.c� >t•4k4::<. ....Y;sv...Yia.. -...-u.ti-. �cx:ti.. _ - <br /> .�,� . . .. s,.r.,�. � <br /> . . +r— . . .. _ :.R•�' :" <br /> �" ,_�.:.<. .. <br /> a..:sr�a....,..�..r� � y., �..e_,� 'y �tdc�ai"��a�.:'s:e��'�E.:;�'��r�a$f1ds��aarec�.�S.F.�4_�— —_ .:-��zc'�a -. <br /> _�.._ . � � <br /> rnsuranc�e premiums,groun�rents.and all nther charges whaisoeverlevied upnn pr assessed,placed or made against tne Trusf <br /> Frope�ty. Tiusfor further agr�ss,upon written request bv promprty del,ver ro 8eneticia►y alt recerpts tor rns payment af, <br /> __ _. �. such charges. Trvslor likewise agr�es to pay alt taxes,assessmanrs and ofher cHarges levied upon or assessed.placed a�made • <br /> �1 againsi,Q�measvred Gy.Mis Deed ot Trust or tire re�cordaetioa hereoi. , <br /> (n 5. Applicaeiort al Payrnents.A/t payments received by Ber.eficia "ry es to any�debt.liatriliry or vbligation owed ta Beneficiary by Trustor <br /> � may be applied by Benefrciary b the payment r�1 the►r,debtedness a to anv such orher dabt I�aDri�t�or obligation,in any nrder or <br /> � Q mannsr af a�ptication which Benefrciary,in its absolute discr�eOoR,deams appropriate.Un!ass otherivise elscted by Ben�liciary,any . <br /> � such paymeni shaf�Be de@med appL�ed lirst m the��yme�t of any debi,Irabit;ry o�obligation other than the Note. <br /> 6. Charges;Liens.Trustor wil!keep the Trr�st Property irea irom aU Fiens arrd encumbrartces which;n any way may,in the ju9gment of <br /> � ' Ber:eTiciary,hava priv�ry over,or im�r�ir tire security t}eed of Tnest but Trustar neeaf nof discharge any such lien Scr�oag as <br /> O Trustor sha�!agres,in wrftlng,ro pay the e6ligation secured by such lien in a manner acceptabfe to Bene�rciary and shali in gaad taith <br /> � contesf such lien by spprapriate legai proceedings effective tv pre�eni the enforcement o�the lien and the toss ot any rnt8rest in or <br /> �aR of rha Tiust Pmperiy. <br /> � 7. Hazard Insursnce. Trustor shalt keep the buildings and artrer improvements aow existing or hereafter ere�ted on the Trust Propem,r : � <br /> insured By insu�ance camer$satisfactory to Becrefrciary against le�ss by t�re,hazards�ncluded fn che term "extended�cav�erage"and <br /> �such other hazards,casuatties and conbngertcies as may bs required by Beneficiary,in such amounis arrd for such peric�ds as may De .� ' <br /> ►equired 6y Bene�ciary. The poticy of insurance sha/!be in lorm acceptable to Benehciary,provide that rhe same may npt be • . <br /> cance'led or moditied without 6fteen(15)days pdor written notice to Berre�►ciary,and sha11 have loss payable previsionS in tavor of ard 7: <br /> in lorm acceptable to Benefrciary.A!I premivms on insurance policies shatl be paid�n the�rranner provided urrder para�{raph 4 heie,of • <br /> or,it nat paid in s�ech manner,by Trusror makirrg payment at/east flfteen(15)days pRO�ro the due date,directly to the rnsurance <br /> canie��eneficiary sha11 have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof and Trustor shap promptly fumish to Benefrciary a11 . <br /> renewa!rtoOCes and all paid premium receipts received by it in ao evenf shall Benefrciary or Trustee be hefd respansit�le for faifure ta : <br /> , pay insurar►ce prem,'ums or for any loss or damage arising out of a defect in any po/icy