2� 1 ��8�52
<br /> DEEI� �]F 1'F�U�T
<br /> Loan �v: 'I��3��554 ����1t1���d� P�ge 7'
<br /> �he Property ❑r thc Go[[ection, receip�t and applicatian o� rent�, is�ues or pra�i-�s, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> �e en�itfed �o exercise e�ery righ� provi�ed far in �he Na�e ar t�e R�lated Dacurr�en�s or �y law upvn the
<br /> occurrence a�any event a�defauft, inclu�fing the righ��o exercise the power af sale;
<br /> �b� Cammence an a�tivn ta fareclase th�s �eed af Trus� as a mortgage, appoint a rec�iver or specifically
<br /> enfor�e any of th� �a�enants hereaf; and
<br /> �c} Deliver�v Trustee a rivri�ten declaratian v�defau[t and demand for sale and a written not�ce of de�aul�
<br /> and eiec�ion �o cause Trustar"s infierest in the Prop�rty to be sald, which n��ice Trustee shal� cause ta be
<br /> duly�i[ed for record in the appropria�e affices af�he C�un#y in whi�h the Praper��is lacated; �nd
<br /> �dy Wi�h respect ta a[� or any part of the Persanal Proper�y, Lender shafl ha�e �ll �he rights and remedies
<br /> of a se�ured party under�he Nebraska Unifarm Gvmm�rc�af Code.
<br /> Farec�osure by Pvwer of 5ale. ff Lender efects�o �vre�lo�e by exercise af�the Pvwer a�Sa�e herein contained,
<br /> Lender shall natify Trustee and shall depo�it wi�h Truste� this Deed vf Trus� and the No�e and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence ❑f expendi�ures rr�ade and s�cured by this Deed of Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a� �pon receip�o�such nv�ice fram Lender, Trustee shai� cause�o be recorded, pub[ished and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustar such Notice ❑fi De�ault and Noti�e o� Sale as �hen required by [aw and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trust�e shall, wi�hou� demand an Trus�ar, af��r such tim� as may then be required ay �aw and af�er
<br /> rec�rdati�n o# such Na�ice vf ❑efaul� and af�er Notice Q� Sale ha�ing been girren a� required by law, s�ll
<br /> �he Praperty a� �he �ime and place �f saie fixed by it in such Nati�e of 5ale, ei�her as a w�vle, ❑r in
<br /> separate lots or parce�s ar items as Trus�ee sha[I deem expedien�, and in such order as i� may de�ermine,
<br /> a� publ�e auc�ion �� �he highest bidder fvr cash in l�wfiul m�rney vf the LJnited 5�ates payable at�he �ime
<br /> of sale. Trus��e shall deli�er �a such purchaser or purchasers �hereof i�s gaad and sufi�icient d��d ar
<br /> deeds cvnveying the praper�y sn sald, b�rt withvu�t an� cc�rr�nan� or wa�rran�y, express ar impl�ed. The
<br /> recitals in such deed af any ma��ers nr fac�ts shal! be canclusive praof a� Che truthfuln+ess �hereof. Any
<br /> persan, inc�uding wi�hout limitatian Trustvr, Trustee, �r Lender. may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b� As may be permitted by �aw, after deduc�ing all cas�s, �ees and ex�enses af Trustee and af this
<br /> Trust, including c�s�s af e�idence of tit[e �n c�nne�tion wi�h sale,Trus�ee shall apply�he pr�ceeds ofi sale
<br /> ta payment af �i� all sums expended under�he�erms ❑f fihis D�ed v�Trust❑r under the te�ms o��he Note
<br /> not then r�pa�d, �ncluding but not limi�ed ta accrued interest and la�e charg�s, �ii� afl a�her sums then
<br /> seGured hereby, and tiii� �he remainderr if any, to the persvn or persons lega[�y enti�led�hereto.
