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<br /> Loan 1Vo: 1�'I�D�5�i�3 ����t��u� � Page 3
<br /> Remv�a!flf ImproWemen#s. Trustar shali not demvlish or rema�e any Improvemen�s �rom �he Real Pr�perty withau�
<br /> Lender's privr wri��en consent. As a �onditian �a the rema�al of any Impro�emenCs, Lender may require Trustar��
<br /> make arrangemen�s satis#ac�vey to Lender to repla�e such lnnprvvemen�ts with Imprv�em�n�s ofi afi least equal
<br /> ��lue.
<br /> Lender's Right#v Enter. Lender and �.ender's agents and represen�a�i�es may en��r upvn �h� Real Praperty at all
<br /> reasonab�e times tv attend to Lender`s inter�sts and tn inspect the Real Property fiQr purposes a� Trustvr's
<br /> com�liance wi�th the terms and cvnditions of this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Cvmpliance vuifih Gv�ernmental Requiremen�s. Trustor shall prvmp�iy ��mply wi�h �11 laws, ordinanees, and
<br /> regulations, novu or hereafter in effect, o� all ga�ernmen�tal �uthor�ties applicable �� �he use ❑r vc�upancy vf the
<br /> P�aper�y, in�luding withaut limitation, the Amer�cans VIlith ai�abili�ies Act. Trustar may co�test in goad faith any
<br /> su�h law, ❑rdinance, or regula�ion and vvi�hho[d compliance during any prviceeding, includ�ng apprapriat� appeals,
<br /> s� Iong as Trustar has n��ified Lender in wri�ing prior�� daing so and su �on� as, in Lender's svle opinian, Lsnder's
<br /> ints�res�s in �he Praperty are no� jeopardized. Lender may requi�� Tr�s�ar �❑ pvs� adequa�e securi�y ❑r a surety
<br /> b�nd, reasonably satisfiactvey t❑ Lender, t❑ protec�Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty t❑ Prv�ect. Trustor agrees neither to abandan vr lea�e una��ended the Praperty, Trus�or s�al� do a[� other
<br /> acts, in addition t❑�hose acts set fvr�h aboWe in this section, whi�h fram the character and use ��t�e Praper�y are
<br /> reasana�ly ne�essary fio protec�and prese��e the Proper�y.
<br /> DUE❑N SALE- C�IVSENT BY LEIVDER. Lender may, at Lender's option, declare immedia�ely due and payable a[C sums
<br /> s�cured by this Deed o�Trust upan�h� sale or trans�er, without Lender's privr wri�ten cansent, of a!1 or any part❑�the
<br /> Rea� Prvp�r�y, or an�r i�t�rest in the Real Praper�.y. A "sale Qr transfer" means the can���rance a�Real �'raper�y or any
<br /> right, ti�[e or in�erest in the Real Proper�y; whe�l�er legal, bene�icial vr equitable; whether �vlun�ary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whether by ❑u�right sale, dee�, installment sale contrac�, land cvn�rac�, cvntract �ar deed, ieasehald interest with a
<br /> term greater �han �hree t3} years, lease-option confira��i [JC �7}I 5aI�'� a�signrr�en�, ar transfer of any b�ne�icial interest in
<br /> ar to any land trust holding ti�le ta �he Real Praper�y, or by any ❑�her mefihad o� �vn�eyan�� o� an interest in the Rea[
<br /> Prape�ty. If any Trustor is a carporation, partnership ar limited fiabili�y company, t�ans�er alsv inc[udes any �hange in
<br /> ❑wn�rship o�more than �wenty-fii�e per�en� �25°l�� af�he �oting s�Qck, partnership in�erests or limi�ed liabili�y company
<br /> in�eres��, as �he case may be, �f such Trustor. HovireWer, �his op�ion shal! nQ� he �xercised by Lender if such exercise
<br /> is prohi�ited hy f�deral law❑r by Nebraska iavir�
<br /> TA�ES AND LIENS. The follawing prv��sions re�atin� �a the �axes and liens on fi�e Praper�y are part vf fihis Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when du� ��nd in al[ events pria�t❑ d�linquency� all taxes, �pecial taxes, asses�men��,
