2� 1 ��8��7
<br /> �EE�] �� T'F�L��T'
<br /> Laan No: '1 C�"I 3D�5�� {��7t1�[�u�d} F'age 5
<br /> shalf remain in�uli farce and ���ect unt�� such time as Bc�rrawer's fndebtedness shall be pa�d in�ull.
<br /> C��II�EMIVAT��N. The�ollov+fing proWisions relating t❑ cvndemna�i�n pr�ceedin�s a�e a par�o��his C]eed❑�Trust:
<br /> P�viceedings. Cf any proceeding in candemnation is filed� Trus��r shal� prorr-�pt�y n�ti�y Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustar shall prvmptly �rake 5L]Ch steps as may be n��essary to defend �he actiQn and obtain �he aervard. Trustvr
<br /> may i�e the naminal par�y in such �roceeding, but Lender sha[I b� en�titled�a �articipate in�he prviceeding and tv be
<br /> represented in the proceeding by counsel v� �ts awn choi�e, and Trustor vvill de�i�er or cause �o be deli�ered �a
<br /> Lender such instruments and d�cur�enta�ion as rnay b� requested by Lender fram time to �ime to permit such
<br /> pa�ticipat[on.
<br /> Appficativn v�Ne� Proceeds. If all or any par�o�the Proper�y is condemned by�minent dvmain proceedings ar �y
<br /> any prviceedir�g or purchase in �ieu of cond�mna�ivn, Lender may a�its ele�tion requ�re tha�all or any por�ivn o�the
<br /> net proceeds of the award be appfied �a the Indek�tedness or �he repair a�- res�oratian ❑� the Prvperty, The net
<br /> proceeds of the award shalf inean �he ar�vard after paym�n� ❑f all r�asonable c�s�s, expense�� and attarneys' fees
<br /> [ncurred by Trustee ❑r Lend�r in connec�ian with the cortdemnatian.
<br /> 1MPD51T1�[V �F TA�ES. FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERIV[�ENTAL AUTH�F�ITIES. �"he follawing pra�isions �elating
<br /> ta gv�ernmenta�taxes; �ees and charges are a part v�this D�ed�f Trust:
<br /> Current Taxe�, Fees and Charges. �pon �equest by Len�er, Trustor shall execute su�h documents in additian to
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and take whate�er ather ac�ion is requeste� by L�n�er to perfect and cantinue Lender's [ien �n
<br /> the Reai Prvperty. Tru��ar shali re�mburse Lender far all taxes, a5 described he�ov+�, �age�her with al[ expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, per�ec�ing ar cantinuing �his Deed flf Tr�st, ir�cluding withvu� lirr�itation all taxes, fees,
<br /> dflcumentary stamps, and other charges far recording vr registering�his Deed vfi Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. Th� �ollowing shal[ c�nsti�ute taxes to virhich �his sec�ian appiies: {�} a spe�ific tax upon �his �ype o�
<br /> Deed ofi Trust ar upon alI or any par� o€ �he fn�e��edness secured hy �his Deed ofi Trust; ��} a specific tax vn
<br /> Rarrower which Bvrrower �s autharized ar required to deduc� from p�yments an t�� indebtedness secured by this
<br /> �ype �� Deed of Trust; �3� a tax on this type afi Deed af Trust chargea�le against�he L�nder or�he hold�r vf the
<br /> Na��; and t4y a speci#ic tax an all or any partian �� the �ndeh�edn�ss or on payments �� principal and interes�
<br /> made kay Barrow�r,
<br /> Subsequen# Taxes. 1�F any tax to which this section app�ies is enacted subs�quen� t� the date o� thi� Deed o�
<br /> Trus�, this ��ent sha�l ha�e �he same �#�fe��t as an Euent of D�fault, and Lender rnay exercise any ❑r alf of i�s
<br /> avai�able remed�es �ar an E�rent' v� aefault as pra�ided belavv uniess Trustor eixher ��} pays the �ax before it
<br /> �ecvmes de(inquent, ❑r ��7 cvn�ests the tax as provided �bo�e in the Taxes and Li�ns seG�ian and d�posits vvith
<br /> Lend�r cash vr a suf�icient corporate surety bvnd Qr other securi�y sa�isfactary�a �.�nder,
<br /> SECU�ITY AGREE['VtEi�T; FlCVA1VClNG STATEMEIVTS. The �allov�ing prauisions re�ating t❑ �his ❑�ed a�F Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part ofi�his ��ed vf Trust:
<br /> 5ecuri�y Agreement. Th"rs instrument shal[ cons�itute a 5ecu�ity A�reement to #h� exfient any vf the Proper�y
<br /> consti�utes fixtures, and Lende�-shall ha�e al[ of the righ�s o� a secured par�y under�he Uniform Commer�ial Gode
<br /> as am�nded fram�ime t❑time.