<br /> �c} Trus�ee may in the manner pravided by[aw pvstpone sa�e of a[!or any por�tian❑�the Proper'ty�
<br /> Remed�es iVa� ExclusiWe. Trus�ee and Lender, and each a� them, sha�f be entit�ed ta en�vr�e payment and
<br /> performance afi any�ndebt�dness or flbligations se�ured by this ❑eed afi Trus�t and to ex�rcise all rights and powers
<br /> under this Deed ��Trus�, under the Nate, under any ❑f the Rela�e� []acuments, ❑r under any vther agreemen't or
<br /> any laws nvr�v or h�rea#ter in �orce; natwithstand�ng, some ar al� ❑fi su�h indebtedness and �bligat'rons secur�d by
<br /> this Deed ❑�Tru�t may naw ❑r hereaf#er be nfiherwise se�ured, whe�her by mor�gage¥ deed a��rus�, pledge, lien,
<br /> ass��nment or atherwise. IVei�her t�e a�ceptance of �his aeed �f Trus� nvr its enfvrcement, whether fay cnurt
<br /> action or pursuant�o �he power v� sale �r o�her powers contained in �h�s Deed of Trust, shall prejudice or in any
<br /> mann�r afife�t Trustee's ar Lender`s right �❑ realize upt�n or en�orce any �xher sect�ri�y now or herea�er held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Len�er, it be�ng agreed tha�Trustee and L�nder, and each of�hem, �hall be entit�ed ta enfvrce this Deed
<br /> vf Trust and any other security now ❑r hereaf�er held by Lender or T'rust�e in such nrder and manner as �hey ar
<br /> either o� them may in their ahsolute discre�ivr� deterrr�ine. Na remedy �an�erred upor� vr r�ser��d t� Tt-ustee or
<br /> Lender, is intended �� b� exc�usi�e nfi any o�her remedy �n this Deed vf Trus�or by law provided or permit�ed, i�u�
<br /> each shall be cumulative and shalf be in addition to e�e�y ather remedy gi�en in this ❑eed of Trust ar nv�v or
<br /> he�eafi�er existing at[aw �r in equity ❑r by s�a�ut�. E�ery pawer or remedy gi��n by�he N��e vr any af the Related
<br /> Docunnen�s tv Trustee ar Lender or t❑ whi�h either af them may be otherwise enti�led, may be e�cercised,
<br /> concurrent�y ❑r independently,`from time ta time and �s often as may be deerned expedien� by Trus�ee vr Lend�r,
<br /> and ei�her �f them may pursue in�onsistent remedies. Nathing in this De�d af Trus� sha[f be �onstrued as
<br /> prohih�ting Lender�From seeking a defi�iency judgment a�ains�the Trus�fl�tv the ex�ent such ac�ion is perrrti#ted by
<br /> ia�rv. Elect��n by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shall not exclude pur�u�t vf any other �rem�dy� and an election to
<br /> make expenditures �r to fiake action to perfvrm an obliga�ion af Trusfior under this peed a�f Trust, a�ter Trusto�-'s
<br /> �ailure�ta perfnrm, sha�� nvt affect Lender's �ight ta declare a d�fauft and exercis� i'�s remedies,
<br /> Request fvr Not`rce, T�us��r, on behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s �hat a capy nf any Notice ofi Defauit
<br /> and a capy ot any Nvtice af Sale under this Deed of Trust be mailed to them a�the addres�es s�t far�h in the firs�t
<br /> paragraph vf�his C]e�d o�Trus�.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. I� L�nder ins�ti�utes ar�y suit vr action �o en�arce any vf the terms of this Deed ��
<br /> Trust, Lender shall �e entitl�d ta reco�er such sum as �he Gaur�may adjudge reasanable a5 ��fiDl'C1��1'S� fees a��riai
<br /> and up�n any appeal. Wh�ther or no� any court a��tion is �n�ofved, and ta �he ex�ent not prohibited by lavv, a[(
<br /> reasanahle expenses Lender incurs that �n L�nde�'s �pinian are necessary at any tirr�e #Qr �he pr��e�ti�n of its
<br /> interest vr�he enfiarcemen�❑fi i�s rights shaii becvme a part of the [ndebtedness paya�le an demand and shall bear
<br /> interesx at the Note �-ate�rom�he date ❑f the expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�e�ed �y this para�raph inc[ude,
<br /> wi�hout Iimitation, hawe�e� subjec�t❑ any [�mits �nder applicab[� �aw, Lender's attflrn�ys` �ees and L�r�der's legal
<br /> expenses, wh�ther ar no� �her� is a lawsui�, inc�uding a��arn��s' f�es and expenses fvr bankrup�cy proceedings
<br />