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2� 1 ��812� <br /> intieres� from the date of disbursement at �he same rate assessed or� advances under �he �vntrac� and sha�l be <br /> payable,v�rith interest,upon�.�tzce fram Lender�o Borro�ver re�ues�ing paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender�r i�s agent may make reasonab�e en�r�es upon and inspec�ions �f the Praper�y. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Borrovv�r�ot�ce at#he�ime af ar prior�o an ir�spection spe��fyxng rea�anab�e cause far the znspection. <br /> Cvndemnatian.The praceeds of any award�r c�a�m f�r damages, d�rect or consequen�ial,in Gox�.ectizo�x vvi�h any <br /> co�xdemna�ion or other�aking flf any par�of�he Property, or for c�nveyance in��eu of�ondemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> In the event of a total taking �f�he Property, �he proce�ds shall be app��ed �o the sums se�ured by �his Security <br /> Ins�rument, whether or not �hen due, �ri�h azay ex�ess paid to Barrovv�r. �n �he even� of a par�ia� �aksng af�he <br /> Property�n v�rhich the fa�r market value ❑f the Praperty immedia�ely before �he �ak�ng is equal �o ar greater than <br /> �he am�un� �f the sums se�ured by this Securxty �ns�urnen� immedia�e�y befare �he takzng, unless Borrawer and <br /> Lend�r o�herWvise agre��n tivri�ing,the sums seCured by this Se�urzty�ns�rument shal�be reduced by the arn.aur�.t of <br /> �he praceeds mu�tiplxed by�he folXo�w�ng frac�iQn: �a}�he�a�al amaunt of the sums secured�mmedia�ely bef�re�he <br /> �aki.n.g, d�vided by �b} �he fair mar�et value af�he Property immed�a�ely befare the ta��.g. Ax�y balance sha��be <br /> paid �o Borrower. �n the event af a part�al �aking of the Proper�y in wh�ch �he fair mar�e�va�ue �f the Property <br /> immediate�y before the �a��ng is less than the amour�t of the sums secured �n�rnediatel�r��fore the �a.�ir�g, un�ess <br /> Borrov�rer a�d Lender other��e agree ��wri�ing ar u�a�ess Applicab�e Law o�herwise provides, �he praceeds sha�I <br /> be applied to�he sum�secured by this Security Ins�rumen�w�ether or nat the sums are then due. <br /> If the Praperty�s aband�ned by Borrower, or if, after n�t�ce by Lender to Borro�ver tha��he condemnar offers �o <br /> m.ake an avvard or set�le a c�a�m for damages, Borrawer fails to resp�nd to Lender wi�h�n the m�n�mum number vf <br /> da�s es�ablished�y App�icab��Lavv after the date the�.fltice is g�ven,Lender is authorized to co��ec�and app�y the <br /> proceed�, at i�s apti�n, ei�her to restara�ian ar repair of the Proper�y or �o the sums secured by �his 5ecur�ty <br /> Ins�rument,whe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and I3orrower o�herw�se agree in writ�ng, any applicati�n af�ra�eeds ta principa� sha�l no�extend <br /> or pa��pan�the due da�e of�he paymen�s due under rhe�on�ract or change�h.e amQun�af su�h paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Not Re�eased; FQrbearance By Lender N�� a Waiver. Ex�ension of the time for paymer�� or <br /> modif ca�ion of amortization �f�he sums se�ured by this Securi�y Instrumen� �-anted by Lender �o B orrovver or <br /> any successor in in�erest of BorroWer sha1� r�ot opera�e �a release �he Iiab����y of �he or�g�nal Borra�rer ❑r <br /> Borro�ver's successors in in�eres�. Lender shall nat be requzred�.o commence proceedings agains�a�ay successor�n <br /> in�eres�or refuse��ex�ez�d�im.e f�r paymen�or otherwise modify amart�zation of the sums secured by thts Secur��y <br /> �ns�trurnen� �y r�ason of any demand made by �he �rigzna� Borrower �r Barrower's succ�ssars in in�erest. Any <br /> farbearax�.ce by Lender i.n exerciszng