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<br /> , made shalI be added to the princi�l,surie otiring on the abooe 4a. The Borsoner further agrees that shoi:td this insuument and
<br /> � note.shalf be secured hereby, ansi shall bear interest at the rate seF c)e.note secured hereby not 6e eGgible for insurance under the Na-
<br /> forth in the said note. until paid. t:�nal Housing Act ticithin eight months from the date hereof
<br /> • (•a:itten stacement of any ofGcer of the Dtpartment of Housing
<br /> 7. Th3t tt�e Borrov:rr hercf>y assigs:.s,tra�sfcrs ar,d sets ocee co a�r��Uriran de��elopment or authorized agent of the Secretary of ' �
<br /> thr Leader,to be appiied towasd thz pa}znmt of the note and all f[�asing and LTrban Uecetopinent dated subsequent to the eight
<br /> sums secured hereby ia case of a d�fault in che performanee of mB�iths' time fram the date of this instrument,deetining to insure
<br /> any nf the ternu and rnndiuons aS tf�is ieutrument or the said sai�:note and this martgage, being deeme(!conclnsive proQf of �
<br /> � notr,all the rencs.reveaues and'usrornt to be derived From the wctl ineligibiiiry).the Lender or holder of�.he note maY.at iu op-
<br /> said premises dusing such time as•the iadebtedness sl�alI remain c:o�s;deciare all sums secured henby immedia%�ty due and payahle.
<br /> unpaid,and the Lender shalI ha��c poxcr to appoiat any ageIIt cr :�oiirithstandk�g the�'oregoing,t�is opiion s.;�not be exercised-
<br /> � agents it may desire f�r the purppse of repairing said premises aad fcy ehe Lender or the ho:d�c��.iri:.�_ate`wfizn the ineG�'6�1ity for '
<br /> of rrnting the same and coltCCtir�the rents,reti•enaes and income, i�s:vance under th��v's*.iar:�[L�t�.��;Acc�is�uP to the Lettder's
<br /> and it may pay ont af said inca�es alt expenses of repairing said fai•:ire to r�nit ehe mo���Iu:•r.�;,�ee prerafu,-�_to the Qepart-
<br /> � premises and neces�ary commissiims and expenses incurred in ren[- �ent of Housing ar.d.�:rbaa lkkaiopmerit.
<br /> . ing and managing the sum.e and of coliecting reretals cherefrom; .
<br /> the balance remaifling. if any, to be applied toti�•ard the discharge I3. That if the Borroa•er fails!o make any,�ayments of. mraey
<br /> of said in8ebtedness. wrez the same 6ecome due,or f�:Is to confornr to and ams�riy , �
<br /> wi�:Yi•any af the conditior.s or 2gc�,.fnents cantained in this �stru-
<br /> 8. That the Bonok�r will keep tti: impro�•emen�s notiv existinct mer?i,or t6e note w•hich it sz��rw,�hen the entire principa!smn •
<br /> or hereafter erected on tAe prop�c_+s;iIISUred as may be required an�;accrued interess��aIl at once become due-and payable,at the � '
<br /> from time to time by thc Lendee:�.,�ai-�loss L� fire and other election of che l.end-cr `
<br /> hazards.casual[ies and coniingc�:ies�sush amaunts and for s�ch �
<br /> � Periods as may be required by t1r: LetEdef and n•;-11 pay promptly, tiender shall gice notice to t�+r.r:,wer prior to acce�ration . ' •
<br /> when due. any premiums on sac[�.irrs�arance pro�:sian for paymear fol���sin�Bonower's 6reach Ct::r._r;�:ovenant or agreement in this •
<br /> of which�s aot beea made h:reireTxfore. All irisurance shaif be in5trt�ment (but noc r-ior t�ac�t��tion i:,-�r��Saragraph 12
<br /> � carriPd i+:�;�npanies apyroved tiy-tl�, Lendec and the policie�an�: un?4^ss applicable la,,•�rcovides otherwise). 'i7ir�rzc�uce shall specify: '
<br /> renewalsti;r•rr:of shall be he�d by-the L.ender and have at�ached (.a)the default• (b)r•!,J:"acuan required to r,x��i�:default;(c)a �
<br /> thereto tass payable ctauses in fn�-or oi and in form acceptabte ta da:�, not tess than c:3 days frnm L�:e da;e;�:.�;�ce is givea to �
<br /> the Lender. In event of loss Barrower �ill giie immediate no[ice FJoJratter. by which tfie default�,�r l+e�;,n.:,t;;,L;�(d)tha�failure
<br /> by mail to the Lertder, who ma}•.make proof of toss if not made t�qur:tbe dePault oa or before•J�a,i�.c.:�Fr�.,�,ie� in the noticx
<br /> promptly by Borrower. and each irsurnnce company cancerned i. r,:iay result in aece'�;�;�on af the sams sec�,,r�xi[;`this instrurteent •;.;;:
<br /> hereby authorized and directed [p crt.b:;payment for such loss anCF sale af the Fr��a^f. The notice shaU furtRer inForm Borrower • �.;�,
<br /> directly to the Lender instead aS:[�a.t�:;Barrou�er and the Lender of the right to rei�•r,ire after acceleration and the right to bring a
