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<br /> �� . � . - � - �_�� . �
<br /> � � 1?eed of Trust
<br /> �8A VKS ' ' _
<br /> 94-- I005�
<br /> TkIS DEED OF TEI�fSr is made tfris�d�y of_,,j�yt__, 19�,by and�stween �'1�amas E. Fo�rle r
<br /> r and Carol J. FoWler. us an a�c� w e whetherone o�rrrore,(hereinaftercal/ed the"Tiustod"),
<br /> wl►asem�kngaddriessis Tlh?�llt^...�;�pr�,p, N�Ith HoLlywoad, �C�"€osai-91b05
<br /> lItQRWEST BAltiix na7 A�s�r ia r i�n {hereinafte�catted Ute"Trusiee'?,ryh4ss rrrailing address is
<br /> P. 0. Box 17 . ran s� NE ,��HORWEST BANK Nebraska. Nattona2 Association �
<br /> ' carlea�ne•�9eRefraa►y7. g basn2 '��ere;naner
<br /> W�fOS@ RT�7�Il! adrlress is p- n- R.av 7 7/�A /_ranel Tc 1�ne� Nn1�r�ebr�
<br /> WITNESSETH: �
<br /> WHEREAS.TiarsMTis irtdebted to Benefrciary in th+s principat sum ot Eighteen Thousand and N011OQ
<br /> ���lt j R.��o-nn /,which indebtedness is evideneed by Tiustor's pramissory nate dafedJanuarv�,�g.�l,L, (her�inafter �
<br /> � cal/ed C►te"Not�'),payabte ta the arder ot Beneficiary and having a maturiry af Fehr,�ar� T , 1941 ,
<br /> r NOW.7HEREFORE,fnr tlte puipose olseCUnng:
<br /> (a) payment of the Note,togeiher with interest fhereon,tate cha�ges,prepaymsnf penaMies,any fuhure advances,artd ali e�.r,�..t:;�
<br /> . mc�d"rl'ica5prts,su�sbtub'crrs and renewals thereot, • �, . � �
<br /> ' (b) payrtrerrt af all other sums�tees or charges,.together with intersst G'�ereon,advanced to pmiect the securiry of tAis ff�af Tn,�t�nd
<br /> , the pedo►manCe of the Covenanfs and 8greerrrenfs of Trusto!whether or not set forth her�ain, �
<br /> � � , (c� pe�formance,discharge o1 and corrpplianc�with evary term,covenant,obtigation and ag!�3ement of 7rustar contained herein or •
<br /> inco�poraAed by reference or any oiher security insbument at anyGme grven to secure tt►e Nate,and
<br /> (d) the repaymsnt ot a1/otirer sums or fi�tr�ie advances,with interest thereon,usrivch may herefofOre har�been or hereafter be adva.�ed., • �
<br /> 6y Betr��ciary b Trvstor or Trsstor's successo�in interest oi 6tle, ' � ' '
<br /> ; all of which!s!.i-rraaalter collecdvety called the"lndebtedness", Tiusror+nevocably gr3nts srd yansfers[�Trustee,in Uust, W1TH POWER
<br /> OF SALE,Pi►�Farluwing describ�ed property: � �
<br /> Lots Fourteen (143 and Fifteen {�,5), in Eagle Lake �states
<br /> Subdivision. gal�. County. Nebraska. � � �
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> ; t��ier witA(i)a/l buildings,sWctures,additions,enlargernenrs,madifications_repairs,rep/acements,aRdlmprovements now or haadaflor. �
<br /> � �t�'9d thereon,(�)all equipment,machinery and 6xturos(incfi�ding, without Iirr,:M��n,aIl lighGng,hea6ng ►�ntilating,cooli�rg,ab ' ' ";>�� ;�=a
<br /> casytioning,sprinkfing andp/umbing/ixhrres,water andpowersystems,englnes_6aifers,ranges,ovens,dishwashers,mirrors andPnt►rriat.,�,.
<br /> � carpe6ng,lumaces,oll bumers,elevators and motars,refiigeration p/ants or uni�s,communication systems,dynamas,transfnrme�s,elsuttl,�a!- • •
<br /> ; equipment,storm and scree��vindows,doors,awnings and shades)now o�hare�,°er attached to,or bullt in,any building or improvarnanJ� -
<br /> r�w or hereafter/ocated'thereon,(iri)a/I easements and rights nf wey appunen�,t tf.zereto, (iv),al1 IeasehoJd estate,righr,ritie and intsresr�o�, • •-"
<br /> � Trusta in and to a/f/easas,whether now o�hereaRer exisGng or entered lnto(Inclvding,without limitation,all cash and securiry depas.�t�,. ' �w'�
<br /> advance renta/s and deposlts or payments of a simi/a�nafure),pertaining therefo, (v)all rents,lssues,piofits and Income there/rom(aubJ�a2: '_�.
