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2� 1 ��8��7 <br /> �EEI� C�F `fRll�T' <br /> i <br /> Loan Na: 7 C�13[]�5�� ����1t���� � �ag� � <br /> Deed o�Trust shall be effec�i�e unless gi�en in vvriting ar�d signed �y �he party ar parti�s sough�to b� �harged or <br /> bound by the a��era�i�n ar amendment, <br /> Annual Repor�s. I� the Proper�y is used for pu�pos�s a�her than Trustflr's r�sid�n�e, Trusto� sha�! �urnish �o <br /> Lender, upon r�questf a �er�i�ied statement of net vperating inc�me re�ei�ed fram the Proper�y during Trustor's <br /> pre�iaus �iscal year in such fvrm and de�ai[ as Lender shali require. "Net operat�ng incvme" shal[ mean af( cash <br /> receip�s firam�he Praperty less al1 cash expenditures made in connectivn wi�th�the vp�ration o��he Prvper�y. <br /> C�ptian Headings. �apt�on headings in �his Deed Qf Trus� are far cvnvenience purposes only and are not �a be <br /> used�v interpret or define�he p�ovisions �f�his Deed o�Trust. <br /> [�l#lerger. There shall be no merger of the in�erest or estate crea�ed by this Deed ❑f Trus�t with any o�her interest vr <br /> estate in the Property a� any time hefd hy or tv�the benefit t�� Lendet-in any capaGi�y, wi�hou��he written cansen� <br /> of Lender, <br /> �overning Law, This Deed a� Trus� �i�l be �averned by federal �aw applicab�e tv Lender and, �v the exten� nvt <br /> preempted hy federal [aw,the laws v#the S#ate vf Nebraska withvut regard to i�s conf[icts v#law prvvisivns. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in�he State o�Nebraska. <br /> Choice o�Venue. I� �here is a fawsuit, Trustvr agrees upan Lender's requ�st to submi� �v the jurisdict�on a� �he <br /> courts o�HALL County, 5tate v� Nebras�Ca. <br /> Jc�int and Severa! Liability. A[I ob�ig��ions of BarrvW�r and Trustor under �his Deed a� Trust sl�a�l �e joint a�� <br /> se�eral, and a[I re�erences t� Trustar shall mean eaeh and e�ery Trustar, and all re��rences�a Bvrraw�r shall mean <br /> each�nd e�ery Bflrrower, This means tha�eac�Trus�ar signing b�1Qw is respvnsib��fvr��1 obligations in�his d�ed <br /> of Trust. Vllhere any vne ar mvre ❑f �he parties is a carparativn, partnership, limited liabili�y company ar similar <br /> enti�y, it is na�necessary for Len�e�r to inquir� inta the pa►rvers ❑f any o��he �f�icers, d��re�tors, par�ners, membe�s, <br /> or o�her agents acting ar purp�rting �❑ act on the en�i�y's behal�, and any obligations ma�e or cr�afied in reliance <br /> upon�he prvfessed exercise of such p�uvers shal� be guarante�d under this Deed af Trus#. <br /> Na Wai�er by Lender. Lender shall nv� b� deemed ta hav� wai�ed any rights under this Deed vf Trust unless such <br /> wa��er is g��en in writing an� signed by Lender. Na delay ar ornission an �he part o�Lender in e�ercising any righ�t <br /> sha#1 operate as a wai�er a��uch right ar any��her righ�. A waiver b�r Lender v�a pravi�ian a�this Deed of Tru�t <br /> shall nvt prejudice or canstitute a waiver v� Lender's ri�ht otherwise tQ demand s�trict car�rtp�iance with tha� <br /> pra�isivn ar any flther provisivn a� this De�d v� Trusfi. No privr wai�er by Lender, n�r any cvurse ❑f dealing <br /> b�t�een Lender and Trust�r, shall const�tufie a vvaiver of any o� L�nder's righ�s ❑r o� anY ❑f Trustor's vb�iga�ions <br /> as to any future �ransac�ions. Whenever�he cans�n� af Lender i� required