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2� 1 ��8�52 <br /> C�EE� �F TRU�T' <br /> Lo�n No: 1 D 1����554 {���1ti�u�d� Page � <br /> Payrnent ae�au�t, T`rus�or�ails ta make any payment wh�n due under the lndebtedness,. <br /> �ther De�Faul�s. Trustor fails �o cvmply wi�h ar to perform any a�her �erm, obligativn, �o�er�an� ❑r canditian <br /> contained in �his De�d o� Trus� or �n any o� the �ela�ed Dacum�n�s ar to cvmply with vr ta perform any �erm, <br /> abligativr�, cv�enant❑r candi�ion cantained in any other agree�nent betw�en Lender and Trustar. <br /> Compliance aefaui�. Fail�re ta comply �ivith any ather �erm, ab[i�at�an, cv�enan� o� �ondition cvn�ained in this <br /> aeed �f Trust, �he Nat�or in any of�h� �ela�ed Documen�s. <br /> Defaui�an Dthe�r Payments. Failure c��Trustor wi�h�n the time required by�his Deed o�Trust tn mak� any payment <br /> for taxes ❑r insurance, or any ather payment ne�essary to pr��ent filing ❑�or t❑ effe�t disch�rge of any lien. <br /> False 5#atemenfis. Any war�an�y, r�presen'�atian ar stat�men� made or furnished �v Lender by Trustar or on <br /> Trustor's behal�f under �his Deed o�Trus� or the R_elated Dacuments �s false or misleading in any material respect, <br /> either noint ar a��he�ime r-nade vr furr�ished or becomes fialse or misleading at any time�herea�ter. <br /> Defec��We Co[lat�ralization. This Deed ❑�f Trus�t ar any af the Related Dacumenfis ceases t❑ be in fu�� f�rce and <br /> e��e�� {includ�ng �ailure ❑f any callateral dvcument ta create a �alid and perfec�ed se�uri�y interes� flr lien} at any <br /> time and far any reason. <br /> Death a�lnsolrrency. The death of Trust�r, �h� �nsol�ency af Trustor, the appoin�men�a�a re�eiver�ar any par�❑f <br /> Trustor's property, any ass�gnmen� fvr �he ben��it a� �reditvrs, any �ype ❑f credi�vr vvorkou�, vr the <br /> �ommen�emen�a�any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy ar insa(�ency laws by❑r against Trus�vr. <br /> Creditor vr Forfeiture Pra�eedings. �ammen�emen� a� fareclosure ❑r far�e��ure praceedings, whether by j�dicia� � <br /> praceeding, self�help, rep�ssessir�n or any�#�her methad, by any cred`rtor at Trustvr a�-by any go�e�nmen�al agency <br /> aga�nst any praperty securing the fndehtedness. This inc�udes a garnishment �� any of Trustor's a�caunts, <br /> inc�uding depQsi�t accaunts, v�r��h Lender. Hawever, �his E�en� o� D�fault shall not app�y if �there is a govd fai�h <br /> dispute by Trustar as ta �he �aiidi�y ar reasanabl�ness af�he c[a�m which is the �asis v#�th� creditar �r f�rfeiture <br /> �roceeding and i� Trus�ar gi�es Lender writ�en natice of �he creditar or forfe�ture pr�ceeding and depvsits with <br /> Lender manies ❑r a sur�ty band fvr�he credi��r�r�ar�ei�ure praceeding, in a�n amvunt de�ermined by Lender, in i�s <br /> sa[�discre�ian, as being an adequate reser�� or bvnd#or�h�dispute. <br /> Bre�ch of C3ther Agreemen�, Any breach by Ttustar under the �erms v� any other agreemen� be�ween Trustor and <br /> L�nder that is no� rerned�ed �rvi�hin any gra�e periQd pro�ided �h�r�in, including wi�haut limitatian any agr�ement <br /> conc�rning any indebtedness ar❑the�obligation vf Trustar�o Lender, whe�her exis�ing now ❑r I�t�r. <br /> Evsnts Affecting Guaran#or. Any of�he