<br /> , to the dghJ of Tiusior to co/lect and appty such renis,issues,prof'tts and income as they trecome duo and paysble so/ong as no evanf ol, ;�'
<br /> i defauR exists�rareunder),(v!)ell royalties,mineral,oi/and gas�ights and profits,wate�wa[er rights,and water siack,(vii)a/1 tenements, —
<br /> � ; hered'daments,p�tvilsges and appunenances tretongirtg,used or enJoyed ln conRection theiewlth,and{vlii�a11 proceeds of conversion,.
<br /> ; +ralustary or lnvoluntary,of any of the foregang into cash or liquldated c/alms(in�luding,without limifation,_�roceeds of Insurance and�
<br /> , ccr���rnna6on awa�ds),a►J al whtch is hereinafter coltectively called the"Trust Property".
<br /> ; 1. Tftle.T'r.rtoi cpvenants,wa�rants�3nd agrees with Beneficiary,its successas and ascr�ns,that 7'ru���t�r owns the Trust PropeRy fiee s
<br /> (rtfm a.^>�p�iorlien or encumbrar�a,that tOtis Desd of Trust is and will remain a valyd�°.tt�:rstorceaL!'�tirst lien on the Trust P�opeAy,
<br /> that Ti�stv�at!ts ex�oense,wltl preserve such ti!le and wlq mainfain this��d of Trust zs a first er1';�aramount lien upon the Trust
<br /> ; Property and wi:l fc�rzbv4r wa►ranl end defend the validiry and p�io/ity o/th2:�an hereoYegatnst the c/alms ol al!persons and parti�s
<br /> whomsoever. lrus*a�af its expense,wlll cause thls Deed of trust,and each amendrr;G�t o�supp/ement heieto,fo be liled and
<br /> record�tt.'•as a morfyage af*he t're�st Property in such mannor and in such p/ace arr0 ce�:'t take such actlon as in the opiNon ol Trustee ������
<br /> mey b��,�r�ulred by any p�eseni o�fuw�e law in order to pedect,ma;ntain end p�otect the lien of thls Deed of Tiust,es the same may �
<br /> be amended o�supplamenfed l�om dme�o tlme. Trusta will make such lunher assurance or asslirances to perfect its title to the Truat
<br /> PropeRy as may be repulred by 88ne11ciary.Tiustor hereby relinquishes a/l iight a/dower and homestead In and to the TruBt+Ff�oRe►ty,
<br /> 2. Payment qf lnddbtedf^c-SS. Tiusfor ahal!punctually pay ihe pdnclpa�ol and inte�est on the lndebtedness secured hereby.
<br /> 3. ConsV�✓�Aan of lmprovements. TiuStOr sha/!compleie In good and woikmanlike manner or:s�-buildings,improvemer��ar repairs re/ating
<br /> theret��xrl;r�,h may be begun on t�e Tiust Piope�y o�conterr.p:tu;ed by the loan evide�r�1 by rhe Note secured�c��by,ro pay when
<br /> due aY`Msts and liab!lities inCw�rl.herefo�e,and not to pe�rr..:any conshucfion!!en a��,�&t st�ch T��st Piopery. rn�the event
<br /> - constructron of buildir.�s,imp,-:,��rents or repalrs are cnntem�:�sd. 7rus:rlr atso agrees. anyr.h���r;�.�,this Deed o�Trust to tAe contrary
<br /> notwithstanding;(P� :F;��",Il?r;.^,/�pl►►/1lERC9&IIy SUCh WQ/k 8�d la�aT�.F;t�.the p�oposa:;mprc�.,:t�:;�ts Fromptly.(b}fo cnmplote the
<br /> same l��ccordanc�w��c�r tl�e�-µ,=s and specifications es ap���a��:�:•1.�'�^�liciary,(�;,+�+;�.�pJy wi,.�al!th�terr.���€�bu1�ing/aan
<br /> ' agre�+?�:;4.ilany,bE:;veen Tr�.;;;y�rand Benef�ciary,the terrr�ci rv^!ch a►e inco�por�^;;a�,�s�r9in by reJerence and made�paR hereot,
<br /> (d)i�a�ir�,�6enelr�;ary fo inspec•r,me Tiust Property at a/I tiarcia durirtg eonsUuction,a;��s:a)to replace eny wor;��t mate�ia�s
<br /> unsa���ry fo 6���ficlary withln filteen(f5)days alter written notice fiom Beneficiary of such fac!.
