__ ,t, . . .� �. .:�. � _,� x:�<s.nr�.., ..�n`_. :i..i%4:. S4'r''v:"r5�r��.:=;e:n'3�..<4 s�:C !-�_
<br /> ..�.as11"a'x.i"_..uz�':�ss�l:hr:i�i�'&sc�,n,4�'iWY�� .°��+a3�.�_ - � �'.�.f:i�1: ;i�1�1'S.°�`ti�:_�e.�.o•i,. +'3�acar"r.;s;:�,ai1�5.�ie,acrecw.�,.a:.'y- -_-'
<br /> - -- _e�4S.Rwii�v�r� — '�c�,�u----- i�ii SaS��.'�ii�tnes�-� --
<br /> . � �
<br /> � .
<br /> 1 �
<br /> � '
<br /> �
<br /> . � ��
<br /> iio�towe*�nd I,eodrr co�•tianl aed a�,ree as fol�ori�s: mare tf�an fifteen (!ST days in asre,..rs ta oorer tt�,extra expense .
<br /> r 1• I'hat Borrower wiU pay the indebtedness,as hereinb.fnre imolvect in handling detinquent ��,�r1;�,
<br /> �rovid�d. Privb'ege is reservc*d to pay the debi in whQle or in�+.�rt �. '['tiat if t[�e taraS og tf�r pa3m�ta matLe b}� �h: Bonaw•er
<br /> ��Y �nsfstimrnt due date. under(b)of pazagraph 2 prnoedirt,�s�aU eac000d th•amoLnt of �
<br /> , 2. Th�t,together with, and in arldition to, thr monthl Pa}�nents aaually made 6y the i,crr,t,�fnr groun�rent�.taxes and
<br /> Y assrssments or insuranec prcmiumz�xs�tu case zn�y be� sueh ex-
<br /> PaS�ats of pr3ncipal and interest payable uRdcr the tcrms af the aess,it'the loan is cnrrent.aF thr�iy�of the Bosroxtr.shall be
<br /> note secured hereby,t!u gonax�µill pay to the lender. on the credited by the Lendrr on subsequtz,ti payny;.nts to 6e mad�.by the
<br /> - Fica[day of ezeh month untl the said note is full��paid:th� Borrawer,or rcfunded t�tF�s &►,-rav,e3.If,hflK,e►rr.the rrconthiy
<br /> foQowing sums;
<br /> payments made by the BorroR-eE un�sr(b�af p�yq�aple 2
<br /> (a) Arnount sufficirnt to pro��ide thr hoWer h;reof a�ith Punds p���Rg shalt not be suf�cieai to�y-groan�rents�taues aad
<br /> . to pay the next rr�ongage insurance premium if this instrumenr and ����� Qr insurance prcmiumt.z�th:cau cnay 6e, w•iun the
<br /> the note secured hercby are insured,or a manthly ct�a•rge(in lieu �me shall berome due anc!payab5:�tt�rte the Bonou�er shall pay
<br /> oPa martgage insurance prcmium)iF they are hrld by the �'��h����anY amount necessary cti mak�u� �h�����y�on
<br /> Secretary of Housing and Urban p�elopmrni�,as follmrs: ar�efore the date when paymsnt ot surb�ouhd renis, taxes,
<br /> ' assessmenu, ar insvrance premiums sP�a1l be due. !t at any time
<br /> (n If accd so long as saiQ note of ei�en date and this instru. the Borrowet sita((tender tn�b,e 1,tty�.r.in z:oozdanx«;th ths
<br /> meni are insurrd C�are reinsured under the provisions of the Na-
<br /> iional Housiag Act.a�ari;aant sufficient to accumu►ewe in tht rtdebtedness represented t�h�f.�th�L�.�:r�sb�l,�in mmputing .
<br /> haads of th.c�c;�ec one(I}cn�nth prior to i[s due dat�e�,'�;�annua! the amount of such inde�tecL,ess,c�pdit�o tht acc:ovnt of the Bor-
<br /> martgage insuraQCe premium in order so provide such ho:�er with rcK�er ai! a
<br /> � funds to pay y�us�Fr�ium to the Secretary uf Housin and Ur- p �ents made�r.u3rx�h=yt;ptiisiflns of(a)of paragraph
<br /> g �tu:aof which the Lend�=r fi.;; n�;�eo�,m�obug�,ted to pay to the
<br /> ban Da'elopmea:�.�tauant to the National Hausing qct, as �S,-r;taryr of Housing and Urban Dt�rebng;rt��art�any balance re-
<br /> amended,and��°sab2e Re�ulations thereunder;or maining in tt-,.c Psnds accumulated ur��n i�e'pro�zsions of(b)of
<br /> ([i) If and so long as said note of even date and this instru• Paragraph 2 hereof. If there shal!bt a defc=�!t un�tr any of the
<br /> meaL are held by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Deti•elop- Provisions of this instrument rrsulting i�a Pnb1i� sal:of the
<br /> ment.a monthly charge(in lieu of'a monga��insurance premium) Premises covered hereby,or if.i�:e Len'��r acquires the pzopeny
<br /> � which shall be in an amount equal to one-t1s�eL'�.tn(1/12)of orte- otherwise after default,the L,�-,�;r s}ya1�apply�at ths timr of the
<br /> h�If{l�2)D¢r centum of the average outstandir.��alance due on ��mmencement of such prc5assiL�,�,,.c�:�.t.the tirrnr the ro
<br /> ����:��.omputed without talcin�.into accour.r delinquencies or °�herwise ac p �y 15 ,
<br /> clu�, the baSa::a�#9,HS,ais�t#i�,ng in eh� funds ac-
<br /> prc����-jrnts: cumula[ed undra-19)af paragraD;�z�:-aaafiis.�,as a credit against ''.:`'��'
<br /> (b? A sum e v2! [he amou:�t uf tr�cipal then rer_�,�inir:� u,r!��d ur��:r<u;�note.
