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2� 1 ��8� 15 <br /> senten�es shal� not appl� ta the presence, use, or storage�n the Property of sma�� quantit�es of Ha2ardous <br /> Substances that are g�n�ra��� recogn�zed to be appropria�e to norma� r�s�den��a�us�s and to maint�nance of <br /> the Pr�per�y �inciud�n�, bu�not ��rmted�o, hazardous �ubs�ances in�an�umer produ�ts}. <br /> Borrov�er sha�l promptly giv�Lender wr�t�en nn�i��of�a} ar�y invest�gat�on, claim, demand, lawsui�or ather <br /> action by any governmen�a� ar regulator� ag�nc��r private party znvo�ving the Proper�y and any �azardous <br /> Subs�ance�r Environmen�al Law of which Barrow�r has actuai knowledge, ��} any En�ironmental <br /> �ond��ion, including but not�imi�ed to, any spz��ing, Ieak�n�, discharge, rel�ase or threat of reiease of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and �c} any cand�ti�n caused by�he pr�senc�, use or releas�of a Hazard�us Su�s�anc� <br /> wh�ch adverse�y affects�he va�ue of th� Property. If Barr��er�earns, or is noti�ed b� any gflvernrn�ntal or <br /> r�gula�ory autharzt�, or any pr��a�e par�y, �hat any rema�al or ot�aer remed�at��n�f any Hazardous Substance <br /> aff��ting the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower sha11 pr�mptl�take al� n�cessary r�medial a�tz�ns in <br /> accardanc�w�th Envir�nm�rztal Law. Noth�ng herein shall create any ob�iga�ion on Lender for an <br /> Enviranmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Un�form Gavenants. Borrower and Lend�r c:ovenant and agree as follQ�vs: <br /> ��. Ac�elerat�vn; Remedies. Lender sha��g�ve n�tice��Barro�ver pr�or�v acce�eration follawing <br /> Bvrrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in�his Secur��y Ins�rum.ent 4bu�no� prior to <br /> acce�era�ion under Sec�ion 18 unless App�icab�e Lati�prov�des atherwise}. The no��ce sha��spec�fy: �a} <br /> the defau�t; €b} the a���on required�o cure�he defau��; �c} a da��, nat�ess than 34 days fronl th�date <br /> �he na�ice�s�iven�o Borro��ver, by vvhich�he defau�t mus�be cured; and �d� tha� failure�o cure the <br /> defaul� an ar before the da�e spe�if�ed�n�he nat�ce may resu���n acce��ra��an of�he�ums se�ured by <br /> this Se�urit� Instrumen�and sa�e of the Proper�y. The no�ice sha�� fur�h�r�nform Borraw�r nf�he <br /> r�gh� �a r�insta�e after acceierati�n and�he r�gh� �o bring a court act�an�o as�er��he non-�x�s�ence aF a <br /> defau��or any other deFense of B�rra►�ver�o accelerat�an and saie. If the default �s not cured an or <br /> befar��he dafe�pec�f��d�n�h�nat�ce, Lender a� i�s opt��n may requ�re immediate pa�nr�en�in fu�l of <br /> all sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument w��hout fur�her d�mand and may invoke�he pawer of sa�e <br /> and any other remedie� pern��tted by App�i�ab�e La�v. Lender shal� be en�i�led�o collec�a�l expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursuing�he remed�es pro��ded�n�his Sec�i�n��, �nc�ud�ng, bu� nvt ��mi�ed ta, rea�onable <br /> a��orneys' fees and cos�s oF tit�e evidence. <br /> If�he pawer af sa���s�n�oked, �`rus�e�sha�� record a no�ice of defaul� in each county in wh�ch any <br /> par�vf�he Proper�y�s�oca�ed and shal�mail cop�es of such nfl�ic�in�he mann�r prescribed by <br /> Applicab�e La�v�o Bflrrower and�o th��th�r pers�ns prescr�bed by Applicable La�v. Af�er�he�ime <br /> require�by Appl�cab�e La�v, Trus�ee sha��give pub��c no�ice of sale�o�he persons and in�he manner <br /> prescr��ed by App��cable Law. Trus�ee, ���thaut demand on Barrower, sha�Z se��the Proper�y at public <br /> auc��on to�he h�ghes� bid�er a��he�ime and p�ace and un�.er�he�erms des�gnated�n the not�ce of sa�e <br /> in vne ar more parcels and in any order Trus�ee determ�nes. Trus�ee may pos�p�ne sa�e aF all or�ny <br /> parcei�f�he Proper�y by pub��c announcemen�at�he t�me and p�ace vf any prev��usly schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> L�nder or i�s designee may purcha5e the Proper�y at an�sale. <br /> Upon receip�of paymen� vf�he price��d, Trust�e sha�� deliver�o�he purchaser Tru��ee f s deed <br /> c�nvey�ng�he Proper�y. The reci�als in�he Trustee's deed�ha��be prima facie e�idence vF�he truth vf <br /> �he s�a�ements mac3e�herein. Trus�ee sha��apply the proceeds of the sal��n�he fo���wing order: �a� to <br /> a��Cas�s and expenses of exerc�s�ng the pnwer of sa�e, and the�a�e, �nc�u�i�ng th�payment vf�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees a��ualiy incurred and reasonable att�rneys' fee5 a�perxni�.ted by App���ab�e Law; �b} tu <br /> a��sun�s s��ured�ay�his Security Ins�run�ent; and �c} any ex�ess�o the person or per�ons�ega��y <br /> �n����ed�o i�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Fa�nily-�annie MaelFreddi�Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 110� <br /> VMP[� VMPB{NE}4�3D2Z <br /> Wofters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ices Page 14 of 17 <br />
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