<br />- 4. Funds f�.;��Aaymelw-:�i i�harges.SubJect fo applicable!aw or to a�wiften waiver by Beneflclar,�, Tov-a;:r•shall pay to Bene/i�lary on the
<br /> � � lirat C,t,f�.,^,l eaCh marri�,or such other data each mvnth as may be specif�ed by Beneficlary,unGl�^�+,��febtedness!s pald/n IuU,a sum
<br /> (he�e�r•;�l1'e�called the"Funds")equal to 1�12th o!tha yea�ly taxes and assessments«�,':h may aflam p�foriry over this Oeed ol Trust :__=-r-=
<br /> and round rents on the Tiust PropeRy,il any,plus 1 r�2th of the yeady premlum rnstw�lmr:r,ts for hara�d rnsu�ance,plus 1/l21h pf tha
<br /> y�sr�y prMKulr►InstaNments lor moRgage/nsurance,i!any,a/l as reasonably estimatad`�s;�trul/y an�:fiom time tn time by Beneliciary on �
<br /> the basls of assessments and bilfs and reasonabte ostimates thereo% T�s rmds shal!be held:n:.�a;ins[itution,rhe deposlts or
<br /> ,, eccount�b!which aro Insv�ed a g�aranteed by a lederal or sfate ar�ency:-ncluding Beneliciary.UTsnelicfary shall apply the Funds 1a•
<br /> -- p�y s8id texes,assessments,JnsurenCe pr�6rmlvms and ground rents.Beneticlery sAa�f,�'�t be►equirad to pay Trustor any intere��a� '
<br /> --- , eamings on fhs�mrd9. figlref�Clary sn81/giv�fo Tiusfo►,witl�o�t charge,an annuat ec�:n��rtirtg of the funds showir►g credits end
<br /> debfts t0 the funds and the puipps9 for which eaCh debil fo the funds was maQe.1'!r��lr�lntls are pfpdged as pddit�onal securfry lor
<br /> ': = thn/nr/n_htn�►n.pee cg���d fsy fhts D�od o:Yrus;.!;t1;s am�vn!o!!!ta Funds hald�y Lor:eficiary,t:.�&Fh&t�sn�fi t�ye luPuie�►ronthly
<br /> L installments of Funds payab/e piior to the due dates of taxes,assessments,inswance promlums and ground rents,shall exceed tha
<br /> - amaunf requrred�o pay seid Iex�s,assessments,insu�enCE�piemlums and g►aund►ent�os ihey lall due,such dxcess shb�!Ge.at �
<br /> Trustor's optian,eilher promptly ropaid to Tiustor or creditod to Trustor against luture�-�;^thly Mstallments al Furtds. It tha amounf of �
<br /> thg Funds held by SeneNciary shall not be suNic�en�to p�y tnxos,assessmeMS.�nsur��^vq promrums�nd ground renls as fht�y/al!due.
<br /> � �rusfar shall pay ta Benehelary�ny amavnt necessdry to mako up Iha delrcrency withrn thrrry days Ir�m the cfato rrouca�s rr�adod by �
<br /> HerrefiCiaty!o T►usbj�equesbn�paymer�t thgt�oL Upon payment In lulJ af t�lf 1ndQbfednoss.denefrciary sh�l p�ompt/y iolund tc� Iz. �
<br /> rrri5tpr eny�'una5 hdld by BenQliCra�y.!t tho Trust hropany is sald under the powa�of sn2*or tha 7rust Pfoperry�s ath�rci�sv acqu+rott
<br /> � by 8e�ref�t•ia E�enef�era shalJ �mmaU�atet
<br /> — . �Y• ry �Dp1y. Y pnvr ta thB Salr7 ot tha Trust Pioperty cr rfs acqu+sihan by avne��cr,�y,any Funds
<br /> hClft by g_rnDlr[!ary bt thg t�m9 of�ppl�cal�[�n,7,a crdnif a,qgin�l!ho lndObtet}nc�ss ll Btln�rf�c�ary exer..ute<:r��v�,tten�Y��+vcr al Trusta�s
<br /> ab:�gnhnn;ttn�e�th;s p3to��aplt A. T�uStv�coyen£rnts nnd ayro�s[o ptiy,br�,'nre fhp�;�rrre bacrm�dE�bnq;,c�ir .ep h�xc�s.assessmonts
<br /> �"� _— �aare�-+.^,: �
<br /> y:l:•» .
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