or arising out of any failure of a.ny insurence <br /> companyr to pay for anyloss or damage insured against or tor iailure by Trusfor to effect the insurance required tlte event; <br /> of/o�s, Trustor sha!!give prompr nvtice by mai►to the insurance carrier and Berteficiary.Beneficiary may malce prooi otloss if not <br /> made prorrrpUy or in proper form by Trustar.All policies of insurance and any artd all refunds o!unearned premiums are hereby <br /> i � asstgned io Beneficlary as addi�iana!security for the payment of the►ndebtedness./n the event of Beneficiary's exerease ot tft+a Ao�vei:� <br /> • al sate contained hereir.,or in the event of�oreclosure,a/l right>Gtle aad interesf ot Trustor in and to any insu�ance poliGy then rn(arce : <br /> �? ' � �/rnll pass to the purchaser at the m�stee's sale or foreGosure case of anyloss,the ir�surance proceeds may,ar«re opcon ot <br /> � Btrrrefrciary,be app/i�d by Beneficiary upon the tnde6t¢dness,o�any part ther�at,and in such order and smauni as�Te��ficiary may.� <br /> �etem►ine;o�sald ins�rarrce proceedsr�f the opt+on of Bene�ciary,may eithe�be used in replacing ar restarrr�g tlte Tiusf PropeK��. <br /> patially or totalty desboyed to a carrdiffan satisfactory to Beneficiary;or said insurance proceeds,or any particn ther�o%may be <br /> released to Trusror.Untess Beqeflciary aad Tiustor otherwise agre�in writing,any such app/icetioR of insuiarrce pro�eeds shal/nat <br /> extend or postpone the dua dst.�of the Note,or any installments ca'ted For therein,or change the amounf oi�uch instatlments.!f the <br /> - Tiust P�operty is acqvired b�B�neficiary pu�suant[o the exerctse ot the pawer of sale or oiher foreciosure,�.J!right,ritte and inta�est ai <br /> Tiustor in and fo any insurancs proceeds payabfe as a resuU at dam2ge io the Trust Properry prior to the sale or acquisitian shal!pas� <br /> fo Benefrciary&rrr�shali be applied first ta the costs and expense�,lrrr.luding attorney fees,incurred+n caltacting sreeh proceeds,thQr� <br /> in fhe manrter�r�in the order provided nerein. � <br /> 8. PreservaUon anrt Maintenar�r�;f Trust Property.Trustor will keep the bUitdings and other impravements rrow or hersafter erectetl orr, <br /> the Trust Property in�ood rr�alr and condi6on and will not commit or permit waste,will not atter the design ar struc!u�al cha�acter : <br /> cr�n.�fr;uting any buitding rr�s�•r�r hereafter e�ected on�rd consmuting the Trust P�operty without the prior wr.'tf�n cOnsenf of <br /> B�rrr�ciary,w�il r,nt do any act or thing which�vould unduly impair or depreciate the vaJue of the Tiust ProFc�flj and wilf noi abandaq . , � <br /> the i:�ust Prcpr:rry. Tiustor will nof remove any fixtures consfitufing ti►e Trust Pioperty unless the same are irr,:;rtedia'e1y replacgd iNi71fi' <br /> /ike�roperry s��ject fo the lien and secu�iry interes!of this Oeed of Tiust and of at least equa!value and uk4t-y�,Trustvr will com�ly w.4th ` <br /> ' a/l pr_sent artd lutu�e ordin2;,c�s,rec�ulations and requ�rements af any govemmentaf body which ara epplica!�!s fo tha Trost Pdoparfl�� '� - <br /> �—"F"'- and u�the occupancy and us�che�eoi, if this Deed of Tn�st is on a unit in a condor�inlum or a plannad urrit Cr;•vetopmant Trusiar sh��l! <br /> pertcrm ail of Trustor's obf,•g.s"c�;s under the declaratio�s or covenants creating cr goveming the condorrriri�m or the planned unit�: __` <br /> development,tYa•//�aws and regulations�f the condominium or pfa�+�ed unit develnpment.