preceding events ac�urs with respect t❑ any guaran�or, er�do�ser, sure�y, <br /> ar accommo�ation party a# �ny ❑� the Cndebtedness or any guarantvr, endorser, sure�y, or ac�omm�datian par�y <br /> diES vr h��omes incompeten�, �r re�akes �r di�pu�es the �a�idity af, v� liabili�y under, any Guaranty ofi the <br /> [ndeb��dness. <br /> Adverse Chan�e, a mater�al ad�erse ch�nge accurs in Trus�or's �inancial cvnd�tian, �r Lender belie�r�s the <br /> pr�sp�ct of paymen�or performance o€the �ndebtedn�ss is impaired, <br /> Ir�s�curi�y. Lender in gt�vd-Fai�h belie�es i�selfi insect�re. <br /> Righ�tv Cure. f�any d��Fault, other than a de�ault in payment, is cura�le and ��Trustor has not been given a natice <br /> v#a �reacl�a�t�e same p�v�ision of this Deed vf Tru�t wi�hin the preceding �wel�e {1�� mon�hs, it may be �ur�d ifi <br /> Trusfiar, a��er Lender sends wrifiten notic� �o Trus�or demanding cur� of such de�ault: �1� cures th� de�au(t within <br /> �i�teen ��5f days; or ��� i��the cure requires more than fifteen �15} days, immedia�ely initia�es s��ps which Lender <br /> deems in Lender`s svle discre�ivn �to be su���cien� �o �ure th� defaul� �nd thereafter continues and comple�es all <br /> reasvnabf� and necessary steps suffi�ient t❑ produce cvmpliance as saon �s reas�nabfy practical. <br /> RCGHTS AiV❑ REMEi31ES C]N DEF�4ULT. I� an E��nt af ❑efau[t occurs under th�s Deed of Trust, a� any time thereafter, <br /> Trustee vr Lender may exercise any one or more of�h�following righ�s and rem�dies: <br /> Acceleration Upon De�aul�; Addi�i�naC Remedies. 1� any Event of De�Fault occurs as per�he terms o��khe Note <br /> se�ured f�ere�y, Lender may de�[are afl Indebtedness se�ured by this Dee.d o�Trust to be due and payabfe and <br /> the same shall thereupon becam� due an�d payable vrri�hau�any pres�ntment, demand, protes�or notice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender�nay: <br /> {�� Either in pe�san ar by agen�, with vr w�thou� bringing any actian ❑� proceeding, ar by a receiver <br /> appoint�d �y a court and r�vithaut reg�rd fio the adequacy af i�s s�cu�i�y, enter �pon an� take p�ssession <br /> ❑f�he Praper�y, ar �ny part thereof� in its own name v� in the nam� af Trus�t�e, and do any acts whi�h it <br /> deems necessary or desirab�e �v preser�e �he �alue, marke�ability or ren�ability ❑f the Property, or par�af <br /> the �'roperty or int�res�t in �he Praperty; increase t�e inc�me frvm the Prvperty or prvtect the security of <br /> th� Praper�y; and, r�vi�h vr withaut �aking possession af the Praper�y, sue �Fvr or atherwise Gollect �he <br /> rents, issues and pra�Fi�s af fihe Property, including �ha�e pas� due and u�npaid, and apply �khe same, I�55 <br /> cas�s and expenses ❑f aperatian and collec�io� attorn�ys' fees, to any indebt�dness secured by�his Deed <br /> ❑� Trust, a�1 'rn such ❑rder �s Le�der may de���mine. The �ntering upon and taking passession afi fihe <br /> Praperty, the colleGtion �f such rents, issues and pro�its, and the application therevf sha[� na� cure vr <br /> wai�re any de�auf� vr nvtice vf de�ault under �his Deed o�Tr�st ❑r in�a{idate any act done in respanse to <br /> such d��aui�or pursuant to such nvti�e vf defauit; and, notwi�hstan�ing the continuance in possessian o� <br />