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<br /> C�EE[� �F T"R��'T
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<br /> Loan No: 1�'I 3�D5�� ����1te�1u� Page 8
<br /> Lend�r, is intended to be �xclusive o� any ather r�medy in this De�d af Trus�or �y law pra�ided or permitfied, bu�
<br /> each shall be �umul�ti�e and shall �� in addi�ion to every other remedy g��en in �his Deed of Trust �r now ar
<br /> hereaf�er existing �t law ❑r in�quity vr by statut�. E��ry pvwer�r remedy gi�en by the N��e or any of the Reia��d
<br /> Documents t� Trus�ee or L�nder or �v which eifher a�F �hem may be vtherwis� �n�itled, may be exercised,
<br /> cancurr�ntly or ind�pend�n��y, �rom tim� ta fiime an� as oft�n as may be deemed expedient by T�us�ee or Lender,
<br /> and either of �hem may pursue incons�s��nt rem�d�es. Nv�hing �n this Deed of Trust shall he canstrued as
<br /> prvhi�i�ing Lend�r from seeking a de�iciency judgment against�he Tru�tar t❑the extent su�h ��tion is permitted by
<br /> lavu. Electinn by L�r�d�r t� pursue any remedy shalN nat exclude �ursui� of any ather remedy, and an ele�tion to
<br /> make expendi�ures vr to take actian �❑ p�r-Farm an ohligation of Trust�r under this Deed o� Trus�, a�ter Tr�stor's
<br /> failure ta perf�rm, sha�� na�a�fe��Lenaier's ri�ht�o declare a de�ault and exerci�e its remedies.
<br /> Request f�r Nn#ice, Trus�or, an �ehaf�o�Trustar�nd Lend�r� her�by requests that a copy o�any Notice ❑f �efau��
<br /> and a capy af any Not�ce of Saie under this aeed of Trust be mailed �o�hem a�the addresses se� forth in the first
<br /> paragraph o��his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expens�s. �f Lender inst�tu�es any suit ar a��ivn �v en�or�e any of the terms o� this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shal[ be entitled �o re�aWer such sum as the cvurt may adjudge reasvnabfe as attarneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appea�. Vllhe�h�r or not any cvur� action is in�ofrred, and to the extenfi not prohi���ted by law, all
<br /> reasanable expenses Lend�r incurs tha� in Lender's opinion are necessary at any tim� �or the pra�ectian of its
<br /> interest ar th� enforcemen�t of its ri�hts shaCC become a part❑f the fndebtedness payable �n demand and shall bear
<br /> infieres�a��he Note ra�e�rvm�he date ❑f�h� expenditure until repaid. E�cpenses ca�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without [�m��a�i�n, howeve� subje�fi�ta any f`rmits under applicable law� Lender's a��orneys' �ees and L�nder�s legal
<br /> exp�nses, vuhefiher or nvt �he�� is a I��rsui�, in�luding at�orneys' tees and expenses far bankruptcy pra�eedings
<br /> {inGluding effor�s t� modify or�acat� any autamatic s�ay❑r injunc�ivny, appeafs, and any anticipa�ed pvs�-judgment
<br /> collec�ion se�vi�es� the cv�t af se���hing recvrds, o�taining �i�le repvrts �including fvrec�osure r�par�s�, surveyars'
<br /> repvrts, and app�aisal fe�s, �ti�le insurance, and fees for �he Trust�e, to �he exten� permitted by �ppliGab[e law.
<br /> Trus�or also vvi11 pay any c�urt cos�ts, in addi�ion t� a[I vther sums pro�ided by[aw.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shall hav� all af the rights and duties of L�nder as set farth in this sectian.
