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2� 1 ��8��7 <br /> �EE[� C�F TF�LJ�1' <br /> Loan N�: '1����DS�� ���l�tit�u�d� Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVA�VCES. �n addit�Qn to the Note, �his Deed o� Trust secures all fu�ur� ad�ances made by Lender �v <br /> 6orr�wer❑r Trustvr vuhefh�r o�-not the ad�ances are made pursuan�t ta a commi�ment. SpeGifically, vtiiithau� limi�a�ion, <br /> this De�d of Trust s�cures, in additivn t❑ the amounts speci�ied in fihe Note, al[ �u�ure amaunts Lend�r in its discretion <br /> may laan t� Borrower vr Trustar, �agether�rvi�h a[l interes��here�n. <br /> T�us�ar present[y assi�ns �❑ L�n�er (also knawn as Beneficiary in ��is Deed a� Trus�} all af Trus�or's ri�ht, title, and <br /> interes� �n and �a all present and fu�ure [eases af �he Property and a[i Ren�s fram �he Property. ln addi�ion, Trustor <br /> g�ants �o Lender a Uni�orm Cammercial Code se�urity interes#in the Pers�nal Praperty and Rents. <br /> TH1S DEED �F TRUST, IIVCLUD[[VG THE ASSIGlVME1VT nF RENTS A�VD THE SECURITY �NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSC�N�4L PRflPERTY, [5 GI1lE[V TQ SECURE �Ay PAY[IfiiEIVT DF THE 1NDEBTE�NESS AND 4B} PERFflRC�IlA�VCE QF <br /> ANY AIV❑ ALL �BLIGATI�IVS U[VDER THE NaTE, THE RELATED QDCU11ClENTS. AND THIS DEED DF TRUST. TH[S <br /> DEED �F TRUST 1S GIVEC�AND ACCEPTED �N THE F�LL�W[NG TERNIS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATf�IVS AND V1lARRANTtES. Trustor warrants that� �a� �his �3e�d ❑f Trust is executed at <br /> �vrrower's requ�st and n�� a�the �equest a� Lender; �b� T'rus�or has the fu[I power, right, �nd authari�y to en�er into <br /> this �3eed af Trust and �o hypothecate the Proper��; {cy the pra�isions of �his Deed ❑f Trust d❑ nat conflict wi�h, or <br /> r�su{� in a default und�r any agreement or o�her instrumen� binding upvn Trustar and do nvt resu[�t in a �ivfa��vn o� any <br /> law, r�gulativn, caur� �ecree or vrd�r applicab�e ta Trus�or; td} Trustar has est�blished adequate means af obtaining <br /> fram Barravver an a cantinuing basis infarmation about Barrovver's �inancial condifiion; and �e� Lend�r has made na <br /> represen�ati�n to Trustor ab�u�Borrower {inc(uding �ntithaut�imi�a�ivn�he creditwo�thiness v�Barrawer}. <br /> TRUST�R'S '�1lA1VERS. Trusto� war�es all rights ar defenses arising by r�asvn af any "vne actian" ar "anti-de�ici�ncy" <br /> Iaw, �r any othe� law which may pre�ent Lender frvm bringing any a�tion against Trus�or, includ`rng a �laim for <br /> deficien�y t❑ the extent Lender is ��herwis� entit�ed �❑ a c�aim far defiicien�y, k�efore or aft�r Lender's cammencement <br /> ❑r�ompl�tian o�any�orec�vsur� action, ei�her judic�ally or by ex�r�ise of a power v�sale. <br /> PAYtU�ENT AND PERFORIl�ANGE. Except as v�herwise proWided in�h�s ❑�ed af Trust, Bc��rvwer and Trus�ar shall pay�v <br /> Lend�r a�� f ndebtedness secur�d by this Deed v�F Trusfi as it he��mes due, and Barrower and Trust�r shal� s�rictly <br /> perfarm a�l their respec�ive vbligativns unde�r the Note, this I�eed of Trust, and�he Related Documen�s. <br /> P�SSESS��N AND �A�NTEIVA�lCE C3F THE PR�PERTlI. Bvrrvwer and Trustor �gree �ha� garrower's and Trustor's <br /> passessivn and us�of the Property�hall be ga�erned by�he fv[Iowing provisions: <br /> Passession and Use. Until th� occurrence o� an E�ent of D�fau[t, Trus�or may {�} remain in possessian and <br /> �an�ra[o�the Prvper�y; {2� us�, opera�� or m�nage�he Prop�r�y; and {3� collect the Ren�s fram th� Praper�y. <br /> Duty tv 1Ulaintain. Trus�or shall main�ain fihe Proper�y in tenan�abl� cvnditian and prampt�y perform all repairs, <br /> repla�ements, and mair�tenan�e ne�es�ary�o preser�e i�s �alue, <br /> Campliance 1l��th