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<br /> . "---_.� � �_�.�.�ti'►Ci'P.'_:��.`_.�_�1.1 b.a��,.'� - �G�i.:':":'r':�='��'f'�Z�I 74"`-"�.:_a,yZ.b..-S�L.x.�2ti�a� v ,I.,,Y� �•.��1 .�t��, t'�... t: :.,<'sa`�'(v'S��S�iii=a '`'�:�:ti...0�..,..
<br /> � :�'l�itY'��SilACdil�Yd�Flhli�T`mi �� 7IC� -`-�`d."1�i�'�Y%L'� �
<br /> . � � , � __` . . .�
<br /> Stats of Nebraaka Deed of Trust FHACiy�NO,
<br /> � .
<br /> .� 5'[�is 1kN oi Tnsl.("Security tnstrume�c")is made on January 26, �.,,,. ��Q�4
<br /> . E �9 9Q .�rne�ruscor�s Bruce �t. Schor�.� and Barbara E. Srhorle, husban a a n d
<br /> w�fe t��8orrower�•�. Ti�cm,s�a is. Wayne L: Millsap
<br /> � E"Trustee"3•Thc bent�ciaty is
<br /> y .which is or�nized and exist�ng
<br /> under the laws of THE-STX'FE �OF RHODE ISLANQ and whose addras is 125 Edst Sr�ells St�'eet
<br /> . M�iwaukee, Wisconsan S3282 ����.ender�•�.
<br /> Wit�e�el�: That the Barrower in consideratior�of the debt and[rust hert��f.ter describa!and created,and ihe sum oi One Dollar
<br /> � {31);[o him in hand p=id by the Trusta. che receipt of whicA is':e�cby aci�c��iedged, does by these presents gsant,bar�n aad sell,
<br /> - �'_ convey and oonfirm.unto the Trustee, forever.all of the follo�:-:��cscribed rtal eseate,situated tying and 6eing irs the Cuunty of
<br /> ,. .:.;.
<br /> Hdll ,and State of IHebraslca,ta tvh:
<br /> � �;.;;::,: Th� $a�,:�h Twenty Three {23} feet of Lot Six� (6) a�d the Northerly Thirty
<br /> - � Seven :rt�?� feet of Lot S�ven (7) , ���ek Thirteen G13) , West Park Addition
<br /> . � �' tv the.�;..i�y c�, Grand Island, Na11 County, �tebraska
<br /> . .
<br /> � , , . ,
<br /> ( '
<br /> , �
<br /> i • �
<br /> �
<br /> � _ . i _
<br /> � �'-
<br /> which has the address of 1015 i�, Haneoak, Grar��3 island �
<br /> �,ura� 1a�v► . -
<br /> Nebr,uka 68803 ('°Property Address"); , , .-
<br /> )��p c�as , , ._
<br /> , �
<br /> ' To Hs��at�bw To Ho10 the premises:�Jhove described. with aii fize appurtenances thereuct�.+:�2anging aad includir,�;�'3 heating. � �
<br /> • �; plumbing a��C t;ighting fixtures and equipmenc now or hereafter ar:ached to or used in conn:�tion witr >�;��real estate unto the '
<br /> . � Trustee. and to its successors and assigns, Porever. The 8orrower represents to,�nd covenants with.t?:vs'r'sustee, that the Borrower
<br /> , has good right to sell an�convey said prem4ses; that ihey are frce from er_c,:m.i?r;uice;and that the Horrower will waaant and defend
<br /> the samt against thc lawful claims of all persons whomsoever;anw tF:e said �i:v:�:ower here�;r rclinquishes al)rights of homestead,end '•
<br /> r�.. ! alt muieal ri�';�s.either in law or in tqaity, a�d aU ot{ier contt��c�:,�interests of the Borrca�r in and to the abovadescribed premises. � �;
<br /> .�,,.,
<br /> f�� . � the intentimi Cre'sng�o com•ey hereby an absotute titie, in fee sias.gi:e•,incluQing all rights of i�omestead, and other rights and interests � � ;,�
<br /> as aPoresaid. �
<br /> i —
<br /> -_ ProrMer AIwa3•s,and these presents arc exccut�.d.:wsd dclivered unto the Tr�stee, in trost, however:or the following purposes: � �__-
<br /> , Whereas.the Borrowe� on thc 26th ,��t Qp January � �g 90 ,�rrowed from �hc l.ender •
<br /> �hesumof Thsrty Qne Thousand Eigh�y L%r,cllars & no/Ob------�-----------_______ �
<br /> —"---"--""--"------�--��--�•--Dollurs i8 31,080.00 ),for which . :
<br /> sum ehe Borrower has exccuted and delevered to the L�nder Borrowcr'sp romissory note at even date, bearing
<br /> interat at the rate of Tt3D & OA� HSlfper uer;tum( 10.5U re)per annum on e.hc unpaid balanct tntif�aid.
<br /> The said principal and ir,retcst shall bc payabie at the oiPice of Fleet Martqage Carporation
<br />_ ;; �n Mf 1w�U:�p�•� 4`I��SCpflg j,ri ,or at.sLCF�otNer place as the holder of the note
<br /> . may designatr.1n-xr;rir�;; u+, monthly installments oP Tw� Nundred Diinety 'Thr�e � �a/00---------=
<br /> 13s�liars(� 293�95 ), commenc�ng un thc`�;-�r.dn,>oP March
<br /> I9 90 and on the firs'e tlay oi cac�i month thercaftcr until the principat and intrrest arr full y paid,es c e p t t h a t t h e f i n a l p a y m e n t o f
<br /> princip�l and interest.it'not sooner paid.shali bc clue an�payabic on the�rst day of February ,
<br /> Zo 15 . .
<br /> �- = TM�torm la used in conneeUon with mongages insured undar 1he ona•to four•famity programs ot the Natlona► Housinp Act w�ich pra•
<br /> vide for periodic MortQaye Ins�rance Premium payments. . � ,, ..� , ____„___ _
<br /> _ Ftirm S�1Up•l21�•DT 110•87 Edition! �
<br /> Pago 1 ot 5 2dCFR 2a3.t7(a1 �
<br /> Roprinted2•88 ' .
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