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2� 1 ��8��7 <br /> �]EEL� C]F l'F��J�T" <br /> . <br /> L�an Nn: '1�'�3D�5�i� �r����u� �'age � <br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and bviler insuranc�, as Lender may reasana�ly requ�re. Palicies shal[ be writ�ten in <br /> �orm, amoun�s, cv�erages ��nd basis reasvnably acceptable t❑ Lender and issu�d �y a company or cvmpanies <br /> reas�nably ac�eptabl� tv Lend�r. Tru�stor, upon request vf Lender, w'r[[ deli�er �a Lender from �ime �o �ime �he <br /> pali�ies ❑r cer�i�ica�es of insu�ance in farm sa�isfact�ry 1to Lende�, including sfipulatians that ca�erages wi[l not he <br /> cancei�ed or diminished wi�hvut a� [eas� �en ���� days prior wr��ten notic� t❑ Lender. Each insurance policy afso <br /> shall ir��lude an et�dorsement pr�viding tha�cv�erage in ta�vr vf Lender will not be impaired in any way by any ac�, <br /> amissi�n ar defaul�o�Trustor vr any other person. Shou�d the Real Proper�ty be Ivcated in an area designated by <br /> fhe Administrator v��he Federa! Emerg�ncy Manag�men� Agency as a special flva� hazard area, Trust�r agrees to <br /> ob�ain and maintain Federal F[ood Insurance, if a�aiCabie, within 45 days af�er no�ice is gi�en by Lend�r that �he <br /> Proper�y is lo�a�ed in a special �Io�d ha�ard area, for the �fu[l unpaid principal ha�anGe v�the loan and any priar liens <br /> an the praperfiy securing �he loan, up�o the maximum policy limi�s set und�r the National Flaod Insurance Program, <br /> o�-as a�h�rwise required by Lende�, �nd�o maintain such insurance fvr the term af�h� Nvan. <br /> Applica�ivn of Praceeds. Trus�ar sha[[ pramptly natify Lend�r a� any lass ❑r damage to �the Praper�y. Lender may <br /> mal�e proof a�F ��ss �f Trustar fails ta dv so wi�hin fi�teen �15} days of the casua�ty. Vllhe�her vr no� Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's elec�ivn, rece`r�� and re�a�n the proce�ds af any insurance an� apply <br /> the pra�eeds tv the reduc�ian nf �he Indebtedness, payment of any lien a�fe��ing �he Prapert.y, vr the resfiarati�n <br /> and repair a�the Praperty, If Lender elects ta apply the praceeds tv res�oration and r�pair, Trus�tar shall repair �r <br /> replace th� damag�d or destrayed Impra�ements in a manner satisfact�ry �� Lender. Lend�r shall, upvn <br /> satisfac'�vey prva� o� such exp��diture, pay ar reimburse Trust�r #rom the proceeds far �he reasonahle c�st of <br /> repair ar res�arativn i� Trustor is nat in de�aul� under this Deed ❑� Trus�. Any prviceeds which have nv� been <br /> dis�ursed vu�ithin 18� days a�Fter their reGeipt and whi�h Lender has not commi�ted fa the repair ar restoration a� <br /> �he Proper�y sha[[ be used first to pay any amoun�owing #o Lend�r under�this ❑eed o�Trus�, then to pay accru�d <br /> in�erest, and the remainder, if �ny, shall be applied t� the prin�ipa[ baiance of the indebtedness. I�F Lender holds <br /> any praceeds af�er payment in fiull ❑f the Inde�tedness, su�h proceeds sh�ll b� paid tv Trus�or as Trustor's <br /> int�rests m�y appear. <br /> Trus�or's Report vn Insurance. Upvn requ�s�t of Lender, hawe��r nvt more �han ❑nce a year, Trustor sha�� furnish <br /> �v Lender a report an each ex�stin� poCicy vf insuran�e shouving: �1} the name of the insur�r; f�} �h� risks <br /> insured; �3� the amount of the policy; {4� the prvperty insured, the then �urren� rep�acem�nt �a�ue ❑f such <br /> prop�rty, and the manner�f determining tha�va[ue; and �5� the expira�ti�n date �f the pa[icy� Trustor shall, upan <br /> �-eques�af Lender� have an indep�nden�appr°aiser safiisfac�ory tfl Lender de��rmine the �ash�a�ue