under �his Deed a�T�us�, the granting <br /> ❑� such cansen� by Lender in any instance sha11 not consti�ute con�inu:ng cons�n�t t� subsequen� ins�anc�s where <br /> such�ansent is required and in all cases such �ansen�may be g�an�ed or wifihheld in�he sol�d�scretivn vf Lender. <br /> SeWerability. lfi a caurt ofi competent jurisdic�ivn finds any pro�ision o�t�is C�eed af Trus��o be �11ega[, inuaiid, ar <br /> unenfarceahle as to any circums�ance, tha� finding shal� nv� make the of�ending prv�isiQn illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceabie as �ta any �ther circumstan�e. �f feasible, the o��ending pr��is��n shal[ be cvnsidered modi�ied so <br /> that i� becames legal, �alid and enfvrceabl�, if the o��ending pravisivn �annvt �e sa modified, it sha�! be <br /> c�nsidered deleted �rvm this �eed �# Trus�. ��n[ess ❑thervvis� required by lavv, the iI[�gality, invalidity, ar <br /> unenfar�eabili�y a� any pra�is'ron Q� this aeed ❑��'rus�t shall nvt af�ec��he lega[ity, ualidity or en�orceabiii�y vf any <br /> other pravisian of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Succe�sors and Assigns. Subject t❑ any limita�ions stated �n �his Deed o#Trust an �ransfer v�Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust shall �e binding upan and inure to �he benefit a� �he partie�, �heir suc�essars and assigns. �� <br /> orrvnership v�F the Pr�perty becomes �ested in � pers�n ❑ther t�an Trus�or, Lender, witha�u� no�ice ta Trust�r{ may <br /> deal with Trus�ar's suc�essars wi�h reference to�his ❑�ed ❑fi Trus�and the Indebtedness by way of�arbearanc� ❑r <br /> extension with�ut r�feasing Trus�vr�rvm�he flbligat'rons afi�his C]eed of�Trust vr fiabili�Cy under the indebtednes�. <br /> Time is o�the Essence. Time is o�the essence in the performance af�this �eed Q�Trus�, <br /> Wai�er ❑� Hvmeste��f Exemptivn. Trustor hereay rel�ases and wai�es a�� rights and benefits n�F �he homes�ead <br /> exemption laws ❑f the Sta�e af Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by this �e�d o�Trus�. <br /> DEF1NlT�aNS. The following �apitaii�ed wards and terms sha#1 ha�e�he �ol�ovving rraeanings when used in this ❑eed vf <br /> Trust. �nless specifically s�at�d to the cantrary, alf re�erences ta dallar amounts sha[[ �ean amoun�s in lawful money <br /> o� the United S�a�es of Ameri�a, Words and terms used in the sing�lar shal! in�lude the plura�, and the plural shal� <br /> include �he singular, as the context may require. Wards and terms not ��herwise defir�ed in �h�s ❑eed of Trus� shafl <br /> ha�e �he meanings a��ributed to such�erms in th� Uni�orm Cammer�cia[ C�de: <br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Benefi�iary" me�ns Fi�e Pain�s Bank, ar�d its su�c�ssc��s and ass'r�ns, <br /> BvrrQwer. The word "Borrower" means HED[]E BLJIL[]fNG LLC, J TH�MAS PIRIVIE, AM�S ANS�]N and SHARENA <br /> D ANS�N and inc�udes a�l c4-si�ners and co�makers signing�he Nate and all �Cheir successars and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed vfi Trust" m�an �his ❑eed of Trust amang Trus�Cor, Lender; and Trustee, and <br /> includes without limitatian a�� assignmen� and security in�eres� p�o�isivns re�ating to the Persana! Proper�y and <br /> R�nts, <br /> Default: The vvord "De�ault" means the De�ault s�t for�h in this C�e�d of Trust in the sec�io�n�i�led "Defau[t". <br />