2� 1 ��7977
<br /> otherwise cansents, a�� praceeds and avails thereof sha�l be app�xed by the Grantor to the
<br /> prepayment of the �b�igations (such prepayments t� �e app�xed �n such arder and manner as the
<br /> Benef�cxary may, �n it5 So�e discretion, �le�t}.
<br /> Secti�n 3.12. �onflict with Deed af Trust Terrns. The pro�isxons of this Deed of
<br /> Trust and th� Lease Documents shall be cumulati�e and not mutually exciusive, notwithstandxng
<br /> any xnconsistenc�es.
<br /> S�ctr�n 3.13. Environmental Representations, Warrantx�s and Cavenants. The
<br /> �rantor mal�es the fol�owing representat��ns, warrantzes and co�enants, a�� of which are subject
<br /> to any exceptxons that the �rantar may have prev�ous�y disc�ased in writxng to the Beneficxary,
<br /> and wh�i�h, to the ext�nt tha� they deal with representations of fac�, ar� based on �he Grantor's
<br /> present kn�w��dge, arri�ed at after reasonabxe inquiry.
<br /> tA} Use of th�Trust Estate.
<br /> (1} The Grantor shal.�: (a} use, hand�e, transport or store Ha�ardous
<br /> Materials as defined under any Env�ronmenta� Law �both as herexnafter d�frned}; and(b} store ar
<br /> treat non-hazardous wastes: (i} in a g�od and prudent manner xn the ordxnary course of busxness;
<br /> and (ii} in compl�an�e wxth alx applicab�e En�ironmental Laws.
<br /> (�} The Grantor sha1X n�t conduct ar al��w to be canducted, xn
<br /> �io�at�on of any En�uonm�nta� Law, any business, operatxans ar activity �n the Trust Estate, or,
<br /> except in strict comp�iance wxth appXxcable �aw, ernpioy �r use the Trust Estate t� generate, use,
<br /> handle, manufacture, treat, store, pracess, transport �r dxspose of any Hazard�us Materials, ar
<br /> any other substance which is proh.ibited, contro��ed or regulated under applicable xaw. The
<br /> Grantor sha11 not use �he Trust Estate in a way that poses a threat or nuxsan�e to public safety,
<br /> heal.th or the enviuronment, or cause or a�.l.ow t� be caus�d a knawn or suspected release of
<br /> Ha2ardous Material.s, an, under, ar from the Trust Estate.
<br /> [3} The �rantar sha11 nat da or p�rmit any act or thing, business or
<br /> �peratxon that �aoses an unreasonable ri.sk of harm, ar xmpairs or may impair the �alue af the
<br /> Trust Es�ate or any part thereaf.
<br /> �l3} Canditi�n of the Trust Estate.
<br /> (1} The �rant�r shall take al� appropriate respanse ac�ians, inc�uding
<br /> any removal and remedxal actxons, xn the event of a re�ease, emiss�on, dxscharge or disposal of
<br /> Hazardous Material.s 1n, on, under, �r ai�out the Trust Estate, sa as ta remain in compXiance with
<br /> a].X En�a.ronmental Laws.
<br /> �2} A11 underground tanks, welis, sept�c tanks,ponds, pi�s, or any other
<br /> starage tanks �whether current�y in use or abandoned} on the Trust Estate, if any, are, as of the
<br /> date hereaf, maxntai.ned xn�ompliance wxth a11 applicab��Env�uronmental Laws.
<br /> �Q 1-0�75161-UQ� �
<br /> FCL NE 21�9
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