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2� 1 ��7977 <br /> Grantor of a11�ux�dxngs and improvements ��cated on the pr�perty en�umbered hereby, wherever <br /> Xocated. <br /> T�GETHER WITH al.� tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances be�onging or <br /> otherwise perta�.n�ing to the afaresa.�d property ar ar�y part thereof, with a11 reversions, rema.z.nders, <br /> rents, �ncome, revenues, profits, cash, proceeds, praducts and benefits at any time derived, <br /> received ar had fram any or a1X of the abave-described property of�he �`rrantor and aIl dep�sits or <br /> other accaunts xnto wh�ch the same may b�dep�sited. <br /> T� HAVE AI�TI] T� H�LD the Trust Estate unto the Trustee and Bene�iciary, and its <br /> respect��e assigns fore�er, to secure the payment and perfnrmance of the �blxgati�ns, inc�uding, <br /> without lxmitatxon, the due perf�rmance of the co�enants, agreements and pr��isians herein <br /> contained, and for the uses and purposes and upon the terms, �onditx�n5, pra�isos and <br /> a�reements hereinafter e�pressed and dec�ared. <br /> ARTICLE III. <br /> PARTI�ULAR REPRESENTATI�NS,�ARRANTIES AND <br /> C�VENANTS �F THE GRANT�R <br /> The Grantor represents, warrants and, e�cept as otherwise permitted by the B�nefxciary, <br /> co�enants wxth the Ben�ficxary as follows: <br /> Secti�n 3.�1. Auth�r�ty t� Execute aaad Deliver this Deed af Trust; All Actfon <br /> Taken; Enforceab�e �bligatxons. To the extent applicable, the Grantor is autharized under its <br /> articles af xncorporation and bylaws or other ap�licable organxza�xonal dv�uments and all <br /> applicable Xaws and by corporate or organizatxona� a�tion to execu�e and delx�er th�s Deed of <br /> Trust. Th�is Deed of Trust xs, and any amendment, suppi�ment �r restatement of this Deed af <br /> Tru�t, when execut�d and deXi�ered wxXl be, the �egal, �al.xd and bindxng obligations �f the <br /> �rrantor wh�.ch are�nforceab�e in a�cordan�e with�heir respecti�e terms. <br /> S�ction 3.U2. Authorxty to Con�ey Trust Estate; No L�ens; Except�on far Permitted <br /> Encumbrances; Grantor ta Defend Txtle and Rem�ve Liens; Waiv�r af Homestead. The <br /> Crrantor has good and marketable title to al.� fee and �easehoXd estates xn real property and aod, <br /> � <br /> nght and Xawful autharity to con�ey the Trust Estate for the purpases herein expressed. The <br /> Trust Estate 1s free and clear of ar�y Lxen affect�ng the tit�e thereto, except Perm�itted <br /> Encumbrances. The Grantor w�Il, so Iong as any af �.he �blYgatians shall remain unpa�d, <br /> ma�.n�az.n and preser�e th� Lxen of thi.s I]eed of Trust superior to a�l other Liens, ather than <br /> Permitted Encumbrances, and wx��fore�er warrant and defend the txtZe to the Trust Estate a ainst <br /> . � <br /> any and all c�arms a.nd demarads. The Crrantor hereby �nrai�es and re��nqu�shes a11 rights �f <br /> hom�stead xn the Trust Estate. <br /> 00�-���s 16�-�o0 4 <br /> FCL NE 2ID9 <br />