<br /> PCI�l11ERS AND C3gLIGATI�]N5 �F TRUSTEE. The fo[Cowing pravisions refat�ng �o the powers �nd abligatians o�Trust�e
<br /> are p�r�t of th�s D�ed n�Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. �n addi�i�n ta al! pawers o�F Trustee arisin� as a ma�te�-a�law, Trust�e sha11 ha�e the power ta
<br /> �ake the ��1lowing actians �rith r�spec�ta th� Property upon the wri�en reques��f Lender and Trustar: �a� join in
<br /> preparing and �iling a map vr plat a� fhe Rea� Property, including the dedi�a�ion of streets ar vfiher righ�s �a �he
<br /> public; �b� jvin in gran�ing any easemen� �r cr�a�ing ar�y res�ric�ian �n �he Real Prvperty; an� �cy join in any
<br /> subordina�ivn ar ather agreemen�af�ec�ing th�s �e�d of Trus�vr the interest of Lender under this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Trus#ee. Trus�ee shall mee� all qualifica�ions requ��ed �o� Trus�ee und�r appli�able �aw. In additivn to �he r�ghts
<br /> and remedies se� farth above, with �e�pect ta a[[ or any part a� �the Prape�ty, �he Truste� shall ha�e the right to
<br /> forecl�se by natice and sale, and Lend�r shall ha�e �he right tv fvrec�ose �y judicial �vreclosure, ir� either case in
<br /> accvrdance wi�h and to the fu�i ext�ent provided by appli�ab[e �av�.
<br /> 5uccessor Trustee. �.�nder, at Lender�s vp�ivn, may frvm time to time appvin�t a successor Trus�ee to any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under this De�d ❑� Trus� by an �nstrument ex�cuted and a�knowfedged by Lender and re�ardsd in the
<br /> ❑ffiice ❑� the recorder of HALL Cor�nty, State v� Nebraska. The instrum�nt shall c�ntain, in additi�n t❑ all ❑�her
<br /> ma���rs r�quir�� �y s�ate law, �he name� af �he ariginal Lender, Trustee, and Trustflr, the baak and page {or
<br /> compu�ter system r�fer�n��� where �hi� �3eed vf Trus� `rs recorded, and �he name and address of the successor
<br /> trus�ee, and the ins�rument shall be ex�cuted and ac�nvirv[edged by all the benefi,ciaries under t�is D�ed ofi Trust or
<br /> their successors in infieres�. The suc�essor �ruste�, wi�hout can�eyance ❑f the Prapert�, shall succ�ed t� all �he
<br /> tit�e, pawer, and du�i�s cvn�erred upon the Trust�e in this Deed of Trust and by appli�able law. This procedure�For
<br /> substitu�i�n a�Tr�stee shaf� ga�ern�a t�e excl�sion�f all o�her prv�isivns for subsfi�u�ian.
<br /> IV�TICES. Any natice r�.quired �n be �i�en under this Deed ❑f Trus�� inc[uding without limitation any na�iee of default
<br /> and any notic� v� sale sha�l be given in �rit�ng, and sha�! be e��e�ti�e when actually deli�er�d, wh�n actually re�ei�ed
<br /> by te�efacsimi[e {unl�ss �therwise require� by I��rv}. when deposi�ted v�ith a nati�nally recvgnized o�ernight courier, ar, if
<br /> mailed, when d�pvsited in fihe United Sfiates mail� �tS �11"S�CIaSS� cer�ified ar regis�ered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to
<br /> the a�dresses shown near the b�ginning Q�this Deed of Trust. AIf �apies ot nati�es �f foreclasure �rom �he hvlder ��
<br /> any lien whi�h has privrity a�r�r this D�et� af Trust sha�i be sent ta L�nder's address, as shawn near �he b�ginning af
<br /> this ❑eed o� Trus�. An� par�.y may change it� address ��71' C]flt1C�5 under �his De�d of Trus� by giving �vrmal written
<br /> n��ic� �� �he �ther parties, spe�ifyin� that the purpvse v� the notic� is tv chang� �he party's address. For nvt�ce
<br /> �]1.��'EJ�5f.'Sr Trus�or agrees t❑ keep Lender infarm.ed at all tir-�es af Trustar's curren� address. U.nl.ess o�h�rwise prv�ide.d
<br /> or required by [aw, if ther� is mvre �han ❑ne Trus�or, any notic� given by Lender�a any Trus�ar is deemed to be notice
<br /> gi�en tv all Trustars,
<br /> �11SCELLA�E�US PR�3VLSl�NS. The fQllvv+ring miscellan�aus prv�isions are a part�f th�s Deed a�Trus�:
<br /> Am�ndments. This C�e�d o�Trus�, �oge�her Wi�h any Rela�ed ❑ocuments, cvnst�tu�es the entire understanding and
<br /> agr�eement ❑fi th� p�rties as �o #he matters se��orth in �his Deed of Trus�. [Vo altera�ion af vr amendmen�tv �his
<br />