2� 1 ��8� 17
<br /> AI1 �nsurance polic;�es required�y L�nder and renewais of such po��cies sha11 be sub�ec��o Lender's right to
<br /> d�sapprove such pa�icies, shaii include a standard mortgage c�ause, and sha�l name Lende�r as mart�a�ee
<br /> andlor as an additionai �oss payee. Lender shal� ha�e the righ���ha�d�he policies and renewal c�r�if�cates. If
<br /> I,�nder requires, Borrawer shall promptiy give to L�nder all rece�pts of pa�d prern�ums and renewa�notices,
<br /> �f Borr�wer obtains any form�f�n�urance coverag�, no�o�h�rwis�requ�re�by Lender, for damag���, �r
<br /> destY-uctian of, the Proper�y, such pol�cy sha11 inciude a standard mar�gage claus�and sha�l nan�e Lender as
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as an add��ional lass paye�,
<br /> �n the e��nt of�oss, Borro�rer sha��g�ve promp�not�ce to the�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> make praof of�ass if not mad�prompt�y�y Borr�vver. Un��ss Lender a�d Borrower o�herwise agree in
<br /> v�rrit�ng, any insurance proc�eds, whe�h�r or nat the underlying �nsuranc�vwas requ�red by Lender, shal�be
<br /> app�x�d t�restora�ion or r�pair of�he Proper�y, if the res�orat��n or repa�r is economica��� feasible and
<br /> Lender's securit� is nat�essened. During such repair and restoratifln per�ad, Lender shal�have�he righ�to
<br /> h��d such insurance proceeds un�il L�nder has had an oppor�un��y ta inspec�such Pr�perty �o ensure the
<br /> work has h�en�ompleted to I.�nder's sa�isfac��on, pr��ided that such inspection sha��be undertaken
<br /> pramp�ly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restora�ion in a single pa�men�or in a series of
<br /> pr�gress pa�ments as the vvork is camp�eted. Un�ess an ag�-eem.�n� �s mad�in writing or Appl�cable Law
<br /> requxres interest�a�e paid on such insurance prace�ds, Lender shal� n�t be required�o pay Borrower any
<br /> �nferest or earnings an such proceeds. Fe�s for pu��ic adjusters, or other�axrd parties, retained by Barrower
<br /> shall not�be pa�d�ut of�h� insurance proceeds and sha�l �e�he sale obiiga�ion of Borrower. If th�res�ora�ion
<br /> or repa�r is not economi�ally feasib�e or Lend�r's securi�y wau�d be�essened, �he insurance proCeeds sha�I be
<br /> applied �o the surns secured by th�s Security I��strument, whether ar not fhen due, with the e�cess, if any,
<br /> paid �o Borrow�r. Such insurance proc�eds shaZ��e applied in the arder proWided for in Sec�ion 2.
<br /> Zf Borrower a�andons the Prop�rty, Lender may file, neg�tia�e and settXe any a�a�lable insurance c�a�m and
<br /> related matters. Xf Barrawer do�s not respond with�n 3D days to a notice from Lender that the insuranc�
<br /> carrier has affered ta settle a claim, �hen L�nd�r may n��o��a�e and se���e�he�laim. The 3�-day peri�d will
<br /> begxn v�hen�he na�ice is g�v�n. In ei�her e�ent, or if L�nder acqu�res th�Pr�perty under Se��ion 22 ar
<br /> o�herwi��, Borrower hereb�r assxgns to Lender(a}Bflrrower's rights�o any insurance proceeds in an amaunt
<br /> nat to exceed the amounts unpa�d under�h�No�e or thxs S��uri�y Ins�rumen�, and�b} any other af
<br /> Borrower's rights �o�her than�he righ��a an�r r�fund �f unearned pr�miums pa�d b}� Borrow�r} under a��
<br /> xnsuranc�po�ici�s cover�n��he Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s are appl��a�le ta the co��rage af�he
<br /> Pr�perty. Lender may us��he�nsuranc�proceeds e�ther�o repair or restare�he Proper���r to pay amounts
<br /> unpaid und�r�he Note or�his Secur�ty �nstrumen�, whether ar not then due.
<br /> C. []�cupancy. Borrower shall oc�upy, establish, and use�he Proper�y as Barrawer's princ�pa� residenCe
<br /> within ��days after�he ex�cution of this Se�ur��y�nstrument and sha�� �fln�inu�to oc�up�the Proper��as
<br /> �orrourer's principa�r�sxden�e for at leas�on�year after�he da�e of a�cupancy, unless I,ender�th�rw�se
<br /> agrees in writ�ng, wh�ch c�nsent shal�no�be unreasonab�y vvithheld, or un�es� e��enua�ing circums�ances
<br /> exis�wh�ch are beyond Borrower's can�ra�.
<br /> 7. Preser�atian, Maintenance and Prote�tian of t�e Prnperty; �nspectians. Borrower shall not des�roy,
<br /> darnage or impair the Proper�y, allaw �he Proper�y�o deter�orate or c�mnz.i�waste on�he Proper�y. �Vhether
<br /> or nat Borrov�rer xs res�ding �n�he Propert�r, Borr�wer sha�� maintain�he�'raper�y in�rder�o preven��he
<br /> Propert�from deterxorating or decreasing in�al.ue due to �ts condi�i�n. Unl�ss i�is deternuned pursuan��o
<br /> 5ect�on 5 tha�repa�r ar r�storatian is na�econom�ca��y f�aszb�e, Borrower sha�I pr�mp��y repair the Property
<br /> �f damaged to avoid fur�her de�er�oration or damage. �f insurance or conde�nna�ion proceeds are paid xn
<br /> cannection with damage to, or the taking of, the Property, Barrav�er sha1� be responsibl�for repa�r�ng or
<br /> restor�ng the Pr�perty an1� if Lend�r has released�roce�ds for such purp�ses. Lender ma�disburs�proceeds
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE){�342f
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�ia#Ser�ices Page 7 of�7
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