2� 1 ��812�
<br /> Paymen.t af P���nc�pa�arnd In�ex•est, �ther�h�rge5,Borra�wer shal�promp��y pay�when due�he pr�ncipa�of and
<br /> inter�st��n th��d�bt owed under�l�e�on�ract and��.��charges ar any other f�es and charges due under the�ont�ac�.
<br /> Applicable L��w. As used in this Security �n�trumen�, �h� tern� °'Applzcab�� Law" sha11 mean a�� con�rol�u�g
<br /> applic�ble federal, sta�e and �aca� sta.tutes, regula�zons, �rdinances and adn�i�istxa�ive rules and orders (�aat have
<br /> the�ffe�:�of Ia��v�as we11�as a��a�pl��able f�nal,n��.-appea�ab�e judicial Qpin.ions.
<br /> �harge;�; Li���S. �orrower sha1l pay all taxes, a�sessments, chaxges, fin�s and impos�t�ans a�tr�bu�ab�e �� �he
<br /> Proper�ty��vhicr�may a��ain prz�rity over this 5ecurity Instrumen�, a�d leas�hnld paymen�s or gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> A�the r�;ques�t�f Lender,Borr�wer shall pramptly�urnish�a Lender receip�s ev�denc�ng�h.�pa�men�s.
<br /> BorravvE.r sha�1 promptl�dischar�e any lien which has pri�rity���r�his S�cur�ty Ins�rument unless B�rra�ver: �a)
<br /> agrees i�r� writing �o �he paym.er�� of the obligati�n secured by th� lie� �n a ma�ua.er accep�ab�e to Lender; (b}
<br /> con�es�s in g�C�d fazth th� lien b�, or defends a�ainst enfarcement of the lien in, legal proce�dings vvhich in �he
<br /> Lender's opini4�n operate �a pre��ent �he enforc�ment af the l�en; or �c� s�Cu�es fram �he ho�der of�he �i�n an
<br /> agreement sati�fac�ory t� Lender subordina�ing�he �ien to �h�s S�curity�ns��rur�en�. If Lender de�ernv.x�es�ha�any
<br /> par�of t�he Pr�pe�-ty �s subject to a x�en tivhich rnay a�tain pr�orifiy o�rer �h�s Se�urity xnstrument, Lender rnay give
<br /> BorrQtiv�.r a����ice �dentifying the Iien. Borrovver shall satisfy the �ien or�ake one or xnQre of th� a�tions set for�h
<br /> above vvithin ].�J days af the gi�r�ng❑f na�ice.
<br /> Ha�ard or�r�per�y InSuranee� Borrov��r shal�keep �he improverr�en�s no�v ex�s��ng or hereaf�er erec�ed on�he
<br /> Property��nsur�,d against loss by fre,hazards included vvi��in the terrn"extended coverage" and any Qther hazards,
<br /> inc��xd�.n.t� flaods Qr flooding, for tivhich Lend�r requires insura.nc�. This insurance shall be maintained in the
<br /> am�un�s and f�r the periods�hat Lender requir�s. The insu.�ance ca.rrier providir�g the�nsurance sha��be ch�sen by
<br /> Borro�v6r��r su�j4�c� to Lender's ap.pr�val which shall not be unreasanably vUithheld. �f Barrov�er fa��s �o maintain
<br /> coverag�, de�c�-ibed above, Lenc�er may, a� L,ender's apti�n, obtain cnvera�e to pro�ect Lender's rights in the
<br /> Property in accordance w��h sect�on t��led Protection of Lend�r's�Z.ights in the Property.
<br /> A11 insurance policies and ren�wals shal� be acceptable to Lender and s�.all inciude a standard martgage clause.
<br /> Lender s�ha1l have the r�ght tv ho�d�he policies and renew�.�s. �f Lende�-req�a�res, Bflrro�ver sha11 prompt�y give�o
<br /> Lender����receip�s of paid pr�miums ant�renewa��.a�ices. �n�he ev�n��f�o�s, Barra�v�r shall g�ve prnmp�not�ce
<br /> to�he�n.�uran��;carrier and Lend�r.L�nder may tr�ake pro�f af Ioss if nfl�made promptly by B�rrower.
<br /> I�nl�ss Ilender and Borrawer at�1e�-vv�se agr�e in writ�ng, insuranc� proce�d� sha�� b� app�ied to restora�ian or
<br /> repair of'the P:roperty damaged, if, in Lender's sole discre�ion, the res�ora��an ar repa�r is econorn�ca��y feasible
<br /> and Len��er's s�:curi�y�s nflt lessuned. If, in Lender's sflle discretifln, the re��ora��ion ar repair is not econom�ca�Iy
<br /> feasible�ar LcnE3er's secur�ty wauld be lessened,th�insurance pr�ceeds sha�l be app�ied t�the sums secured by�his
<br /> 5ecur��y Inst�ument, vvhether or nat �hen due, v�ith any �XCC55 �]�.lC� t� Barrawer. �f Borravver aband�ns �he
<br /> Proper�r,�r does not ans�rer wi#k���the number of days prescr�bed by App�ic�b�e Lativ as se�for�h i�a no�ice from
<br /> Lender�Ea Borrovt�er�hat the insu:�rance carrier�as offered to se�tle a claim, then I.ender xnay c�ilec�the �nsurance
<br /> proceed��. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repair or res�are �he Property �r�o pay sums se�ured by this Secu.rity
<br /> �nstrument,wh��her�r not�hen��ue.The per�od of�me for Barrative�-to ans�ver as se�for�h in the natice vv�l�begin
<br /> vvhex�the no��ce is given.
