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2� 1 ��8��7 <br /> ���t� �F ��u��' <br /> L.aan Nv: '1 D13��5�� ����1tit�u�d� Page � <br /> wi�h the matt�rs referred�a �n�h�is p�r�graph� <br /> At�arney-in-Fa��. �f Trus�or f�ils ta do any ❑�fihe �hings referred to in the pr�ceding paragraph, Lender may d� so <br /> �ar and in the nam� o#Trus�ar and a� Trus�ar`s expense. For such purposes, Trustar hereby irreyocably appaints <br /> Lender as Trustvr's attorney--in-fact for�he purpase o�making, executing, deli�er�ng, filing, rec�rding� and doing all <br /> other things as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lender's sale opinion, �o accomplish the ma�tters referred �o in <br /> the pre�eding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFgRMAIVCE. �f Borr+awer and Trus�or pay a�l �he Indehtedness, `rnc�uding withouf limitat�on a�i future <br /> adrrances, when due, and Trus�Q�-a�herwise performs a[[the obliga�ians impased upon Trustvr under this Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> Len�er sha11 exe�u�e and deii�er t� Trustee a request far fu[C recan�eyance and shall execu�e and deliver �a Trus�vr <br /> sui�able statements af fierminatian o�any �inan�in� s�a�emen� an file e�idencing Lender's security in�erest in the Ren�s <br /> and th� Persanal Pr�perty. Any recor�veyan�e �ee required �y fariv shall �e paid hy Trus�or, ifi permi�ted by applicab[e <br /> law. <br /> EVEIVTS (]F DEFAULT. Each of tt�e �a1#avvin�, at L�n�er's op�ian, �hall canstifiu�e an E�ent ofi Defau�� under this aeed <br /> o�Trust; <br /> Paymen�t De�au[t. Borrov+rer fails �❑ make any paymen�vuhen due unde��he (r�debtedness. <br /> ��her Defau[ts. Ba�rvwer or Trustvr fails ta comply with or ta perfarm any ❑�her �erm, obligatian, �v��nant ar <br /> condi�'ron �vntained in �t�i� De�d of Trus� or in any o� the Re�ated B�cuments or to comp(y with or to per�orm any <br /> term, ❑bligatian, caWenant ar candi�ion contained in any❑�her agreernent between Lender and Bvrrower vr Trustor. <br /> Cvmpliance Defaul�, Failure �a comply w��h any other term, abligation, �o�enan'� or canditian �antained in this <br /> Deed ❑f T�ust, �he Note or in any of�he Re�ated �vcuments. <br /> ❑efaul�an Qther Payments. Failure a�Trustor v�rithin�he time requir�d by�his Deed ofi Trust ta m�ke any payment <br /> fior taxes or insurance, vr�ny o�he�payment necessary�a pre�en��ilin� of ar�a effect dis�harg� of any[ien. <br /> False 5tatemen�s. Any warranty, represen�ation or s�aternent made or�urnished �a Lender by Bnrrow�r or Trustar <br /> �r an Barrawer's or Trus�ar'� behal� under this ❑eed ��Trus� �r th� Rela�ed aocumen�s is fa[se or mis€eading in <br /> any ma�eria! r�spect, either naw or a� �he time made or furnished ❑r becomes �alse or misleading a� any time <br /> �herea��er. <br /> Defective Cvl�ater�liza�ivn. This ❑eed vt Trust ar any of �he Related Documents ceases ta be in �ull forc� and <br /> effect �including �failure o� any calla�eral dacument�o ereate a valid and perfec�ed security interes� or lien� at an� <br /> tim� and�or any reasan. <br /> ��ath vr lnsol��ncy. The dissalutivn a� Trustor's (regardless of uvhexher e1e��ian t❑ cvntinue is mad�7, any <br /> memher v+�ithdraws fram�he [imi�ed I'rabi�ity comp�any, or any o�her t�rmination❑f Borrow�r's ar Trustor's existen�e <br /> as a gaing husiness vr �he death a� any member, fh� insol�en�y v� Bvrrower or Trus�or, the appoin�ment o# a <br /> reGeiver for ar�y part af Borrv�er's or Trustor's praperty, any assignmen� fvr the ben��it ❑� creditors; any �yp� of <br /> creditar w�rkau�, ar�he camm�ncement of any prvG�eding under any bankruptcy vr insnlvency laws by vr against <br /> 6�rrower ar Trustvr. <br /> �reditnr vr Fvr�eiture Prviceedings. Gnmrnencement of ��reciosure or far�eiture prviceedings, whe�her by judicial <br /> p�aceeding, s�l�fµhe�p, repossession ar any ��her methvd, hy �ny credi�or of gvrrawer or Trustor or hy any <br /> gv�ernmental agency agains� any pr�per�y se�uring the Indeb�edness. This includes a garnishment a� any ❑� <br /> B�rrawer's ❑r Trustor's accounts, inc�uding depnsit �ccaunts, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�en� ❑� De�ault shall <br /> nvt apply if the�e is a good �ai�h dispu�e �y Borr�wer ar Trustar as tv the ualidi�y or reasonab�eness ❑f the claim <br /> which is �he basis �f the creditar vr�arf�iture pr`ace�d�ng and i�Borr��rver or'Trus�or gi�es Lender written noti�� af <br /> �he creditvr�r forfeiture praceeding and depas�ts with Lender monies vr a surety b�nd �or the credi�or or farfei�ure <br /> proceeding, �n an amount determined �y Lender, i�i�s svle discretian, as being an adequate reser�e vr bond far the <br /> dispu�te. <br /> Breach o�Other A�reement. Any breach by Qvrrvwer or Trustor under the terms of any ❑fiher agreement he�we�n <br /> Borrovirer ❑� Trusto� and Lender that is no� remedied rrvithin ar�y gra�e perivd proWided th�rein, including withvut <br /> I�mita�ion any agreement cvncerning any ind�btedness vr other obligativn of Borrawer ar Trus�or tv Lender, <br /> whether existing now ar later. <br /> Events Affec#ing Guarantor. Any of �h� preceding e�ents ❑ccurs vvi�h respec�t� any guarantar, �ndarser, surety, <br /> or ac�omrr�od��ivn par�y v� any of �he inde�tedness or any guaran�ar, end�rser, surety, vr acc�mmoda�ion party <br /> dies or be�ames incamp��en�, a� revo�Ces a� disputes the Walidity af, v�r fiabili�y under, any Guaranty of the <br /> [ndebtedness. <br /> Adverse Ch�nge. A materiaf ad�erse change �ccurs in Borrower's �r Trustor's fiinancial cvndi�i�n, or Lender <br /> helie�es the prvsp�ct❑f payment or p�rformance o�the Ind�btedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lender�n gaad fai�h b�li��es itself ins��ure. <br /> Right�a Cure. If any defaul�, a�her�han a default in payment, is cura�Ce and if Trus�ar has no�been gi�en a notic� <br /> ❑f a breach of the sams provision vf this ❑eed ❑�Trust wi�hin�he preceding twel�e �1�� m�nths,it may be cured if <br /> Trustvr, after Lender sends wrrtten nv�ice �Q Bvrrvwer demanding cure of �uch default: �11 cures the default <br /> wi�hin fifi��en {�53 days; �r ��� i��he cure requires mare t�an �i�teen ��5} days, immed�ately ini�iates steps which <br />