<br /> charges �in�lud�ng wa�er and sewer�, fines and �mpositians fe�ied agains��r an aGcaunt o�r the Proper�y, and shall
<br /> - pay when due all c�aim� �ar wark dane ❑n ar far services rendered �r r�a�eriai ��rnished t� the Proper�y. Trustvr
<br /> shal[ mair��ain the Praper�y �ree a�F a�l liens ha�ing pria�ity v�er❑r equal �o the interest a� Lender under�h'rs Deed o�
<br /> Trust, ex�ept for the �ien a� tax�s and assessmen�s not due and exGept as otherwise pravided in �his Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righ�tv Cvntes�. Trustor may vuit�hald payment vf any�ax; assessment� or �claim in �vnn�Gtivn �niith a gavd faith
<br /> dispute v�er the ❑bligation tv pay, sv long as Ler�der's interes�in the Praper�y is no�t jeopardized. ff a fien arises or
<br /> is fifed as a resu[t of n�npayment, Trustvr shall wEthin €i�t�e�n ��5} days after �Che �ien arises orr if a fEen is filed,
<br /> within fifteen ��5y days after Trustor has notice of the filing, s�cur� the discharg� af �he fi�n, or i� requested by
<br /> L�nder, deposit wi�h Lender cash ar a suf�Fici�nt corporate surety bvnd ar Qt[�er se�urity�atis�ac�ary tv Lender in an
<br /> amount suf#icien��o discharge�he [ien pfus any cos�s and attvrneys' fees, ar ath�r charges �hat cauld accrue as a
<br /> result af a forec#osure ar sa[e under�he lien. 1n any�ontestr T�us�tor s�all defend itselfi and Lender and shall sat�s�y
<br /> any ad�erse judgment be�ore enfnrcemen�agains�the PrQper�y. Trus�ar sha�l name Lender as an additional ab[igee
<br /> under any�ure�y bvnd�urnis��d in the contest prviceedings.
<br /> Evidence vf�'ayment. Trustar shall upan demand �Furnish tv Lender satisfactvey euiden�e of payment vf the �axes
<br /> �r a5sessments and shall authorize the appr�priate gq�ernmernta[ affEc�al �o delive�-�ko Lender at any�im� a wri�ten
<br /> stateme�nt of th�e�axes and assessmenfis agains��he Property.
<br /> Notice vf Cvns�rucfiion. Trust�r sha[� natify Lender at leas�fifteen �15� days ���ore any wark is c�mmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any materials are suppiied �o the Property, if any mechanic's Iienr materia[men's lien, ar
<br /> o�her lien could be asserted vn account vf the wark, services, ar ma�eria[s. Trustor wifl u�vn request o� Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�an�e assurances sa�isfact�ry �o Lender that Trustor Gan and vvi�l pay the cast a� such
<br /> improvements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAI�AGE 1N5URANCE. The follvwing pravis'rans relating ta insuring �he Property are a part o��h`rs ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance vf lnsuran�e. Trus�or shall procure and maintain palicies o� �ire insur�nce v+lith s�andard extend�d
<br /> co�erage endorsemcn�s on a fiair �a�ue basis �vr the �u�i insurab[e �alue co��r'sng all lmpro�ements on the Rea�
<br /> Proper�y in an amount sufficient to avoi� application of any cainsuranc� �laus�, and v►r�th a s�andard mortgagee
<br /> clause in �a�vr❑f Lend�r. Trustar shall als❑ prvcur� and main�ain camprehensive genera� fiability insurance in such
<br /> coWsrage arnounts as Lender may requ�st with Trus�ee and Lender being named as addi�ional insured� in such
<br /> liabil�ty insuran�e policies. Addifiionally� Trustvr shall maintain such ❑�her insuran�e, including hut not limi�ed ta
<br />