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2� 1 ��8�52 <br /> [3EED �F T'��J�T' <br /> . <br /> Loan Na: '1�1�ClU5a4 ����t��7�� } F�age 8 <br /> �in�fuding e��ar�s t❑ m�dify ar vacat� any autamatic stay ar ir�junetivny, appeals, and anyr an�i�ipated pas�-judgment <br /> callection serv�ces, th� �vsfi fl� searc�ing rec��ds, abtaining ti�le reports �in�fuding fareclo�ure reports}, sur�eyors' <br /> reports; and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, tv �h� ex�en� permi�ted by applicab�e Iaw. <br /> Tru�t�r alsa wE[� pay any�ourt cos�s, in additi�n�a all ather sums pr�vided by lairv. <br /> Rights o�Trus#ee. Truste� sha�l have a!l af the �igh�s and duties a�Len�der as set�or�h in this section. <br /> PaV11ERS AIVD (]BL[GAT1aNS QF TRUSTEE. The fvllo�rving provisions re[ating t❑ the potnrers and abligativns af Trustee <br /> are par�vf this Deed vf Trust: <br /> Povuers �f Trustee. ln additian t❑ all powers vf Trus��e arising as � matter of lavv, Trus�ee shall ha�e the power�❑ <br /> �ake �he f�llawing actions vuith respect�a the Praper�y upan �he writ�en reques� af Lender and Trus�or: �a} join in <br /> preparing and filing a map �r p�at af the Real Property, including fihe dedicatian af stree�s ar other rights to �he <br /> pub�ic; �b� j�in in granting any easemer�t or cr�a�ing any restriction ❑n �h� Rea� Proper�y; and ��� jain in any <br /> subordina�ivn ar other agreemen�af�e�ti�ng�his Deed v�Trust ar the in�erest of Lender under this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Trustee. Trus��e sha11 mee� all qualifiications required �ar Trust�e under applicabie law. In addit`r�n t❑ �he rights <br /> and remedies se� forth aba�e, v�rith respect to a�i ❑r any part of the Prvper�y, the Trus�e� shal� ha�e thg righ�t �o <br /> �Fvreclvse by notice a'nd sa�e, and Lender shall ha�e the right to f�reclose by jud�cial fioreclosure, in eith�r case in <br /> aceardance �i�h and to�he�ull exten�provided by app(�cabla lavv. <br /> Su�cessvr Trus�ee. Lender, a�Lender's option, may�rom time tn �ime appaint a succe�sor Trusfiee �v any T�ustee <br /> �ppoin�ed under th�s Deed of T�-us�fi by an instrumen� exe�u�ed and acknowledged by Lende� and �ecarded in the <br /> ��fi�e a�f the recvrder a� �ALL Coun�y, State o� IVebraska, The �nstrum�n� shall cvntain, in additivn tv all �ther <br /> ma�ters required by state law; �he names ofi the vr��in�l Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�or, the book and pa�� �vr <br /> campu�er sys�tem referen�e} where �his �eed of Trust is recarded, and �he name and address o� �the su�cessor <br /> trustee, artd the instrumen�shall f�e executed and acknow[edged by all�he b�neficiar�es under�his Deed of Trus�or <br /> the�r su�cessars in interes�. The successar trustee, without con�eyanc� ❑f �he Prap�rty, shall succeed to a11 �he <br /> �titie, pawer, and �u�i�s cvn�erred upan the Trustee in this Deed of Trus�and hy applicable law. This �rocedure for <br /> subs�itu�ion a-��Trustee shal��avern ta the ex�lusivn n�all o�her provisions fa�substitu�ivn, <br /> N�TICES. Any n��i�e re�uired t� be given under �h�s ❑eed of Trus�, including without fimitafiivn any na�ice of de�au�� <br /> and any notice of sa(e sha�l b� gi�en in vsrriting, and shail �e effec�i�e when a�tua�ly deliWered, when actua![y r�ce��ed <br /> by tele�acsi�riile �unless a�h�rvv�se �required by law�, when dep�si�ed with a na�ivna�iy recogni�ed o�e�nigh�cvurier, or, if <br /> mailed, when d�po��ted in the �nit�d States rxta�l, as first c�ass, c�rtified or registered mai� p�stage prepaid, di�e�fied to <br /> �he addr�sses �hvuvn near the �eginnin� v�f�his Deed of Trus�. A�1 eopies of n�fiices of forec�osure fram the ha[der �� <br /> any Iien which has pri�rity ��er �his Deed af 7rust shal[ be sent to Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of <br /> this Deed ❑-F Trus�. Any party may change i�Cs address for notices under this ❑eed of Trust by gi�ing �ormal wr�tten <br /> nvtice ta the oth�r par�iest spec�fying tha� th� p�urpos� o� the n�tice is t❑ change the party's address. Far natice <br /> purpases, Trustor agre�s �a keep L�nder informed at all time� of Trustar's curren� address. �nless ❑therwise pra�id�d <br /> ar required by lar�v, if�here is mare �han one Trustvr, any nvt�ce given by Lend�r�tia any Trustor is deerr�ed to b� no�ic� <br /> giWen ta �11 Trust�r�. <br /> PURPC35E. REFINAIVCE NC�TE AT�THER B�IN�C AND F�JiVC]5 FaR RENTAL H�ME IMPR�VEME�T <br /> MISCELL►�NE�US PRi]VISI��S. The fallowing rn�sc�llane�us prv�isivn� are a part a�f�his Deed of Trus�: <br /> Amendm�nts. This ❑eed v€Trust, tage�her with any Re�a�ed Documents, c�ns�i�ut�s �he en�ire understanding and <br /> agreement of�he parties as �o�he mat�ers se� ��rth in fihis Deed af Trust. Na �I��rat;on v� or am�ndrnen��v this <br /> aeed o�Trus�shall be eff�ct�ve unless gir�en in r�vriting and signed by the p�r�y or par�ies svught ta be charged or <br /> bound hy th� a�terativn ar arr�endment. <br /> Annual Reparts, If the Proper�y is used far purposes other than Tr�stor's r�sidence, Trus�vr shaii fur�ish tv <br /> Lender, upan reques�, a cer�ifiied s�a�ement af ne� ❑perating income recei�ed fram fihe Property during Trus�or's <br /> pre�iflus �iscal year in such �orm and detaii as Lender shall require. "Ne� apera�ing income" shall mean all cash <br /> receip�s �ram the Prflp�rty less all cas�t expenditures made in conne�tian virith the operation❑��he Prop�rty. <br /> Captian Headings. Caption head`rngs in this ❑eed o� Trust are for con�enience purposes only and are nat to be <br /> us�d tv interpret❑r defin� �he prpWisians of this ❑eed o�f Trust. <br /> 111ierger. There shall be no merg�r o��he interes�❑r estate Grea�ed by this ❑eed af Trust wi�h any other in�eres�t or <br /> es�at� in the Praperty �t any�ime �e�d �y �r�vr�he benefit❑� Lender in any capacity, without the wri�ten consent <br /> of L��der. <br /> Gaverning Law. This Deed vf Trust will be go�erned by fed�ra[ law applicable to L�nder and, to the ex#en� nv� <br /> preempted by federal iau�r,�he l�w� of the S�ate vf Nek�raska withaut regard tv its cvn�iicts vf law proWisions. This <br /> Deed 8�Trusfi has been accepted by L�:nde�in the 5#ate❑f Nebraska. <br /> Chv�ce at �enue. lf there is a lawsuit, Trustor agr�es up�n Lender's reque�t to submit ta the jurisdiction o� the <br /> cvur'�s ❑�HALL Coun�y, S�ate o�Nebraska. <br /> �l0 111lai�er by Lend�r. �ender sh�ll not be deemed ta ha�e wai�ed any rights under this [�eed v�Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed b� Lender. N� deiay or omissi�n on�he part af Len�er in exercising any right <br />