2� 1 ��8�71
<br /> satisfacti�n, pro��ded that such rnspec��on shall be under�a�en pramptly. Lend�r may pay for�he repa�rs
<br /> and restarati�n �n a single disbursement ar in a series of pragress pay�nen�s as the work is comp�e��d.
<br /> Un�ess an agreement is made in writing or Applicab�e Law requ�res in�erest�o b�paid nn such
<br /> Miscellan��us Proceeds, Lender shall no��e requ�r�d to pay Borrower any in�erest ar earnings on such
<br /> Miscellaneaus Proceeds. �f the r�storat�on�r repair is not economically feas��Ie or Lender's securit�vvould
<br /> b�lessen�d, the M�sce��aneous Pro�eeds sha�l be app���d ta the sums secured by�his 5ecur�ty �ns�rumen�,
<br /> �hether or n�t then du�, w��h the excess, if any, paid t�Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shal� be
<br /> appl�e�.in the�rder pro��ded f�r in Sect��n 2.
<br /> �n�he even�of a to�al �ak�ng, destruction, flr�oss in va�ue of�h�Pr��er�y, �h�Miscel�ane�us Pr�ceeds shal�
<br /> be app��e��a�he sum� se�ur�d by this Securzty Instrument, whether�r not then due, vv�th the e�cess, if an�,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrower.
<br /> �n the event of a partzal tak�ng, d�structian, flr l�ss in value of�he Property zn wh�ch the fa�r market va�ue af
<br /> the Praperty immedxate�y before the par�ial taking, d�struct�on, �r�oss zn valu��s equa� t� ar�rea�er�han�he
<br /> am.ount�f�he sums secured��r�his�e�urit� �nstrument�mm�diateiy before the partia� �ak�ng, destruc��on, or
<br /> loss in walue, unless Barrawer and Lender atherw�se agre�in writi�ag, the sums se�ured b� this Security
<br /> �nstrument shall be redu�ed by the amount af th� M�sc���an�ous Proceeds mul�ipiied by the fol�flw�ng
<br /> fract�on; �a} the tntal amount of the sums�ecured imamed�ate�y bef�r��he partia� taking, destruction, or lass
<br /> in va�ue d�v�ded by �b} the fair market value of the Proper�y immed�ate��before the partxa� taking,
<br /> des�ruction, or�oss in Walue. Any balance�hal�be paid to Borrower.
<br /> �n the event of a part�a� taking, d�s�ruc�ion, or lass�n vaiu��f�he Property zn�h�ch th� fa�r market�aXue of
<br /> the Praperty immed�a�ely before the par�xal tak�ng, r�es�ru�tian, �r�o�s in�a�ue is l�ss than the am�un�of the
<br /> sums secured immed�ately before the partial tak�ng, d�structxon, or iass in�alue, unl�ss Borr�vver and
<br /> Lender oth�rw�se agree in wri��ng, �he Miscellaneaus Pr�ceeds shal�be app���d ta the sums secured by this
<br /> Security In�trument whe�her or not�he sums are then due.
<br /> �f the Prop�rty is abaradoned�y B�rrnw�r, �r�f, aft�r not�ce�y Lender to Borrower�hat the�pposing Party
<br /> �as d��ned in the next sentence} offers t�make an awar�.to settle a c�aim for damages, B�rrower fai�s �o
<br /> respond to Lender vvithin 30 days after the date the not�ce��g�wen, L�nder�s au�horized t�cfl�lec� and app��
<br /> �.��is����ane�us Proceeds ei�h�r to restora�i�n�r repair flf th�Proper�y or�o the sums s�cured by this
<br /> Security Instrument, �vhether or not�hen due. "�pposing Part�" means the third party that owes Borrfl�er
<br /> Misceliane�us Proce�ds�r�he par�y aga�ns�whom Borrov�er has a right af a�tian�n r�gard t� M�s�e��ane�us
<br /> Pr���eds.
<br /> B�rr�wer sha��be in d�faul�if any action ar proc�eding, whether�ivx� or cr�rni.na�, zs begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> judgrnent, �ou�d resu��in forfeiture of the Praper�y or ather ma�er�al �mpairment of Lender's interest in the
<br /> Proper�y or rights under�his S�curit� Ins�rum�nt. Borr�wer can cure such a defau��and, if ac�eleration has
<br /> o��urred, reinstate as prov�d�d.in�ect�on �9, by causing the act�on or pr�ceeding to be dismissed w�th a
<br /> ruling�ha�, �n Lender's�udgment, prec�udes forfe��ur�of the Pr�per�y or�ther materia� impairmen�of
<br /> Len�er's �nt�rest in the Proper�y or r�gh�s under�hzs Security �nstrumen�. The praceed� af any a�ard or
<br /> cla�m for damages that ar�a��r�butabi��o the �m.pa�r�ment of Lender's �nt�res�in the Property are hereb�
<br /> ass�gned and shaX�be paid t� L�nder.
<br /> A1� M�sc�l�aneous Proceeds that are not app�ied to r�stora��an or r�pa�r�f�he Pr�per�y sha��be app�ied �n the
<br /> ord�r provid�d for �n Sec�ian�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3028�1�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6�N�y�1302f
<br /> Woiters Kluwer Ffnancial 5er�ices Page 1�of�7
<br />