<br /> Security lnterest. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shafl �ake vvhaterrer ac�ion is r�qu�s�ed by Lender ta per�e�t
<br /> and �on�inue Lender`s security interest in �l�e Re��s ar�d Persona! Praper�y. In additi�n ta reGa�ding th�s Deed of
<br /> Trus� in the real prnperty re�ords, Lender may, a� any �irne and wi�hou� �urther au#h�riza�i�n fr�m Trus�or, �i�e
<br /> ex�c�ted cvunterparts, cQpies ar repraduc�ians o� this Deed of Trust as a �Financing s�atement�, Trustar shall
<br /> reimburse Lender�ar alI expenses incurred in perfec�ing ar cont�nuing �his securi�y in�er�st, �pon default, Trus�or
<br /> shall not remo�e� se�er or de�ach �he Persona� P,r�perty from the Prope�ty, Upan defau��, �`�'rus�ar shall ass�mble
<br /> any Pers�na� Property nat affixe� �v �he Prvperty in a rnanner and at a pface reasvnably cvn�enien�to Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable �o Lender w�thin three �3} days after r�ceip� af r�vri��en demand �rom Lender �o the
<br /> extent�ermit�ed b� app�icable �aw,
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor {debt�r� and Lender �secured par�y} fram virh�i�� in�arrr�a�i�n
<br /> cancerning the security interest gran�ed by �his Deed vf Trus� may �ae a��arned �ea�h as r�quir�� �y �he Uni�arm
<br /> Commercia� Code} are as sfia�ed on the�irst page of�his Deed ❑f Trus�.
<br /> Fl]RTHER AS5URA3VGE5; ►4TTC]RNEY�IIV-�FACT. The �nllawing proWisians rela�ing t� further assurance� and
<br /> attvrney-in-#act are a part❑f thi� Dee�af Trus�:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from time to time, upon r�quest of Lender; TrustQr wilf make, ex�cute and
<br /> deli�rer, or will cause t❑ be made, executed vr deli�er�d, to Lender or tv Lender's designee� and when requested by
<br /> Lender, caus� ta be filed, �recorded, refiled, ar rerecorded, as th� case may be, at suc� �imes and in such offices
<br /> and p�aces as Lender may de�m appr�pria�e, any and al[ such mvrtgages, deeds �f�trust,� SECl�1'I�}I C��L(�5� security
<br /> agreements, �inancing s�a�ements, �ontinua�ion s�atements. ins�rumen�s of �further assurance, ce�tificates, and
<br /> �ther documents as may, in the sale apinian o� Lender, be ne��ssary ar desirable in order ta �ffectua�te, cample�e,
<br /> perfec�, �antinue, or preserve t 1� Bo�-rower's and Trustar's obligatians under �he Na�e, fik�is Deed af Trust, and
<br /> the Related Qacumen'�s, and �2� �he liens and securi�y interests c�eated by this Deed of Tru�� as �irst and pr`ror
<br /> liens an �he Praperty, whether naw awned vr herea�ter acqu�red by Trustar, Unless prohi�ited by law or L�nd�r
<br /> agrees �o �he cantrary in writ�ng, Trus�vr shall reimburse Lender fivr a[I ��s�s �nd expenses incurred in cannection
<br />