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<br /> [3EEL� C�F TRiJST
<br /> Loan No: '1�13��5�� ����t�r1u��� Page 7
<br /> Lende� deems in Lender's svle discre�ian �o be suf�icient to cur� ��e de�aul� and �her�after continues and
<br /> �ompietes all reasonable and ne�essary steps sufficient�� prvduce c�mp�iance as saan as reasonably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS A1VD RE�TIEDCES �N DEFAULT. !fi an E�ent af Defau[� ❑ccu�s under this De�d af Trust� a� any�ime ther�af�er�
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one ar mvre❑f the�ollaviiing rights and r�medies;
<br /> Ac�eleration lJpon Defau�t; Additivnal Remedies. If any E�ent of D�fault occurs as per the terms ❑f the Na�e
<br /> s�cured here�y, Lender rx�ay d�c�are all Indeb�edness secured by�Chis Qeed a�Trusfi t� be due and payable and
<br /> the same �half thereupon became due and payabfe �+`vithau�any presentmen�, demand, pro#est❑r notice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafte�-, Lender may:
<br /> �a� Either in persan vr by agent, wi�h vr wi�hvut hringin� any actian ar praceeding, o� by a receirrer
<br /> appflinted by a eourt and withaut re�ard ta the adequacy af ��s securi�y� en�er upvn and take pvssession
<br /> of the Praper�y, ar any part�h�reaf, in its awn name ar in the name a�Trus�e�, and da any a�ts whi�h �t
<br /> d�ems necessary or desirable ta preser�e the va[ue, marke�a�ili�y vr ren�ability of the Praper�y, ❑r par�o�
<br /> the Praperty or interest in the Prvperty; increase th� inc�me firom the Property or �rote�t�he securi�y o#
<br /> the Proper�y; and, virith vr withvut �aking possess�fln v� �he Prvperty, sue �vr ar o�herwise ��11ect the
<br /> rents, 155u�S and profits of�he Property, €nGluding �hose past due and unpaid, and app[y the same, I�ss
<br /> cflsts and expenses a�operatifln and cvlfectian a��orney�' fe�s�to any �ndebtedness secured �y�his Deed
<br /> o� Trus�, �11 in su�h o:rder as Lender may d��ermine. The ent�ring updn and �aking poss�ssion af �he
<br /> Prap�r�y, the callection v� such ren'�s, issues and prafits, �nd �he applica�i�n thereaf shall n�t Gure vr
<br /> wa��e any defau[t ar no�ice o�default und�r this ❑��d of Trust ar in�afidate an�r act dvne in response t�
<br /> such de�aul�or pursua�t�a such natice of default; and, notwi�hs�and`rng�h� con�inuance in passession of
<br /> �h� Praperty or �he collectivn, receipt and app�ica�ion ❑f rents, i�sues ar pra�ifis, T'�rustee or Lender sha[I
<br /> be en�it[ed �o ex�rcis� e��ry right pra�ided #ar in t�� Nate or th� Related ❑ocuments vr b� Iaw upan the
<br /> ❑ccurrence a�any e�ent��defiault, including the righ��o �xercise the power��saCe;
<br /> �b} Commence an activn �o �r�recl�se �his Deed ofi Trus� as a mor�ga��, �ppoint a reGei�er ar speci�ically
<br /> enfarce any❑f�.he cfl�enants herea�; and
<br /> �c} Deli�er ta T�us�e� a written declarat"ron ❑�de�auit and ��mand for safe and a �vrit�en not€ce o��e�aul�
<br /> and elect�an tv cause Trustor's infierest�n the Pr�per�y tv be sold, vvhich notice Trustee shalf cause ta he
<br /> du�y filed �ar recard in the apprapriate o�fices a�the Gvunty in which�the Property is I�cated; and
<br /> �d� With respect t❑ afl ❑r any par�❑f the Persana! property, Lender shall have aIl�he righ�s and remedies
<br /> ❑�a secured party under the Nebraska Unifarm �ammercial Co�e.