<br /> c� to the ground rents, ii anp, next due,plus the x-uf s:�,a11 property adjust ar.y��y�;�yu ���h���y shall h.3•r�been 1 ,,`
<br /> premiums tha�t u;�;�.x� b�come due and pa�•abl:on policics af ccrz���`;;;nder(a)of paragrapG 2, ` ,
<br /> Gce and other h�m�insuranre cocering th�proper[y,plus taxes ;':,j!�1•�:'
<br /> • r%a�w•,
<br /> and�,�sments next due on the propeny[.-r1l'us estimated by the 4. That the Borrauer�silt pay gra.:ir�3 re�:.•s, taxes,assessm�ents, ,,��;ti�
<br /> L�.�':.*!,Tess all sums alread t= .
<br /> of months to elapse before o e(1)tmo th prioato b etdate ahen or impositions.f orhwh�hLp ori o:s'h:s�tn�been'm3�ges, Gnes. -
<br /> such ground rents,premiums, taxes and assessments aill became hereinbefore, and in defautt thereoY t1r: d.en�:r ma �
<br /> delinquent,such sums to be held by I.,cnder in trust to pay said and that the[�orrou•cr will rom Ti• . -. a y Pay[h:same; =�`
<br /> ,�rr.<nc�renu,premiums, taxes and special assessmencs;and eherefi�r to the I.ender. p D'y �•t«t�th, oF�.•iaf receipu -_
<br /> :?� !+`13 payments rnentioned in the two precedtrtg subse�tions of >-
<br /> � . this paragraph and all payments to b°made undrr the noie S. The Horrosver will pay alt tatss v�ni,P�ma�b�1:ti7•:d upan t=
<br /> securcd haeby shal! be added together,and th:aggre�ate amount rhe Lender's interest in said real est�:r anq imp;os�rmerr.r�, anA
<br /> thercmf sha111re�,�;;;(ry the Borrower cach moneh in a single pay- �'�"�u� may be levied upon thas ir�:i!rum;r,�o�Ihr d-�bt srxr;,;ed
<br /> ment to be app?�xi Ly the Lender to the folI�wing items in the he:�s4. (but only to the exten�tAat s:�•:�i:i r.•�t prohibited by law
<br /> order sec fanb: and only to the extent that such wi;i rga; rr�Rt thls to�n�suriou.$),
<br /> �y�-�� bua excluding any income tax.State��c F'edteal,imposed va
<br /> Aremium charges under the cantrACt oF insurance aith I.ender, and will file the of�eial recri;�z stir�;���3 g��h p�ym:nt �"
<br /> the S�a�erU-ry of Housing and Urban acvefo,;�;n,,or monthly «ivh the Lender. Upon ciolation oY tf::�c,ctercakin�,o> if the
<br /> charge,:n lieu of�artgage insurarrre�remiurn�,,as the case may Br,���wer is prahibitcd by any law n���.o:hereaPter exi arin3 from .�`
<br /> �� :,7is�._
<br /> I�aY��B thc whoJe or any portion o�tT..•a?or�said taYCS.mr upan
<br /> •qTl')grour.d rents,taxes.as�es�ments, fire and ather t��,;,�ard the render;a�n f,¢�,y¢ourt decree pro�::e�ici�,��,th�payrr.en; &�,�h� �
<br /> I�r
<br /> insaranre premiums; 8orrower�;f;,i-;���.i��h taxes, or if s�cD ta•a p;d�cree pso�ides that
<br /> • (111) interest a� the r.�:e s::.ared hereb ; an�"`��',";,U1t° `� 1-4`•d by the 13onower s(:al!be cred::sd on tAe de6t.
<br /> y �p.� -%�`..�.� s`�a:P !:avc the ri��J�r ru give r.:::eiy days' wvirter� nntice
<br /> (It� amortizu>_e�::o�':i',:�+-,c�cipal of sai9 ttute: and to r;��.�e�ser c�'r;e prcmi;cs..t�:y��iring tP.�;payrr.cr.c o�ihr, debt.
<br /> (V) late charges. ��s�.n notice f:�;�v�sn, t;�c szid debr shd:l.be¢ume d�e, payable
<br /> nnd coltectiEle:;r.i:ic:xrira:ion of said r.�.r.cty days.
<br /> . Any deficiency ln the amount�.�+:�.• • gg aate monthly �_�
<br /> a�h a re� -�: •-
<br /> ment shall, unfess made good by �i;�Borrouc: �-ior ta the due �• That shoul:!�?ze E3errc�y�eti-fa:J tn pay any rum ot qc,:
<br /> dateof thr next such payment,coastitute are e�r;s: of dePaulr ��"=�'��P�o�'ided for in ttti� in��e•:Ln�cr.r, then thc 1.enCer,a:�is
<br /> under this mortgage. The l.ender may coltect a "late char�:" n�t °C�ren, may pav nr perform tttc Samc,and al)cx1sendit4rcc so
<br /> to excted foar cents(4�)fal�•�?; ga�lar($1)of eaeh pa3�;•n��.: ,.
<br /> r ��► .
<br /> . , . � i •' •
<br /> �
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