replacement c�st <br /> a�the Praperfiy. <br /> LENDER'S E�PENDiTURES. [f any ac�i�n ar praceeding �s commenced �ha� uvauld mat�rially affect Lender`s infierest in <br /> the Pr�per�y or if Trrastar fails to comp�y wi�h any p�v�ision o��his Deed o�F Trus� �r any Rela�ed Documents, �ncluding <br /> but nvt �imited to Trus��r's failure �o discharge ar pay w��n due any am�un�s Trustflr is requ��ed �o discharge ❑r pay <br /> under this Deed o�Trust or any Rela�ed Dacuments, Lender an Trustor's behal� may {b�t shall na� be v�liga�ed to� take <br /> any� ac�ion #ha� Lender de�ms apprapria�e, including but n�t [ir-�nited to discharging or paying a�i taxes, li�ns, se�uri�y <br /> interes�s, encumbrances and other claims, at any time �e�ied �r pfaced on the P�Qper�y and paying all casts�or insuring, <br /> maintainin� and pr�ser�ing the Property. All �uch expendi�ures incurr�d ar paid by Lender �flr such purpases vvill �hen <br /> �ear interes� at the rate charg�d under the Nate frvm �he date incurred or paid by Lender tv the date o� repaym�nt by <br /> Trusfiar. �4I1 su�h expenses �v�rill become a part ❑f the ln�eb�edness and, at Lender's o��ivn, wi[[ �A} he payable on <br /> d�mand; �E3} �e added ta the ba[ance af '�he Nvt� and be apportioned among an+d he payab€� with any ins�allment <br /> paymenfis �a bec�m� du� during eith�r �'1� the �erm a� any applicab[e insurance; pvlicy; ar {�} �he remaining term ❑f <br /> the Nate; o� �C� be #reafied as a ballovn payment which will he due and payable at�he N�te"s maturi�y. Th� ❑eed af <br /> Trus� a�sa w�ll secure paymen� ❑� �hese amoun�s. 5uch right �hall be in addit�on �❑ a�i ather righfs an� r�medies t❑ <br /> which Lender may be enti�led upan De�aul�, <br /> INARRANTY; DEFENSE�3F T1TLE. The �allo�rv'rng prov�sivns rela�ing to ownership af the Proper�ty are a par�of this Deed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> Titte. Trustor warran�s tha�: �a} Trustor holds gaod and marketab[e tit[e vf recvrd to the Praperty in fie� simple, <br /> �Free and clear vf all [��ns and encumbrances afiher �han those se� fvrth in the Real Prvperty descrip�ion �r in any <br /> �i#fe ins�rance policy, title report, vr �inal ti�Ie vpini�n 155U�d in fa�vr of, and ac�ep�ed hy, Lender �n evnnectivn <br /> wi�h this Deed af Trus�, and {b� Trus�ar has�he full right, power, and autha�ity tn �xecute and defi�er�his �eed nf <br /> Trust t� Lender. <br /> Defense of Title. 5u�je�� �o fihe ex�eptian in �he paragraph abo�e, Trus�or warran�s and will foreWer d�fiend �he <br /> ti�le �v the Property agains�th� law�ul ciaims a� ail persons. ln �he eWen� any ac�ion ❑r pr�ceeding is commenced <br /> tha�questions Trus�vr's ti�le or�he inter�st❑�Trust�e or L�nder under�his ❑eed of Trust, Trustar sha[f �efend the <br /> action at T�ustvr's �xpense. Trusfiar rnay b� the nvmina� party in such pra�e�ding, but Lender shall be �ntitled tv <br /> pa�ticipate �n the proceeding and ta be represented in fihe pr��seding by counse[ of Lender's awn choice, �nd <br /> Trustor will de[ive�-, or�ause�� �e de�i�ered, to Lende�-such instrumen�s as Lender may reques��r�m time �a �ime <br /> to pe�mi�such parfii�ipa�ivn. <br /> Compi�ance �1ith Law�. Trustor warrants �hat �he Praperty and Trustar's use af �he Property compl�es w�th a�l <br /> existing applicable I�ws, nrdinances, and reguiatians o�g�vernm�nta� au�harit'res. <br /> Sur�i�aC vf Rep�ressntations and 1lVarran#ies. All represen�a�ions, warranfiies, and agr�emen�s ma�e hy Trustar in <br /> this ❑eed o�Trus�shall sur�i�e the execu�ion and deiivery of this Deed v�Trust, shall k�e cantinuing in nature, and <br />