<br /> . jointty,and the in.surance procc�e;ts, n�=*�.:.�:: Fwr iliereof, may be cacrt a.�K='on to assest the ndn-exis[ence of a default or any other • � �
<br /> , applied by the l.ender ac icy o��in;�ei�n..c�±lt_c:,�uction of[he defensc�f 6orrou•e�co acceleration and sale. If the defau(t is not
<br /> indebtedness hereby sec,�-ec�o: tb�h:���ra:i-.:, cr repair of che cu:ed on ar before drA date specified in the notice. Lender at its �.;�;��
<br /> property���.aged. In event of fa:�.las�_re of i�is instrument or o�tion�nay reyuire:.-�nmediate payment in full of all sums secured ' • -
<br /> ot her tca,.*�s?':s.o f iitle to[he mort�agr�property in ex[inguishment by this instrument without farther demand and may invoke the F�•�
<br /> of the:;���:eda�h s�cured herety. ait right,tide and interese of poa�er of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabte law. --
<br /> ch: Ba:-aw er in_a,-i:l��a any in4utnnce poticies then in force st►a11 Lrader shalt be entitled to collect alE expenses incurred in pursuing
<br /> �755 Cd.SF;� purcha,:o;��antee.. tr� remedies provided in ihis paragraph 13, including.but not =
<br /> lirnited to,reasonable attarneys' fees and costs of tittc evidence. � -
<br /> . 9. i�;a� as additional and co1!#tc�:z: security for the puyment of ,
<br /> , the note described,ar.�allsums tc��ar:ome due under this instru- If the pa«�er oi s�'se is incoked, Trustee shall record a notice oF ���
<br /> menf,the Borrower he=:by assigr�,a the Lenuer al!prof�ts, defuutt in each counry in�vhich a,.y pan of the Pro�seny is �ac,ated `
<br /> revenues,rayutties, ri�^:�;ar.d bene�ts aceruing tu ihe Borrawer 271tI Sh�I t'i31I�c�pies oi such notitx;�the manner prescrihacf.i�y
<br /> under any and aN �il a:G gas Icases on said premi5es.with the a�plicable law to L'��rrower and!+.;r.+.ie other�ersnns precrtisc�by
<br /> , right to receive and receipt for th:s:�e and apply them to said aoplicable lau. ,tili�; ;.ye time required by 2�nti�xt5lt la�v,Trustee
<br /> indebted:.:ss as well beforo as after d:Fault in the conditions of shall give public�;�;ui�:of sale to the persons:ur�i,in the manner
<br /> this instrc.:-r.ent,and the L.ender rr,a}demand, sue for and recovcr ptesrribed by ap�S�;,a�le law. Trustee. withaut demand on Bor-
<br /> , any such payments wb��due and payable. but shall not be re- rotscr,shail se11 the Property at public auctian to the highest bid-
<br /> quired so to da. Th:s<usi3rt-::.�t i3 to terminate and becomc null der at che�ir:ic�nd place and under the terms designated in the
<br /> and void upon release cr�tF:;�c�Er�,;;-:Zent. r.otice af sale in a�.�or more parcets and in any ord�r Trustce '�•
<br /> �ietermines. Tr�sr.��:inay postpone sale of all or any parcel of the �,
<br /> 10. '�'h;sx.r;ze Borrower will keep,:�;e�uitdings upon said premises Property by pu�'.i-:::�nouncement at the time and place of any f
<br /> in goe�:rc�yair. and neither commit nvr permit uaste upon said previuusly scheduictii sale. l.ender ar its designee may purchase che
<br /> tartd. nor sufPer the said premises to bc used far any unlutivful Property at any sale. '"
<br /> purpose. .
<br /> Upon recei��t c�f��;i,�ment of'the price bid,Tnr.stee shail deii fer �
<br /> 11. TF:•.�r, t 6 thc premi�es.or zr,�.y �;r.r thcreof, b�c�ndcmncd to the pur:ha.cr Ti�kt�.c's deed conveying tlie Pttli:erty. The
<br /> under r,f:�.Gr.�wer of eminent dom�ir,,.�r acquired for a publir us�. recitals in the Ti•;�;i��:•s deed shall be prima fi;��r r:t•idente of'thc
<br /> the dar.t�es awarded,t�e praeetl9 for the taking of, or the cun• truth cr t:ic statcinents made sGerein. Trustee Eltall apply ih�:pro- �
<br /> sideratipn Por such acq•;:;yltion, tb tha exient of the full amount of ceeds ef Hze sa!e in tfie folto«ing order: (a)to ail expensys af the
<br /> indebtednass u�son t bis�i�:r:2�mer.r,and ehc note which it is givPn s�� sale, iuitiuiin,s, i2at not limired to. Trustee's fees as permitr•r.i by
<br /> . secure rer,:�:sting un;,�:�,are hereby assigi�ed by the Borro�ver ec• applicabic 1a•�: :;;:�j ��;�sonablr aitarneys' fees; (F;)to al!sums —
<br /> � the Ler,d,:r. and shal!be paid it+r�hwith to said Lender to be ap• securcd by thiti�xy;�irit y Instrument;and(c)any ex<<ess�o the per- '
<br /> plied by t":r; t�t(er on acruunt oF�the next maturing installments�;f son ur persons leg��l;� entitled to it. •
<br /> .. such indebtcdncss.
<br /> �
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