�n?t.he cons:.'lent dacuments. • - <br /> 9 Inspecdnn.Ber,Flr`r�ary orits agenis may. ,�i a/l reasonable times, er,r�,-�;�.r.r ttre Trusi PropE�".'�°ar the�urztose ollnspection. ' "= <br /> 8enelieiary shaJr have rto dcr,�to make such inspection and shall nor e��r::Gle to trustor or to any perscn�rt possession il iJ rrrakes pr <br /> faits to make any such insFecl.+�;n. • <br /> 10. ProtecGOn ot Securiry.If Tiu-sti�faiis to pedorm any ot the covenanis and agreer.:ents contained in thrs D�d ot lrust,or if arty acti�n <br /> o�praCeading is commenc.C which does or may adversely affeci the Tiust P�operty or the rnterest o!Trustor or�eneficiary theie+n�or <br /> th,e title of Trustor tharefo,tAen 8eneficiary,at its option,may perlo�m such convenants and agreements,make such appearance�� <br /> � defe�d egainst�nd tn�esri�ato such aciian or proceeding anB take such other ac6on es Baneficiary deems nece�ssary ro protectlts ? �- <br /> intcrest inctudiaQ,but nor irr���ad to,disbursement of reasonabta attorney lees and entry upon fh9 Trust PrcpeRy to make iop3i�s.Any ` <br /> arnaunts disbur�ed by Ber_�f,;,iary pu�suant fo thrs parag�aph 10, with interest th�rson,shall Constituto Ind:Ltednoss ol Trw3tcr �`' <br /> secured by ih1.;.poed of Tr,,;;t.Uniess Trustor and Beneliclary agree to other tera°:;c��payment,such amounls sh�ll be payab/e u�?on <br /> notice/rom B�rClSCiary to Tiustor requesting payment thereo%and shal/bear ln��:esr fiom rhe dafe o/dJsbursement at the defaulnrate, �� . <br /> if any,set loRh�n th�Nofe,or othen�vise�t the highesf rate permitted by/aw.Nothing coni_rr�?r�T•his paragraph shall requi�p <br /> Beneficrary to incur any expense or taka any action hereunOer. Trustoi irievocab.y aut,�orizE�ar.�empor�vers Benalrciary ta ant4r upnn � <br /> tha Tiust Properry as Tiustc�'s agent and,in Trustoi's name or otherwise to pef�.-r,a_ny an;!�;^cpvenarrts�nd Agieements to b�3 ' <br /> pr�r���med by Tiusior as hE:��_,-�provided. Bene/iciary�h�!/,at its option,be subro�;•sd to�r;r encumCra�rce,ll�n,claim or dsm,?�rd <br /> . and to all rights and secur5cs lor the payment therecl�aid or dischaiged by Beneficiary ur,ls�r.��rg proi•�s�ons hereol and an�srtch � <br /> subrogation riQh!s shai!be additional arrd cu�nulative security lor this Deed ol Trust. <br /> ; 11. Condemnat.•oa 1'F�e p�oce$ds o�arty awarcf or cla�m!or damages,direct or cartsequenUal,in cr�-:��et;on with any condgmn�tlpn or <br /> oth�r taking cf th�7rust P�oDerty,or any part tRerecf, c�far conveyance in lie�of or in anticipauan of ccr,�'r,mnatron,aro herehy. <br /> r;,::�,nsd to a_r.y shall be pa;rl to Beneficiary. Trustar�a��!hle and prosecuto,in ga�d faith and wRh duo d�l�'ge�rce,its cJaim far any s�tlr <br /> �;�3rd or pay,rDnt,and will cause the same to be Co1r•ct3d and paid to Beneliciar,�,and,sha�'�it lail[a dr�so,Tiustor irr2vocgbty <br /> authoiizes an�i csrnpowers Beneficiary,in ihe name al Trustaroraitr,ntNiSo,to f�ta,pr�secute.5�?