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2� 1 ��8�71 <br /> con�inue f�pay ta Lender the am�unt flf�he separate�y des�gnated payments�hat v�r�re due when th� <br /> insu�rance coverage ceased t�be in effect. Lender will accept, use and re�a�n�hese payments as a <br /> non-refu�dab�e Iass reserve�n lx�u of Mor��age�nsurance. Such loss reser�e shall be non-refundable, <br /> na�w��hstanding the fact�hat the L�an is ulti�nately paid in fuli, and L�nder shall n�t be required �a pay <br /> Borrower any interes�ar earnings on such lass reser�e. Lend�r can no longer requzre Ioss reserve paymen�s <br /> �f Mor�gage Ynsurance c��erage ��n�he amou��and for the p�riod that L�nder requxres}pra�rided by an <br /> insurer selected b�Lender again bec�mes ava��able, ��obta�ne�., and Lender requires separate��des�gna�ed <br /> pa�ments�oward the prem.iums for Mor�gage Insurance. �f Lender r�quired Martgage�nsurance as a <br /> c�ndit�on�f making the Loan and Borrower was required�a make s�parat�ly des�g�.ated pa�men�� toward th� <br /> prem�um� for Mor�gag��nsurance, B�rrower sha��pay the premiums required t�ma�nta�n M�rtgag� <br /> �nsuranc� in effec�, ar�o pro�ide a non�r�fundab�e loss reserve, un�ii Lend�r's requiremen� for Mortgage <br /> ��.�urance ends in ac�ardar�ce w��h any wri�ten agreement between Bo�rower and Lender pro�viding for such <br /> terminat��n or unt�l termination�s required by App��cab��Law. Nnthin� �n th�s Se�t��n 1�affects <br /> Borrov�rer's obZigat�on�o pay inter�s�a�the rate pra��ded in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurance re�mburs�s Lender tor any en�ity�hat purchas�s�he Note} for cer�a�n�osses it may inGur <br /> if Borrawer daes not repay the Laan as agreed. Borrower is n�t a par��t�the Martgage Insurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers�valua�e their�otal ri�k on all such �nsurance in force from time to�ime, and may �nter <br /> �nto agreemen�s wi�h other par�ies tha�share or mo�ify�heir risk, or reduce�osses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and condit�ans that are sa�is#'actory ta th�mortgag�insurer and the other part� �ar part�es} to these <br /> agreemen�s. These agreemen�s ma� require the mor�gag��nsurer�o mal�e payments using any sourGe of funds <br /> �hat�he mortgage insurer may have avai�a�le twh�ch may include funds abtained from Mor�gag�Ynsurance <br /> pr�miums}. <br /> As a resu�t of these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Nfl�e, another insurer, any r��nsurer, any other <br /> ent��y, or any af�iiate of any of the foreg�ing, m�.ay re�e�ve�direct�y or ind�rectly� amounts�hat derive fram <br /> �or m�ght be charac�erized as} a port�on�f B�rr�w�r's payments for Mo�tgage�nsurance, �n exchange f�r <br /> sharing ar modifying the mor�ga�e insurer's r�sk, or reduc�ng losses. �f such agr�ement pro�ides tha� an <br /> affi��ate�f Lender takes a share of�he insurer's r�sk�n��change for a share af the premiums pa�d to�he <br /> �nsurer, �he arrangement is often termed "cap��ve re�nsurance." Fur�her: <br /> ta� Any such agreernents will nat affcc�the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for IVlortgage <br /> Ir�suranc�s or any other terms of the Laan. Such agreements w�I�not�ncrease the amoun� <br /> �orrower wi�l owe for Mor�gag�Insurance, and they w�ll no�en��tle B�rrower ta any refund, <br /> �h} Any such agreements wi�l no�affect th�r�ghts Borrower has-�f any-w�th respect to the <br /> Mor�gage Insuranc�under the Homeovvners Protect�on Act of 1998 or any ather la�v. These r�ghts <br /> may inciude the r�ght ta receive certain d�sc�osures, to reques�and obta�n cancel�ation of the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance, �o have the Mor�gage Insurance terminated au�omatical�y, andl�r ta recei�e <br /> a refund af any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at the�ime of such <br /> cancel�atian or�ermination. <br /> 7"1. A�signment of M�sce��aneaus Prac��ds; Forfeiture. A1� Mis�e��aneous Pr�ceeds are hereby ass�gned�� <br /> and sha11 b�paid�o Lender. <br /> �f the Pr�per�y is damaged, such Misce�laneous Pr�ceeds sha11 he app��ed �o res�orati�n�r repair of the <br /> Praperty, if the restara�ion or repa�r xs ec�nomicali�r feas�b�e and Lender's se�urity is not lessened. Dur�ng <br /> such repa�r and res�aration period, Lender shall have�h�right�o hold such Misc�llaneous Proceeds untx� <br /> Lend�r has had an apportuni�y ta inspec�such Praper��to ensure the wark has be�n completed to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte�amily-Fannie MaelFredc€ie Mac 11NIFqRM€NSTRUMENT Form 3fl28 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NEf(13�2f <br /> Wolters Kl�wer�inancial Ser�ices Page 9 af 17 <br />