2� 1 ��7977
<br /> ��} Not��e af Environmental Prob�ems or Litigatian. Nexther the �rantor
<br /> nar any of its tenan.ts ha�e gi�en, nor were they required to gxve, nor ha�e they recex�ed, any
<br /> n�tice, �etter, citat�on, order, warning, compla�int, inquiry, cXa�im or demand that: �1} the �rantor
<br /> andl�r any tenants have �iolated, �r are about to ��olate, any En�ironmental Lavv, j udgment or
<br /> order; ��} there has been a reXease, �r there is a threat of release, of Hazardous Materiais from the
<br /> Trust Esta�e; �3} the Grantor andlor its tenants may be or are lia�le, �n whole or in part, far the
<br /> costs of c�ean�ing up, remediating, r�moving nr responding to a re�ease or a threatened release of
<br /> Ha.zardous Mater�als; or (4} the Trust Estate is subject to a lien xn fa�ar af any go�ernmental
<br /> entity for any 1�abzl�ty, costs ar damages, under any Env�.ranmental Law arising from, vr c�sts
<br /> incurred by such go�ernmental entity in response to, a reXease or a threat�ned reX�ase �f a
<br /> Hazardous Materia�. The Grantar further repres�nts and warrants that no �onditions currently
<br /> exist or are curren�Xy reasonably foreseeable that vvnuld subject the Grantor to any such
<br /> investxgation, ��tigation, administrati�e enforcement or to any damages, penait��s, injunctive
<br /> relxef, or cleanup �osts under any En�ironmental Law. LTp�n receipt of any such n�tx�e, the
<br /> Grantor and xts t�nants sha11 immed�ate�y pro�ide a copy to the B�neficiary.
<br /> (D} Right of Inspect�on. The Grantor hereby grants, and will cause any
<br /> tenants to grant, to the Benef�ciary, its agents, attorneys, emp�aye�s, consultants, contractors,
<br /> successars and assigns, an iurrevocable license and authori2atxan, upan reasonab�e notice, to enter
<br /> upon and inspect �he Trust Estate and fa�ilit�es thereon, and perform such tests, includxng
<br /> with�ut Iimitatx�n, subsurface testrng, soils and groundwater testxng, and other tests which may
<br /> phy5icaily xnvade the Trust Estate, as the ]3enef�c�ary, in zts sole d�s�retion, determin�s are
<br /> necessary to pr�tect �ts s�curity interest; pro�ided, haw��er, that under no �ircumstances sha1�
<br /> the Benefxcxary be obligated ta p�rform su�h inspe�tions ar tests.
<br /> �E} Indemnxty. The Grantor agrees ta indemnify and haZd the Benef�ciary, �ts
<br /> directors, empXoyees, agents, and its successars and assigns, harnaless from and against any and
<br /> al.� claims, losses, damages, l�abi�ities, fines,penalt�es, charges,judgments, administra��e orders,
<br /> r�med�al .actx�n requirements, erLforcement actxons of any k�nd, and al.X c�sts and expenses
<br /> �ncurred 1n connect�on therewith (inc�uding without Xxmitation attorney's fees and expenses�
<br /> arlsing directXy or indirectXy, in whole�r in part, out of any fa�.Xure af the �'rrant�r to compXy with
<br /> the en�uonmental representatxons, wa�rant�es, and�o�enants conta�ined herein.
<br /> �F} Cantxnuation af Representatxons, Warrantxes, Covenants and
<br /> Indemnitxes. The Grant�r's representatxons, warran�xes, ca�enants, and indemuruties contai.ned
<br /> herein sha1Z suarv�i�e the occurrence of any e�ent whatsoever, in�luding, wxthout Xxmi�atxon, the
<br /> satisfact��n of the �b�igations secured hereby, the recon�eyance or foreclosure of this Deed of
<br /> Trust, the acceptance by the Benef�cxary of a deed in �ieu of foreclosure, or any transfer ar
<br /> abandonment af the Trust Estate.
<br /> (G} �orrect��e Actxan. In the event the Grantar xs xn breach of any of its
<br /> representatxans, warranties or agreements as �et forth a�a�e, then, without lYmiting the
<br /> Benef�clary's other r��hts hereunder, the Grara.tor, at �ts soie e�pense, sha1� take al� actions
<br /> ��1-��75161-QQ� g
<br /> FCL NE 21�9
<br />