`.'s or com�O�omise any such clairn and <br /> to cnllect,recc��.cfor and retaln the proceecls.If the Tiust Propert,��s,�bandorted by Trusior,cr.aJtar notice by 6enelic;iery!c 7rustor <br /> that tha condE rnor afters to make an�'ward or settle a c/aim far damages, Tiustoi lai(s to re;f�ond to Beneficl�try with/n fhlrt��30)days <br /> alter the date suc�i npUce is mailed,Beneficiary is autha�zed fo collect and�pp1 f 6`ra procoods in the manner inUicated h�3ialn. The <br /> proceeds of srry award cr c�aim may,afte�deductirtg alf reasonabla costs and expc�nsos.including attoraey l�os, which rnayhave <br /> � been lncmred ry Beneliciary in the collectlon thereof,ai the sole discretion af Be::2ficiary,be rofeased to T�ustor,apphnd tc• � <br /> �esto�ation of ri�lst Properry, or applied to the payment ol tho/ndebt�dness. Unless Bonefic�ary and Trusta oth�rwise ag�ee,rn uv�iting, : - _— <br /> _ <br /> any sach app!`cation ol proceeds to tndebtednoss shall not extend ar postpone the duo date ot the Nofe ar fh9 payment o!�ny • <br /> • ir,.;talimen►s called for thereunder. <br /> . 12. T!*,,Stor Not Raleasod.�xfansion of the time toi payment or madilrcation o!any amortizabon of tha IndebtQdness g►anted by C�oa�bcr,�ry . <br /> 1n any successor irt lnterest of Trustw shall not operete ta reloase,in any manner, the l�abilily of Trusta�and 1'�usta�'s sucer,ssprs�n <br /> -_ ' mterest.Benefrciary'shal!nof 6e reguiied to camm�nce nrnr.r���t�nr�s���rn�r crrrh S,�rr_.AC�nr nr rp��rca�n�������e ft.►gaymen.i Qr <br /> olherwise modily amortizat�on o/the lndebtedness by�easan o!any demand mac�o by Trustvr anrJ Trustor's successvrs <br /> � rn�nterast ' .� <br /> i 13 Financlal Inf�lm��tian. Upan repuest o!Benefic�ary,?rustor w�il provlde to 8enefrcrary,w�thm nrnory[90I ctays ot tno close ol t�sch f�sc�d <br /> . Lw yt►�tr of Trusfm,the consotidafed balance shQet and sFatement of oamings vt Trustor anct any and all guaran�a�s ot t.".a Inc4��hrc�dness � <br /> Ssc�rpd hereby,i/any,pnd Wr!l prowde and delivo�fo Ba►tahcf�ry SuCh othE r finanC�al mtorrnatron arrd in such m�nne�a;Henefir,�a,y �,,� <br /> • may reasonably►gquest/rom hmo tn Ume. � <br /> - t4. Fulnnc�t�l Covanants In add�hon fa any othor linancr�t c�vUnants c�1 Trusfor made m any ntt;e�ag��enr�nt, �+rstri�mont�Tr;f��cu,�ic�nC ��� <br /> t Trustar sH,7t!compty wrth ancl shatt cauze any Etnd itU�ulrrtnt��s�l Iho/ndObl�C1RnSS SHCU�EId h£�rAbtr to cvmplv w•,th n:hr,rr•r - '` <br /> CU�R/1bFi►tCf!WI(I►.(ftfl�OIJC7:YlRtJ l/ti�7RCIAf C�V0/17►1f5'f Thlg p�rac7raph shalt nG�t t�(!'iIy ii i•�,vi+t+�i�7fS t�rq/rfra�[p�f1«lEIItS drR,r:�;t st,' -- <br /> � f�fth he�prc�� • <br /> � <br /> 15 �C/;{1(�(llt7 U��EIiSG'S {r�hihrn frn 1 t(b�lCiyS i1hCr l�C'/1`�7fiC1. FlbSfU�S�Kiif(UtluSlr f��f�f?liplq'�.uy ii c,'h_';1f1'tr ;(��h(;l{/f��hr i�!!-fc`• ..��1!��£J <br /> ,� lrsfth Z.+�!t��SeS L�1 tfro ��ust�rUUE�rty. ur an��,umun the:�cc,r.u�ctr�ct:��g��c�:ir lr c r+�.c� �tir, n,in���t l•r��,�. �r.:,�t�..,,�.;, .,,•..�r�. ,.�,.;,....r,.,., <br /> ,� /j����+ r,�lhn f.jICICOEtCCUj1�U(1���/SUtl�(LIh?It(t�l!�f:r.tfU:Utf,fhOMnt:II/�f1y7L1C�f���S:r:F��.tr.r�� a��:)cu:rr.,�i,,.• ,.�_.•�,�,ei ��.�� ; .i�•� ����rr•r.��. ;,N. <br /> �:!{� 1<:;IJC?(.1 d�S!lfl�b�r�*:h�.;�►t;/Irrn�vn�,P;Fl:,fa!!fe(.�/tr_��i/y nCl�lU(P,rrnl!(�'V�('fll�f%;' � <br /> !" , <br /> i:l;'_ <br /> fJ� . <br /> vl,?:`-c <br /> r , <br /> ,T <br /> � "t <br />