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2� 1 ��8� 15 <br /> des�gnated a substi�ute not�ce address by na��ce�a L�nder. Borrower shall promp���notify Lender of <br /> Barrower's change of address. �f Lender sp�c��es a pro�edure for repar�ing B�rr��ver's change�f address, <br /> th�n B�rrower shall only repar�a change af address�hrQugh that specified pr�cedur�. <br /> There may b�only one des�gnated notice address under th�s Security Instrument a� a�a�ane time. Any no�i�e <br /> �o Lender shall be gx�r�n b�deli�ering it ar by ma���ng it b�r �rst Class mail tn Lend�r's address stated herein <br /> un��ss Lender has d�s�gnat�d anoth�r address by not�ce to Borravver. Any not�c� in connecti�n wi�h�h�s <br /> Secur�ty Instrurnent shai� na�be deemed�o ha�e been given to Lender unt�� a�tually received by Lender. If <br /> arxy n�tice required by this Security �ns�rument �s�l�o requir�d under Applicable Law, the Appli�able Law <br /> r�quirement�vii� satisfy the correspond�ng r�quirement under this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> ��. Gfl�erning Law; Se�erabi[ity; Rules of Constructian. Z`his Se�uri�� In�trument shall be gaverned by <br /> federa� lav� and�he�aw of the jurisdiction in v�i�h�ch�h�Pr�perty is lo�a�ed. A�� righ�s and obl��a��ons <br /> contained in this Securi�y Instrument are subject to any requirements and��rn�tations of App�icab�e Law. <br /> Applicah�e Law�night explicitly or�mp�icit�y all�w �he parC��s�o a�ree by c�ntra�t nr i�mxght be s�lent, but <br /> such s���nce shall n��be c�nstrued as a prohibition a�a�ns�agreemen�by contraCt. �n th��vent�hat an� <br /> pro�xs��n ar clau���f this Securzty Ins�rumen�or�he N�te conflic��with Applicab�e Law, �uGh conf����sha�I <br /> not aff�ct other prov�s�ans�f�hzs Se�urit� �ns�rument or the Not�which can be g�ven eff�ct�vz�hout the <br /> �anf�ic�ing pr��is�on. . <br /> As us��xn this Securi�y Instrument: �a}words of the mas�u��ne gender shaii m�an and �nc�ude correspond�ng <br /> n�uter words ar words of the f�min�ne gender; �b}tiv�rds �n the singular shall mean and �nciude the plura� <br /> and v�c�v�rsa; and �c} �he word "may" giv�s so�e dzscr�tian withau� any obligat�on to take any action. <br /> �7, Borrower's �opy. Barrawer shall be given ane�apy of the Not�and nf thzs Security �ns�rument. <br /> �8. Transfer af the Praperty ar a Benef�c�a� �nte�est in B�rra►rver, As used �n this Sec�xan �S, "In�erest in <br /> th�Praper��r" m�ans any legal ar ben�f�cial interest in the Praper�y, �nc�ud�ng, but no���mited�o, tha�� <br /> benef�cia� in�eres�s�ran�f�rre�i �n a band for deed, �antra�t for de��, �ns�al�men�sa�es contract ar�sGro�v <br /> agreemen�, the �nten��f wh�ch �s the transfer of title by Borrower at a fu�ure da���o a purchaser. <br /> �f a�� ar any part af the Prop�rty ar any �nterest�n the Property is sold ar transferred �or if Bflrra�ver i�no� a <br /> na�ura� pers�n and a bene�icia� interes� �n Borrawer�s sold ar transferred� w�th�ut Lend�r's pr��r written <br /> cansent, Lender n�ay require imm�d�ate paymen�in fuli of a�l sums secured by this S�cur�ty Ins�rument, <br /> Hawe�er, th�s op�ion shall n�t be exercised by Lender if such exerc�se is prahibi�ed by Applicab�e Law. <br /> If L�nder exercises�his option, Lender shall giv�Barrawer notice af accelerat�on. The no�i��shal�pro��de a <br /> p�riad�f not l�ss than 3�days fram the da��the nQtic� is gi�en�n accordance w�th Sectian �5 w�th�n which <br /> Barrower must pay a�i sun�s secured by�h�s�ecurity Instrument. �f Borrower fai�s to pa� these sums prior to <br /> the expirati�n of th�s periad, L�nder may in�oke any r�medies perm�t�ed by�his Se�ur�ty �nstrument withou� <br /> fur�her notice or d�mand on Borr�wer. <br /> �9. Borrawer's R�ght to Reinstate After Acce[erat�vn. �f B�rrower meets cer�ain conditions, Borrower <br /> sha��ha�e the right�o hav�enf�rcement�f th�s Security Instrum�nt discontinued at a�ay time�r�ar t��he <br /> earliest of: �a} f��e days before sa�e of th�Prop�rty pursuant to any power of sal�con�ained in this Security <br /> �nstrument; �b} such other periad as Applicable Lav�migh�speCify for�he terminat�on of Borrower's righ��o <br /> reinsta�e; ar�c} �ntry af a judgrnent enforcing�his Secur�ty �nstrum.ent. Those�ond�t�fln�are tha�Borrnwer; <br /> �a}pa�s Lender all sums whzch then would be due under th�s S�curity �ns�rument and the No�e as �f no <br /> accel�ration had occurred; �b}cures any defau��of any other co��nants ar agreements; �c}pays a�� �xpens�s <br /> �ncurred in�nfare�ng this Security Instrument, including, but n�t l�m���d�o, reasonab�e a�tarneys' fees, <br /> propert� inspect�on and valuatian fees, and oth�r fe�s in�urred for�he purpose af pr�tectin� Lender'� interes� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingie�amify-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 71�i <br /> VMP� VMP64N�3{�3D21 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�iat 5er�ices Pa��12 of i 7 <br />