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2� 1 ��8� 17 <br /> required by RESPA, and Barrow�r sha��pay�o L�rider the amaunt n�c�ssary to nna.k�up the def�ciency in <br /> accQrdanc�with RESPA, bu� xn no xnar�than ��m�n�hly payments. <br /> Upnn payment in fu�l af a�� sums secured by�his Security �nstrument, L�nder sha�1 promptly refund�o <br /> Borrnwer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens, Borrower sha�l pay a�� tax�s, as�essments, charg�s, f�n�s, and impos���ons a�tributab�e�o <br /> the Propert�r vvh�ch can at�ain priari�y��er th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rument, �easehold paymen�s ar graund rents an <br /> �he Property, if ar�y, and Community Assflciatian Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssm�nts, if any. Tn�h�ex��n�tha� <br /> these��ems are Escrow ��em�, B�rrower shal�pay�h�m�n�he mann�r pr�vxded zn Sect�fln 3. <br /> Borrawer shal�pr�mptly discharge any l��n which has pr�or�ty aver th�s Secur�ty �nstrument un�ess <br /> Borrovver: �a}agrees�n wr�ting to th�payment of the ab��gatxon secured by the���n�n a manner acc�ptab�e <br /> �� Lender, bu�only s���ng as�orr�wer is performing such agreemen�; �b}�an��sts the��en �za g�od faz�h��, <br /> or d�fends aga�ns�enfarcement flf th����n�n, ��gal pro�eedings which in Ler�der's opinian apera�e ta prevent <br /> the enforGement af�he lien vvhile those proc��d�ngs are pendi�g, but only unt�i such prnce�d�ngs ar� <br /> con��uded; or�c}secures from�he halder af�he��en an agre�ment satisfa�tory�� Lend�r subardxnating �he <br /> ��en to this Securit� �nstrument. �f Lender determ�n��that any par��f�he Proper�y is subject to a lien which <br /> can attazn przority over this Securi�y Instrument, Lender ma�g���Barrower a n�tzce identxfyxng th��ien. <br /> �Vi�hin 1�days af the date nn vvhich that notice is given, Borrawer shall sa��sfy th��ien or take one or more <br /> af�he act�ons se�for�h abo�e in�his Sec�i�n 4. <br /> Lender may require Borro�er to pay a ane-�ime charg�for a real estate tax�eri�cat�on ar�dlor report�ng <br /> servzce used h� Lender�rt caranectian��th th�s Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. B�rrawer sha11 keep the�mprowements now e,�ist�ng ar hereaft�r�rected on the <br /> Praper��insured against�oss by �r�, hazards in�luded v���h�n the term "e�tend�d cov�rage," arid an�other <br /> hazards ineluding, �ut not lirni�ed t�, ear�hquak�s and flo�ds, for which Lender requ�res insurance. This <br /> insurance shall be main�ained in the anzoun�s ��nc�ud�ng deduct�ble le�e�s} and for the per�nds tha� Lender <br /> r�quir�s. What Lender requires pursuant to the�re�edin�s�n�en��s �an change during�he t�rm of�he Loan. <br /> The insuranc�carrier prov�d�ng the in�urance shal��e chasen by B�rrower subject�o Lender's right to <br /> ��sappr��e Borr�v��r's cho�ce, whx�h right shall nat be e�ercised unreasonably. Lender may r�quire <br /> Barrower�a pay, in conn���ian v�r�th�h�s Loan, e��her: �a} a one-time Charge for�1Qod zone de�erm�na��an, <br /> �er�if�cation and�rack�ng serWices; �r�b} a an�-��me charge f�r�load zane de�ermzna��nn and c�r�zfication <br /> services and subsequen�charges�ach time remappzngs or s�m��ar chaxzg�s occur wh�ch reasonably m�gh� <br /> affect su�h determ�na�ion�r cert�f��at���z. B�rr�wer shall al�o b���sp�nsible far the pa�ment flf any fees <br /> �mposed by the Federal Emergen�y Manag�ment Ag�n�y in Cflnnecti�n v���h the revz�w�f any f�ood zflne <br /> deter�m�nat�on re�u��ing fr�m an obj ect�on�y Borr�wer. <br /> �f Barrau�er fail�t�m.aznta�n any of�h�coverages described above, Lender m�ay nbtazn�nsurance Goverage, <br /> a�Lender's nption and B�rrower'�expens�. Lender�s under n�ob�igatian t�purchase an�particular�ype or <br /> amount�f coverage. Therefore, su�h c�verag�shall co�ver Lender, but might�r rnight not protec�Borrower, <br /> Borr�wer's equ�ty in t�i�Proper�y, or the c�n��nts af the Praper�y, against any risk, hazard�r I�abi��ty and <br /> might pro�ide greater or Iesser caverage�han was pre�r�flus�y �n eff�et. Borrflwer acknowledges that th�c�s� <br /> of the�nsurance coverage so o��ained might signif��an�ly exceed�he c�st af insurance that Borrov�er could <br /> have obta�ned. An� arnounts disbursed by Lend�r under th�s Sec��on 5 shall become add�txonaX debt nf <br /> Borrovv���secured by�his Security �nstrument. These am�aun�s sha��bear interest at�he Nate ra�e fram the <br /> date of disbursement and shal� be payab�e, v�i�h such interest, u.pan notice from Lender�o B�rrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FaRM INSTRLIMENT �arm 3028 1 J01 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi(NEy(1342j <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financial 5ervices Page fi Qf'#7 <br />