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2� 1 ��8�52 <br /> �3EE�3 �F 1'�IJ�T <br /> Loan Nv: 'I�"�30�5�4 ��[��t�rlu�d� �'age � <br /> sha[� operate as a �rvai�er❑f such right❑r any vther right. � vv�i�er by L�nder a�F a �ro�isian of this De�d ❑f Trus� <br /> sha[f no� prejudice or cans�itute a wai�er ❑fi Lender's right ��herv�rise ta demand s�rict cvmpliance vvith �ha� <br /> provisinn nr any ather pro�isian fl# this �eed at Trust. No priar wai�er by Lender, nar any caurse nf dealing <br /> be�ween Lender and Trustvr, shalf constitu�e a wai�er af any a� Lender`s righ�s vr vf �ny ❑f Trustor's abfigations <br /> as to any future transaGti�ns. Whene�er the consenfi �f Lender is required under this Deed a�Trust, the grant�ng <br /> �� such consent by Lsnder in any instanc� shall no� cansti�ut� contEnuing consent to subsequent ins�ances v�here <br /> such c�nsent is required and in all Gases su�h cansent may be gran�ed or wifihheld in�he sQfe dis�retion of Lender. <br /> Severabili�y. If a court of competen�jurisdi��ian �inds any pra�ision a�this Deed of Trust �a be illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenfflrceable as to any c�rcumstance, �ha� finding shall no� make the offending pravisivn illega�, in�alid, ar <br /> unenf�rceabfe as ta any other circums�ance. If feasible, th� affendin� prvvision sha11 be considered m�di�Fied so <br /> t�at it becames legal, �alid arrd enfiorceabCe, 1� the o�fending p�ovisivn cannot b� so madi�ied, it shal[ be <br /> cvnsidered dele�ed �rvm this Deed af Trust. Un[ess ather�vise required by [arrv, the iile�a�ity, invalidity, or <br /> unenforceabili�y v� any pro�isi�n of this Deed a#Trust shall n�t a��ect the lega��ty, �alidi�y ar en�arc��bi�ity a� any <br /> o�her pro�isian ofi this Deed af Trust, <br /> S�]CC8S5�1'S and Assigns. 5ubjec� fia any limitat�ons s�ated in �his []eed ❑�Trus� an transfer ��Trusfiar�s interes�, <br /> this Deed ❑# Trust shaf[ he binding upon and inure to �he bene�it ot �he �arties, th�ir successars and assigns, ff <br /> own�rship of the P�aperty becomes ves#ed in a p�rson a�her#han Trustor, Lender, vtirithvut na�iGe tn Trustvr, may <br /> deal with Trusta�-'s successors with refer�nce ta�his ❑eed vf Trus�and the [ndebtedness by way�f farbearance or <br /> extension �uvi�hout releasing Trus�or fram�he�b�igations af�his Deed af Trust or[iability�nder�he Indeb�edness. <br /> Time rs vf�he Essence. Time is vf the essen�e �n the performance af this Deed ❑�Trust. <br /> Wairrer o� Homesfiead Exemption. Trus�or hereby re�sases and wai�es all rights and b�ne#i�s v� the hamestead <br /> exemp�ion laws ❑f�the St�te ❑f Nebraska as ta all lndeb�edness secu�-ed by this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> DEF[N1TIflN5. Th� fiailawing capita[ized wvrds and term� shal� haue �he falivwing meaning� when used in this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trust. Unless specifically sta�ed t� �he contrary, a�l references to d�[�ar amounts shall mean am�unts in la�uvful maney <br /> �� the Uni�ed 5tates a� America. V1lards and terms used in �he singular sha[I in�lude �he plural, and fihe plural sha[I <br /> include the singular, as �he cantex� may require. `1Vords and �erms nofi ❑�herwis� d�fined in this Deed o�F Trus� shall <br /> ha�e�he meanings attributed to such terms in�he Unifarm Comm�rcial Code. <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Bene�iciary"' means FiWe Points Bank, and its successors and �ssigns. <br /> Bvrrvwer, The wvrd "Barrvvver" means