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2� 1 ��812� <br /> Tr�nsf�r of t��e Property or a�Benef�cial I��ere�t in Borrawer.�f a�l or any par�of�he�raperty ar any interest <br /> in i� is sold or. transferred �or ��'a beneficial interest in Borr�vver is so�d ar transferred and Bflrrtiwer is not a <br /> natural �aerson} without Lender'� prior wr�tte�. �onsent, Lender ma�, a� ��s op�i�n, require immediate paym�nt in <br /> fu�� of aI1 sur��s se�ured by this Security �ns�t�n�nt. H�wever, �h�s �pti�n sha11 no� be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is pro:hib��ed by federa�law as of�h�date of th�s Security Ins�rumeL��. <br /> If Lend�r exe�:'C15�5 ��.115 4�J�1�I1, Lend�r sha�� give Borrower notice of accelerati�n. The natice sha�� prflvide a <br /> per�od of n�� :�ess than �he mui.nirnum number �f days established �y Appl�c�.ble Law from the da�e �he na�ice �s <br /> delivered or mai�ed vvithin which Barrovver mt�s� pay al� sums secured by th�s Security Iristrumen�. �f B�rroWer <br /> fai�s �n �pay th��se sums pri�r t� �he expira�ion flf this period, Lend�r ma�r invake any remed�es permitted by this <br /> S ecurity Ins�umen�v�ri�hout fur��er no�i ce or dema�d gn B on Qwer. <br /> BQrrowerTs R.ight �� Reinstate. Zf Borr�v�er meets cer�ain conditians, Borr�wer sha1l have th� righ� �o have <br /> enf�rcernen�o�f�hi� 5ecurity �ns�:rumen� disco��inued at a�y tzme prior to th� earlier af: �a} 5 �ays �or such other <br /> peri�d as App]icable Laur may specify for reinsta�exnen�}befQre sal�of the Pr�per�y pursuant�a any power af sa�e <br /> containe:d in �h�s Security �nstrument; or �b� e�try of a judgment er�farcing th�s Security Ins�rumen�. Thase <br /> cond�tions axe �ha�B orr�wer: �a} p ays Lende� all sums w hich �hen vvou�.d be due ur�.der this S ecur�t� Inst�t�.me�� <br /> and�he+Can�ract as if no acceler�.tion had accurred;�b}cures any default af any o�her covenan�s�r agr�emen�s; (c} <br /> pay�a�l expen�>es incurred�n enfQrcing thxs Sec�.r�ty Instrument,�ncluding,but no��imited�o,reasonable a�tarneys' <br /> fee� t� �he ex��:nt p�rm�.�ted by��v�; and �d� takes such act�an as Lender may reasanably require�a assure tha�the <br /> lien af�nis Sec;ur�ty Instrumen�,��ender's righ�s�n the Property and Borr�Wer's�bliga�iQn��pay�h� sums �ecured <br /> by �h�s :�ecurity Ins�rumen� sha�� cantinue unchanged. Up�n rei.nstatemen�by Borro�wer, this 5ecur�ty Instrt�men� <br /> and �he ob�iga��ions secured her�by shaXX r�main fully effe�ctive as i�'n� ac�e�eration had occurred. Hawe�er, �his <br /> righ����reins�a�te sha��no�app�y�n�he case�f accelera�ian u.nder th�secti�n�i��ed Transfer af th�Property�r a <br /> Benefici�a�Ixatr�rest�n Bor�-oyver. <br /> Ha�ardsvus �u�bstances.Borrower sha��no�cause or permi�the presence,use, disposal, storage, or release af any <br /> Ha�ardo�us Sul�s�ances on flr�n�he Praper�y.Bflrro aver sha��not d�,x�or alla�w anyone else to do,an�hing affecting <br /> the Pro�er�y ���at is in v�o�at�on af any Env�ronmental Lavv. The p�eceding �wo sen��nces �haXl not appl�t� �he <br /> presenc�,use,��r s�arage on�he�r�perty of sma�l quan��ties of Hazardaus 5ubsta.nces that are genera�ly recQgnized <br /> �o be appropr�a�te�a narma�resid�n�ia�uses and t�ma�ntenance of�.e�roper�y. <br /> Borrovv�r sh�.�I promptly g��e L���der writ��n no�ice of�riy in�restiga��on,c�air�,demand,�a�vsuit ar��her ac�ion by <br /> any gov�rnxner��a1 ar regulatiory �.gency or priv�.te part�y invalv�ng the Pr�perty and any Hazardaus 5ubs�ance or <br /> Enviro�a.�.nenta� Law af which �3orrower has actual kn�vv��dge. If Borrov�er �earns, or �s no�ifed by any <br /> gavernrr.