any right�r remedy sha�� no�be a wai�rer of or prec�ude the exercise of any <br /> righ��r�em.edy. <br /> Success�rs and Assigns Bvund; Joint and Severa� L�ability; Accommadation Signer�. The cavenants and <br /> agreements of th�s Se�uri�y�ns�rumen� sha��bind and be�ef��he successors and ass�gns �f Lender and Barrov�rer, <br /> sub�ec� �a the prov�s�ar�s of sec��an ti�led Transfer af the I�roperty or a Bene�c�a� In�erest in Barrower. <br /> Bo�-ravv�r's�ovenan�s�nd agre�m�ri�s sha��be j o�nt and severa�. Any person who co-szgns this Security�nstrument <br /> but has no persona� �iabi��ty under �he �ontxac� �"Accammodation S�gr�er"�: �a} is cQ-sig�.iang �his Securzty <br /> �ns�rumen� �n�y ta mar�gage, grant and convey tiha� Acc�mmodat�on Signer'� in�eres� in the Property under �he <br /> terms of �he Secur�t� �nstrument; �b� is no� persona��� ob�iga��d to pay the sums secured by �h�s Securi� <br /> �nstrumen�; and t�� agrees�ha�Lender arid any ath�r Barrawer may agree to extend, modzfy, farbear ar make any <br /> accommoda��ans w��h regard ta�he terms of thi.s Secur��y Instrumen�nr the Contra��vvi�aout that Accommoda�zon <br /> Sxgn�r's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �oan secured b� �his 5e�urity Instrumen� zs su�a�eG� to a lav� vcjhich se�s max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and tha�lavv is f na�Iy in�erpre�ed s�that the �n��res�or other loan charges co��ected vr�o be co�lected in <br /> connec�inn tiv�.th �he loan ��ceed �he permi�ted 1imi�s, then: �a} any such loan �harge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amvun�nece�sary to r�du�e the �haxge �o the perm7itted l�mi�s and (b� any sums already c���ected from Barrower <br /> vc�hich exceeded perm�t��d l�m�.ts vv��� be refivaded �� B�rro�er. Lender may choase �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducing �he przncipa� a�ved under�he C�n�rac� Qr by making a direc�pa�ment�o B�rrower. If a refund reduces <br /> princzpal,the reducfixon w�i��be trea�ed as a partzal prepayment under the Con�rac�. <br /> No�ices. Any na�ice t� Borravver prov�ded f�r in th.�s Security �ns�ru�men� shal� be g��en by de�iveruxg i� or by <br /> mai�ing�t by f rs�c�ass mai�tu��ess App��cab�e Law requ�r�s use of another meth�d. The no�ice sha��be d�rected�o <br /> tihe Prapert�Address ar any other address B�rrower des�gnates b�notice to Lender. Borrov�er agre�s to pravide <br /> Lender with Barrower's mos� curren�mailing address, as i� may change from tim�--t�-�ime. Any x�a�ic� t� Lender <br /> sha��be g�ven by first class mail�o Lender's address s�ated her�in or any other address Lender des�gnates by no�ice <br /> �o Borrov�er. Ar�.y n�tice provided for in�his Secur�ty�nstrument shall be deemed�v have been given�o Barrovver <br /> or Lender When given as provided�n�h��paragraph. <br /> �overnxng Law; Sev�rabil��ty.T��s Security Ins�rument sha11 be gaverned by federal Iavv and the laws of�he sta.te <br /> of Nebraska. �n the event�ha� any prnvision �r c�ause of thi�s Secur��y Instrumen� or the G�n�ract conflic�s vv'�th <br /> Appli�able Law, such ��r�fl�ct shal� na� affec� a�her pravisions of�h�s Secur��y Instrument ar the Con�rac�wh�ch <br /> can be given effe�t w��hou�th�canfl�c�ing prav�s��n. T��h�s end the provis�ons of�his Securi�y�nstrument and the <br /> �ontrac�are d��lared�o be se�erab�e. <br /> Bflrr�wer's Capy.Borrawer sha��b�g�ven one copy af th�s Secur�ty�nstrument. <br /> Q 2a0�-�O l S Compliance Systems,I�c.6�8A-5DT3D-2�� l 5 <br /> C�r�sumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2D3d Fage 3��'S www.campliaz� <br />
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