L�RRAiNE J JEIVSEN and includes afl cc�-�igners and c�-makers signing <br /> �he Note and a�l th�"rr successors and assigns. <br /> Deed v� Trust, The words "Deed of Trust" mean �this Deed ❑� T�-us� am�ng Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> �n�ludes withnut limitativn all assignment and se�urity infierest pravis�ons rela�ing �o the Persanal Property and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> flefaul#, The word "De�aul�" means the Default se��orth in�his Qe�d of Trust in the sectian ti�led "Defau�t". <br /> En�irvnmenta� Laws. The wards "En�ironmental Laws" mean �ny and all s�ate, �ederai and loca� statu�es� <br /> regu�ations and ordinances relafiing to �he pratection of human hea[th or the en�ironmen�, including withau� <br /> limitation the Comprehens��e Envir�nmental Res�onse, CompensatEan, and Liability A�t o� �98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U,S.�; Section 9�41, e� seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Su�erfund Amendments and Reau�hvri�ativn Ac� af �956, Pub. L. <br /> No, 99-499 {"SARA"�, the Ha�ardous Ma�erials Transpvr�a�ion Ac�, �9 U.S.C. Section �8��, e�seq., th� Resource <br /> Ganser�a�ian and Re�a�ery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Se�ti�n G9��, +�t se��, ar ather appf i��ble st��e or federal laws, rules, <br /> ar regu�ations advpted pursuant theretv. <br /> E►�ent vf Defau�t. The words "E�en�afi Default" mean any❑f the �vents a�de#ault se�farth i�n th�s Deed af Trust in <br /> the ��ents of de�ault section❑f this Deed ��F Trus�. <br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaranty" means the guaranty frvm guaran�vr, endorser, surety, ❑r accammadati�n party to <br /> Lender� including withvut limitation a guaran�y v�f all ❑r part vt the �[ote. <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances. The wards "Ha�ardaus Substances" rnean rnater�als �hat, because of their quantity, <br /> �ancentra�ion ar physical, chemical vr infectious characteristics, ma� cause vr pase a present ar po�ential h��ard. <br /> tv human h�alth ❑r�he en�iranr-nent�rirhen improperly used, �reated, st�red, dispos�d of, generafied, manufactured, <br /> transpor�ed ar �therwise handl�d. The words "Hazardaus Substances" are used in �heir �ery broadest sense and <br /> �nclude withaut limi�ation a�ny and afI hazardaus or t�axic substance�, material� ar waste as d�fined by ar Iisted <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Lavus, The �erm "Hazardous Su�s�ances" als� inciudes, wi�hvut fimitation, petra�eum and <br /> pe�raleum by-products ar any fraction�hereaf and �sbes�as..:.. ,.,,._ <br /> . .: ; _. .. :,:�::.-- ..,::.;:.:� <br /> lmpro►�ements. The ward "[r-npravements" means a=11 e�cis�i;ng, and"fu�ure;:imp:ra�er�en�s� buildings, s�ructures� <br /> mabile hames af�i�ced on the Real Praper�y, facifsties,:additions;r`replace��-nents and o�h�r ct�ns�ruc�ivn on �he Rea� <br /> Pra ert ; <br /> , <br /> P Y� . � <br /> ......,..;...:.. <br /> ._ <br /> »..: <br /> -. <br /> .. .. .. . . ,: <br /> lndeb#edne�s. The ward "lndebtedness" mean� al� prin�ipal, int�res�� and �t�er �amaunts, casts and expenses <br /> payabl� under the No�e vr Related Documen�s, �ogether with all renerrvals ❑#, ex�ensions af, modifi�atians ❑f, <br /> cansalidatians ❑f and substitu�ivns �or�he N�te ❑r Rela�ed C7o�um�nts and an� amounts expended ❑r adWanced by <br /> Lender ta discharge Trus�or's ob[igatians or expenses incurred by Trus�ee or Lender �o �nforce Tru��ar's <br />