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2� 1 ��8�71 <br /> ��. Borr�wer No# Re�eased; Fvr��arance By Lender Nat a WaiW�r. Ex�ension of the time far payment or <br /> madificatx�n of amort�zation of the su�ms secured by this 5ecurity Instrum�nt granted by Lender to Barrow�r <br /> �r any Successor�n In�erest of Borr�wer shall not opera�e�o re�ease�he liab���ty of Borrower ar an� <br /> Successors in�ntere��of Borrower. Lender shall not be required�a commence proceedings against any <br /> Suc�ess�r�n �nter�st of Borrovver or�o refuse�o ex�end time for payment or�ther�nr�se modify amort�zation <br /> of�he sums se�ured by�hi� Securxty �ns�rument by reason of any demand mad�by�he original Barrawer or <br /> an�r Successors in�n��rest of Borrflwer. An� for�earan��by Lender in exerc�s�ng any right or remedy <br /> �nc�uding, w�th�u�l�m�.ta�ian, Lender's accep�ance of paymen�s from third persons, entiti�s or Successors �n <br /> �n�erest�f Borrower ar�n a�noun�s less�han the amoun��hen du�, shail not be a waiver of or preciude the <br /> exerc�se of an�r�g��flr remed�. <br /> �3. Joint and Se�era� L�ab�lity; Ca�signers; Successvrs and Assigns Bvund. S�rrower co�enan�s and <br /> agrees�ha�Borrower's obiigati��s and�iabiii��r shall b�jo�n�and s��reral. Hawe��r, any Barrower who <br /> co-s�gns thxs Securx�y �ns�rumen�but do�s not ex�cute�he Not��a "co-s�gner"}: �a} is co-signing �h�s <br /> Secur�t� �nstrument only�o rnor�gage, grant and convey the c�-signer's �nterest in th�Proper�� under�he <br /> �erms of this Se�urity Instrument; �b} �s no�p�rsonall�o�l�gated �a pay��.e sums se�ured by fhis Security <br /> Instrument; and ��} agrees that Lender and any other Borrower can agree�o extend, modxfy, forbear or make <br /> any accommfldations wx�h regard�o�he terms of this Securit��ns�rument or the No�e vwi�hau�the co-signer's <br /> cQnsent. <br /> Sub��c���the pro�isians af Sect��n �$, any Successor in InteY•es�of Borrower who assumes Barravwer's <br /> obligat�ans ui�der th�s Secur�ty �n�trument in vvriting, and is appraved by I.�nder, shall��btain alx of <br /> Borrawer's r�ghts and benefits under�his Security�r�strum�n�. Borrower sha�� not be released fram <br /> Borrower's obligat�ans and liabil�ty under this Secur�ty �nstrument unless Lender agrees t� such releas� in <br /> wr��ing. The co�enants and agreemen�s flf th�s Securi�� Ins�rument shall bind ��xc�p�as provided in Section <br /> 2�} and benefit�he successars and assign�of Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Gharg�s. Lender may charge Borrov�rer fees f�r serv�c�s performed in connectinn with Barrower's <br /> defau�t, for�he purpose�f protec�ing L�nder's �nt�res�in the Proper�y and r�gh�s under th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument, inc�uding, but n���imi�ed��, a��orn��s' f�ees, proper��inspection and va�uat�on fees. �n regard t� <br /> any o�her fees, the ahs�nce of express authori�y �n�his Securi�y Ins�rument to charg�a sp�c�fic fee to <br /> Bnrrovver shall not�e cons�ru�d as a prahi��t��n on�he charging�f such fee. Lend�r may nat charge fe�s <br /> �ha�are expressty prohibited by thxs Securi�y�nstrument�r by Appli�ab�e La�v. <br /> �f�he Laan is�ub�ec��a a�aw which sets maximum��an charges, and that�av�r is f�na�ly interpr��ed sa�ha� <br /> th��nterest ar other�oan charges c�llected or�a be ca�lected�n connec��an w�th�he L.oan exceed�he <br /> perm���ed�xm��s, ��en: �a} any such Iaan charge shall be reduced by�he amount n�c��sary to reduce the <br /> charg��o�he permz���d Iim��; and�b� any sums aiready colle�ted fram Bflrrovver which ex�eed�d permi��ed <br /> ��mits wiil be refunded to Borr�wer. Lender ma�ch�ose�o make�his refund b�reducing the princ�pal ovved <br /> under�e Note or by ma.��ng a direct paymen�to Barrawer. �f a refund reduces principal, the reduction w��� <br /> be treated as a part�al prepayment v��thou�any prepa�ment charge�whether nr not a prepaymen�charge is <br /> prav�ded for under�he Nate}. Borrower's ac�eptanc�of any such r�fund mad�by direc�pa�m�nt�o <br /> Borrovver w�I� constitute a wai�rer of any r��ht of acfiion Barrower�ha��arising ou� of such o�ercharge, <br /> '15. Natices. AI� notices given b� Borrower or L�nder in connection vcri�h this 5ecuri�y �nstrument mu�t be in <br /> wr�ting. An� notice�o Borro�ver in conne�t�an with this Securi�� �nstrum�nt shall be d�emed�o ha�e been <br /> g��en�o Borr�wer when ma�led by first class ma�l or�vhen ac�ually delivered�o Borrower's no�ice address if <br /> sent by oth�r means. Natic�to any ane Borraw�r sha�� c�ns���ute notice�o a�I Borrov�a�rs uniess App�icab�e <br /> Law express�y requires o�hei-vvise. The notice address sha�l be�he Proper��r Address unl�ss Borro�ver has <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingte Family-Fanr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3028�101 <br /> VMP(a] VMP6{N�y�1342y <br /> Wolters Kfuw�r Financial Ser�ices Page 1 1 af 17 <br />