2� 1 ��8� 15
<br /> �n the Proper�y and righ�s u�.der�hxs Securi�y �nstrument; and�d} take� such act�on as Lender may
<br /> reasonal�l� require�a assure tha�L.�nder's �nterest in�he Proper�� and rights under�his Securit� Insfirument,
<br /> and B�rrower's�bligation ta pa� �he sums secured hy th�s Securit� �n5�rument, sha��continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender ma� r�quire that Borr�wer pay such reins�atem�nt�ums and�xpenses �n on��r more of�he foi�awing
<br /> forms, as selected�y L�nder: ta}cash; (b} mon�y order; �c� cer���ed check, bank check, treasurer's check�r
<br /> ca�hier's check, pr���ded any such check �s drawn upon an ins�itution vvhose deposits are�nsur�d b� a
<br /> federa� agency, instrumenta�ity or entity; or�d} E�ectronic Funds Transfer. L�pon reinstatem�ent�y Borrower,
<br /> th�s Se�urity �ns�rument and ob��gat�ons secure�.hereby shali r�m.ain fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acce�eration had
<br /> a�curred. Hov�e�er, this righ�ta rexns�ate shali no�app�y �n�he case af acceleration und�r Sec�ian 1 S.
<br /> ��. Sa�e vf �Vote; Change af Laan Se�rricer; Nvtice of Grie�ance. The Note or a part�a� interes��n the
<br /> Note�toge�h�r wi�h th�s Securit� Instrumen�} can be so�d�ne or more tim�s wi�hout prior notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might resu�t in a change�n the entity �known as�he "Laar� Servicer"}tha�col�ec�s Periodic
<br /> Payments due under the No�e and this Security �nstrument and performs a�h�r mor�ga�e l�an ser�i�ing
<br /> �bii�ations under the Note, this Security �nstrumen�, and Appixcable Lavv. There a�sa might be one or more
<br /> changes af the Loan Serv�cer unreiated�o a�al�of the Nate. �f�here is a change af the I...nan Ser�icer,
<br /> B�rrower will be gi�en v�rit�en notice of the chan��►which��rili sta�e the name and address af the new Loan
<br /> Serv�cer, the addr�ss to �hich payments should be made and any other informat�on R�SPA requ�res in
<br /> cannec�ion with a notice of�ransfer�f ser�r�c�ng. �f the Note is so�d and �her�after the Laan is ser���ed by a
<br /> L,oan Servicer other�han the purchaser af'the No�e, the mor�gage loan servicing obliga�ions ta Borrflwer vviil
<br /> remain v�rith �he I.�an Ser��cer or be transferred t� a succ�ssor L,oan SerW�cer and are n�t assumed by the
<br /> Nate purchaser un�ess otherwis�pro�ided by the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrower n�r Len�er may c�mmence,jo���, or be�o�ned�� an�judicial action�as�ither an
<br /> ind��iduai litigant or�he me�nber of a class} tha�arises from�he o�her par�y's actions pursuant ta�h�s
<br /> Securi�y Ins�rum�n�or�ha� a�Iege� that the other party ha�breached any prov�sion of, or any du��ov�ed b�
<br /> reason of, �his 5e�uri�y In�trument, until such Borrovver�r Lender has no�i�ed�he other par�� �with such
<br /> na�ice g�ven in comp�iance with the requir�m�n�s of Se�tion �S} �f such a��eged breach and afforded�he
<br /> o�her par��her��o a reasonab�e period af�er the gi�ring af such no�xc�to take correc�ive action. If App�icab�e
<br /> Lav�r pro�ides a time period which must eiapse�efore cer�ain ac��on�an be taken, that�ime per�od v����be
<br /> deemed�a be r�asona��e for purpases of fh�s paragraph. The no�ice of ac�elerat��n and oppor�uni�y to cure
<br /> gi�en to Borrower pursuan�to Se�tion 2�a�zd the nat�ce af accelera�ion�iven ta Borrower pursuant ta
<br /> S�ction �8 shall be deemed�o satisf��he notice and oppor�un��y to�ake correc�i�e action provis�ons of this
<br /> Se�tion��.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Sectian�1: �a} "I�"azardous Subst�nces"are�h�se suhs�ances
<br /> defined as tox�c or hazardaus substances, pollutants, ar wastes by En�iranmen�al Law and the fo���win�
<br /> substances: gasol�ne, kero�cne, other flammable�r toxic pe�roleum praduc�s, toxic pes�icides and herb�cid�s,
<br /> �o�atil�so��rents, materials cantaining asbes��s or formaldeh�de, a�ad radi�ac����materia�s; �b}
<br /> "Er�virot��jzej�tal�a�v"means federal laws and laws�f the jur�sdi�t��n�vher�th�Pr�per�y is located that
<br /> re�ate to hea�th, safe�y or�n��ronmental pro�ec�ion; �c} ",�nviron��erztar Clednup" inc�udes any response
<br /> ac�i�n, remedia� ac�ion, �r remo�al act�nn, as def�ned in En�ironm.ental Law; and �d} an ",�n�ir�njnet�taZ
<br /> �ortditio�t"means a condit�on that can cause, con�r��u�e to, or Q�her�rise trxgger an En�ir�nmenta� Cleanup.
<br /> gorrower shal� no�cause ar perm��the pre�ence, use, disposal, storage, or re�ease af any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or thr�a�en to r�lease any Hazard�us Substan��s, on�r in the Proper�y. Borrower shal� not dn,
<br /> nor allow an��ne else to do, anything affec�ing the Proper�y (a} tha� is �n v�olatian�f any En�rir�n�mental
<br /> La�r, �b} whi�h creates an Environmen�a� Cond���on, or�c} wh�ch, due to�h�presence, us�, �r reiease of a
<br /> �azardous Subs�ance, creates a condition�ha�ad�ersely affects the va�ue of the Proper�y. The pre�eding��ro
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddi�Mac UNlFaRM 1N5TRLIM�NT �vr�n 3D�$11�1
<br /> VMP(�; VMP6�NEy�i 3��}
<br /> WoEters Kluwer�inancia!Ser�ices Page 13 of i 7
<br />