<br /> Fvreclosure by Pvwer flf Sale: [fi L�nder elec�s�o �ore�l�se by exercise v�the PoVver of Sale herein cvntained,
<br /> Lender shafl nati�ry Trustee and shalf deposit with Trus�ee this Deed ❑�Trus� and �he 1Vo�e and sr�ch �eceipts
<br /> and euidence vf expenditures made and se�ured by�his Qeed of Trus�as Trustee may r�quire,
<br /> �a} Upon receip� o�such notice from Lender, Trustee shall Gause�o be recvrded, pub�ished and deii�ered
<br /> to Trustv� such Nvti�e c�f Defaul� and No�ice of Sale as ���n required by [a� and by �his D�ed flf Trust.
<br /> Trustee shal[, witha�rt d�mand on Trus�or, af�er such �ime as ma� �hen be required �y iaw and after
<br /> recvrdation af such Natice ❑f Defaul� and a�ter Nat'rce of Sale ha�ing been �iWen as required by law; sell
<br /> the Pr�perty at �the time and place �f sal� fiixed by it in su�h Noti�e of Sale, either as a wh�le, vr in
<br /> separate Iots �r parcels or i�ems as Trus�ee shal) deem expedi�nt, and in such vrder as it may de�ermine,
<br /> �t pub��c auction to �he highes� bidder fiar cash in IawfuC money ❑�the United S�ates payable at the time
<br /> o�f sa[e. Trustee shall deli�er to suGh purchaser a� purch�asers �her�Qf its good and suf#icient deed �r
<br /> deeds can�eying the prvper�y so so�d, but wi�hvut any �ovenan� vr warranty, expr�ss or implied. The
<br /> reci�als in such de�d af any matters ar facts sha[[ be conclusi�e pra�f �f the firuth#ulness �herev�. Any
<br /> persan, inciuding wi�haut limi�a�ian Trustvr,Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchas� at such sale.
<br /> �b� As may be pe�mit�ed by iaw, after deducting all costs, fees and expenses o� Trus�ee and of this
<br /> Trust, inGluafing casts vfi e�idence o�ti�Ie in canneGtion with sale, Trus�e� shall apply the proceeds vf�ale
<br /> ta payment o� �i� aI�sums �xpended under the terms of th�� L7eed❑#Trus�ar under the terrns v��he Note
<br /> nvt then repaid, inc�uding bu�t nat limited to �ccrued interes� a�nd late charges, �ii} al! oth�r su�s then
<br /> secured hereby� and {iii��he re��inder, i�any, t�the persvn❑r persons l�ga�ly enti�led�here�ta.
<br /> {c� Trustee may�n�he manner provided hy larrv pflstpone sale a�all ar any par�ion of�he Prvpsrty.
<br /> RemedEes �1vt Exc�usive. Trus�ee and Lende�, and each of them, shall be en�itled �� enfvrce paymen� and
<br /> p�rfarmance of any indeb�edness ar❑b�iga�io�ns se�ured by this �3�ed of Trust an�tv exercise a11 righ�� and pawers
<br /> unde� this Deed o�Trust, under the Not�, under any ❑fi the Related Dacuments, nr under any v�her agreemen� vr
<br /> any laws nvw or her�af�er in fo�ce; na�wi'�hs�anding, svme or a!! af su�h �ndebtedness and obiigatians secured by
<br /> this De�d vf Trus� may now or hereaf�er be vtherw�se secured, rrvh�ther by mortgage, d�ed af�rust, piedge, lien,
<br /> ass'rgnment ❑r atherwise. Nei�her the a�ceptance ❑f this �eed of Trust nvr i�s �n�ar�emen�, v�rhether �ay �vurt
<br /> ac�ion ❑r pursuan� to the pawer af sale or ather pawers con�ained in �his Deed ofi Trus�, sha�! pr�judice or fn any
<br /> manner affect Trus�ee's vr Lender's r�ght to reaiize upan ar �n�flrce any o�Cher security now ar herea�ter held by
<br /> Trustse �r Lender, i�being agre�d�hat Trus�ee and Lender, and each af�hem, shal[ be enti�led to enfo�ce this Qe�d
<br /> of Trust and any v�h+e�- securifiy naw ar hereaf�er heid by Lender vr Trus�ee in such vrd�r and manner as �hey ar
<br /> ei��er ❑fi �hem may in th�ir absvlute discretion de�ermine. Nv reimed� c�nferred upvn or reser��d �� Trus�ee �r
<br />