Enrrirvnmental L�rrvs: Trus�or represen�s and warrants to L�nder that. {�f Durin� the periad af <br /> Trus�ar's own�rship of�he Praperfiy, there has �een n❑ use, genera�ion, manufacture, stora��, trea�men�, disposal, <br /> release or fihrea�ened releas� o� �ny �lazardous Substance by any persvn on, under, ab�ut or fram the Property; <br /> {�� Tru��vr has na knawledg� ofi, ❑r reason �o� belie�e tha�there has been, except as pr�viously olisclnsed fio and <br /> acicnvvuledged by Lender in �nrriting, ta} any breach ar violatinn of any En�iranmen�al Laws, tb� any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufacture, starage� firea�m�nt, disposal, r�lease or thr�atened release o� any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> on, under, abaut or �ram the Property by any priar owners vr flccupants a� �he Property, or ��� any actu�l or <br /> threatened Citiga��ian ar claims o� any kind by any persan relating �ta such m;atters; an� �3} Except as pr��ivusly <br /> disclvsed�o and acknvwledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a� neithe�-Trus�or nor any�enan�k, con�ractor, agent or other <br /> autho�-�zed user o��he Proper�y shafl us�, generate, manu�a�fiure, st�re, treat, dispvse of or release any Ha�ardaus <br /> �ubstance on, under, abaut❑r fr�m the Property; and �b} any such aGti�ity shall be c�ndu�ted in compliance with <br /> all appli�able federal, s�ate, and Ivcal lai�vs, r�g�lativns and ardinanc�s, inc�uding without limitat�on afl <br /> En�ironmentaf Lavvs: Trustar authorizes Lend�r and i�s agen�s ta �nter upon �he Pr�perty to =make such <br /> inspec�ions and �es'�s, afi Trus�or's e�tpense, as Lender may deem appropria�e t❑ de�ermine cvmpliance o� the <br /> Prap�rty v►rith this section o� �he Deed vf Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shal� I�e far Lender's <br /> purpases ❑n!y and shall n�t be c�nstrued to �r�a�te any responsibility or liability vn the �art of Lender �fa Trustor or <br /> �a any a�her persvn. The represen�ations and vvarran��ies c�ntain�d herein are hased ❑n Trustor's �ue diligence in <br /> inW�s�igating th� Prap�r�y for Hazardous 5ubstances. Trus�vr hereby �1� releases and vuai�es any future c[aims <br /> against Lender for indemnity vr con�ribution in th� event Trustvr hecvmes liable �or cleanup or ath�� �asts under <br /> any such lavvs; ana� ��� agre�s �a indemni�y, de�end, and hald harmless Lender again��any and a[I claims, losses, <br /> . i�abili�ies, damages, penalties, and expenses which L�nder may direc�ly or indirec�ly sustain ar suffer resulting from <br /> a hrea�h of this sectian o�the ❑e�� vf Trust ar as a cvnsequence o� any us�, genera�ivn, manufacture, s�fi�rage, <br /> dispasalr re�ease �r�hreatened release��curring prior t�T�us�ar's❑wnership o�in�erest in the Property, w�et�er vr <br /> n�t the sam� vvas or shauld ha�e be�n known to Trus�vr. Th� pra�isions ❑f t�is sec�ian o# the deed of Trus�, <br /> inc�uding�he�bligati�n�a indemnify and defend� shall sur�i�e �he payment a�th� Indebtedness and the satisfactian <br /> and recanveyance o�fihe lien af�his Deed a�Trus� and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisitian af any inte��s� <br /> in the Praperty, whethe�k�y fare�losure or o�h�rwi�e. <br /> IVuisance, Waste. T'rus�or shalf not cause, canduc� o� permit any nuisance nor commit, permi�, ar suffer an�r <br /> s�ripping ofi vr vua�t� vn vr ta �he Prvperty or any p�rtion af �he Property. VIl�thvufi Iimiting the generali�y of the <br /> #oregoing, Trustar will no� remv�re, ar granfi to any vther party�he right�o remo�e� any timber, minerals {in�lud�ng <br /> oil and gasf, coal, �la�, scaria, s�il, gravel or rack praduc�s withou� Lender's priar wri�ten cvnsent. <br />