�ental c3r regula�vey autharity,�hat any r�mo�a� or other rem�dia�ion of any�Iazardous Subs�ance affec�ing <br /> the Praper� �s ne�essary, Borro,t7ver shall prompt�y take aIl necessary remedxal ac�ians in accardan�e �w�th <br /> Environmemtal Law. <br /> As used in�his par�.graph, "Hazardaus 5ubs�ances" are�h�se subs�anc�s d�fned as taxxc or hazardous substances <br /> by Env��r�nmez��al L,avv and the follo�t7v�ng subs�ances:�ine, k�rosene, o�her flammable or �oxic pe�rn�eum <br /> produc�s, taxic pes�icides and h�rbicides, volatile so�vents, mat�r�a�s cantaining asbestos or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radi�act�.ve mat.erials.As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Environmen�al La�v" means federal Iaws and laws of the state of <br /> Nebrask�tha�rela�e ta health,safe�y or env�ro�men�al pr�tectian. <br /> Acce��rat�on; Rerr�edies. Lend�r sha�� g�ve n�tice to Bflrrawer �ri�r to a�celeration follow�ng Borro�ver's <br /> breach�f any cov�nant vr agreemen��n this�e�ur�ty Instrum�nt or t��Contract under wh�c�acce��ration <br /> i5 p�r�nitted ���ut r�o�prior�o a��elerati�n und�r the sectinn tY���d Transf�r of the Property ar�BQnef�cial <br /> Inter�st�n Bfll�-ro�ver, un�ess A�pixcable Law pravides otherwise)e The no���e shal� specxfy: ��� the defau�t; <br /> �b} the a�ti�rn requ�red to cure th� d�fault; {c} a date, no� Iess �ha� �he minimum numb�r of days <br /> establi5ried by Ap�licab�e Law from the dat��hQ noti��is gxven ���orrawer,by which the d�fault rr�u�t be <br /> cured; a�nd �d;� that fa�lure ta cure the default �m �r befflre �h� d�te sp�ci�ed �n �he no�ice may resu�� xn <br /> acc��eration �f th� sums se�ured by thfs S�curxty In�trument ar�� �a�.Q of the Property. "�'o the e�tent <br /> perm�t��d �y�aw, the notice shal�further i�form BQrrovver �f�he r�ght�� rexns�ate af�er accelera�x�n and <br /> the righ�to bring�.�our�ae�iorn ta a5ser�the non-existen�e of a default�r any other defense flf Borr�w�r�o <br /> acc��eration a��d sale. If the de�au�t is nat �ur�d on ar bef�re th€e d�te �pe�ified in the not�ce,Lender �t i.ts <br /> opti�� r�nay re�quxre immedxate paymen� ��. f�I� �f all sums secur�d b� �h�s Security Instrument v�vfthvu� <br /> fur��ier {d�m�rnd ar�d may invv�e the po�ver af�ale anr� any oth�r rem�dies permitted by Applicab�� Law. <br /> To the �xtent perx.�itted by Iav�, Lender s�all �� ent�tied to cv�lect all �xpense5 incurred in pu�rsu�ng the <br /> rem�d�e;�pr�v�ided�n�hYs Sect�on,�ncluding�bu� not��nu�e�to,�-e�sona�b�e a�torneys' f�es and c�sts vf txt�e <br /> �v�dex���. <br /> If the p�wer o:��ale is inv�ked, Trustee sha�record a not��e of�Qf�ult�in �ach coun�y�n wh��h any part of <br /> �he Prop�erty�4t located an�i sha�l mai� co�ies af�uch n��ice fn th��nann�x°pre�cr�bed by Appl�cable La�v to <br /> Borrow�r and ta th� other per��n5 prescr�be�d b�App�i�ab�e Law. After the time rec�u�red by A.pp��cable <br /> Law, Trus�e� �shall give public not�ce �f�a�e t� �he persvns and. i� th� rnanner prescribed by App�icable <br /> Law.Tr�ustee,w�thou�demand on Barrower, �hal� sell�he JProp�r�a�pub��c auct�on to �he h�ghe�t bidder <br /> at t�e�ime andl pla�e and under�the terms d�s�gr�ated in the no�i�e of s��e in�ne or mvre paree�s and in any <br /> ard�r T,rustee det�rmines. Tru�stee may pos�pone sale of all or �ny �ar�eZ of the Pr�perty by �ublic <br /> annaun�ement at the time and p�ace of any prev��u�ly schedu��d sal�.Lender flr its d�s�gn�e�n�.y purchase <br /> the Prvper�y a�t any sa�.�. <br /> Upa�. re�eipt a�f payment of the pr�ce bid, Trus�e� shali deliver �� the�ur�haser Trusteers dQed conveying <br /> �he Pr�pertyd 7['he recitals�n the Trus�ee�s d�ed �hall b�pr�ma fnci� evi�.ence vf�he truth of tl�e s�atements <br /> C�2�4�4-2415�'omplia�ce Systems,inc.51 SA-6DDD-ZO 15,�2,3.I.I 1 I 5 <br /> Cansumer Real Es#ate-Security InstnFment DL2�36 Pa�e 4 of 5 <br />