<br /> Unless L�ender and�orrawer othrrwise agree in vvrxting, any app�i�at��n af pr�ceeds�o principal shal�na�ex�end
<br /> or p�stp�3ne th�; due da�e af�he payments due under�he �on�rac��r change�he amoun�af�he pa�en�s. �f under
<br /> the sec�i��n��tled A��eierafifln; Ftemedies, fhe Pr�per�y is acqu�red by Lender, B�rrower's righ�to any insurance
<br /> p��icies �and proceeds resul��ng ��am damage to the Property prior to �he acquis��ion sha�I pass to Lender ta the
<br /> ex�e�t of'the su-ms secured hy t.�is Security�nstrument irnmediately prior�o��e acqu�si�ifln. .
<br /> Preser���tivn, Mai�tena�.ce an�3 Prot�c�ion uf the Pr�pert�; �orro�v�r's L�an Appx�catron; Leas�ho�ds.
<br /> B�rrou��r shall no�des�roy, damage or im.pair th�Property, a��ovv�he Property�fl de�eri�ra�e, �r co�nrn�t waste an
<br /> �he Pr����r�y.�3�arro,t7ver shal�be in defaul�if any forfeit�t�r-e a�ti�n or pro�eeding,vvhe�her c��i�or criminal,is begun
<br /> �hat in Lender'� good fai�h judgmen� could result �n forfeiture of the Prap�rty ar othe��ris� materially�mpair the
<br /> lren Created by� this Security In�trument ar Lender's security inte�est. Borro�er may cure such a defau�� and
<br /> reinstate, as provid�d in section ti�led Borr�yver's �ght to Reinst�te, by�ausing the ac��on or proc�eding ta be
<br /> d�srr�isset�w�#h a ruling that,in Lunder's good fai�h determinatian,pr�c�udes f�rfeiture of the Barrovtrer's in�erest in
<br /> the �'roper�y ot� ��h�r ma�eriai impairmen� of the �ien crea�ed by this Securi�y Ins�ru.men� or L�n�er's security
<br /> �nteres�.��orrav��er shali alsa be in defaul�if Bo�~r-ower,during the i�a�app�xca��on process,gav�mat�r�ally false or
<br /> inaccura�e info��mation or statem�n�s �a Lender �or fa�led to pr�vxde Lender �vith any maxer�al informat�an} �n
<br /> con�ec�if�n�v�tr��the �oan evidenc�d by the Contra��. If thi� Security�ns�ru�nen�is on a I�asehold, BorrovSrer sha��
<br /> com�ly vv�th aII the provisions af the�ease. �f Bo�-roWer acquires fee�i��e to�h��'r�perty,�he Ieasehold and the fee
<br /> tit�e sha1l n�t rn�erge un�ess L�nder agrees t�the merger in v�r���ng.
<br /> Prote���on of :Lender's R�ghts �n the Praper�.y. �f Borrovtrer fails to perform the cavenants and agreemen�s
<br /> con�azne�i�n this Securi�y�nstrumen�, or�here is a legal praceeding that may significant�y affect Lender's rights in
<br /> the Prop��r�y �sl�ch as a proceeding in ban.kruptc�r, proba�e, for condemnatiQn flr forfeiture or �� enf�rce �avvs or
<br /> regu�a�io�zs), th�n Lender may do and pay far vvhatever �s necess�ry to p�rotect the value af�he Praper�y and
<br /> Lender's righ�s i�n the Properry. L�nder's a�tians may include paying any surr�s secured by a iien urhich has priori�y
<br /> over this 5ecurity Inst�ument, appearing in�our�,pay�ng reasanable attarneys'fees and entering on�.he Praperty to
<br /> make repairs..A��haugh Lender may�ake ac�ian und�r�h�s sec�ian,Lender d�es no�ha�ve to do s�.
<br /> A.ny amounts d:isbursed b� Lender under th�s sectinn shal� become addi��onal de�t of Borro,wer secured by �his
<br /> Securi�y �ns�rurraent. Unless Bor��ower and Len�.er agree to �ther t�erm� of paymen�, these amvu.n�s shai� bear
<br /> C�z�04-2415 C'ampliance Systems,Inc.�18A-fiDDD-Z415,I2.3.1.1 I I5
<br /> CQns�mer Rea1 Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Page 2❑f 5 www.camplianGesystems.cam
<br />