2� 1 ��7977
<br /> �bligatxons sha�l mean aIl present and future indebtedness and other obxi�ations �f the
<br /> �rantor �or any Crrantor� under the Lease I]ocuments and under this L7eed of Trust, as wel� as al.�
<br /> present and future indebtedness and oth�r obligatians of any ather person ar entity that is a
<br /> Les s ee ar oblig�r under the Leas e Dacuments.
<br /> Perrnutted Encurnbrances shall mean:
<br /> �i} as to the property spe�ifical.ly described i.n E�hibit "A" hereto, the restrictions,
<br /> �xceptions, rese�-�rations, conditxons, llmitations, �nterests and ather matters wh�ich are set forth or
<br /> referred ta in such descripti�ns; and
<br /> �ii} as t�the Trust Estate, any Lien permitted under�he Lease Documents.
<br /> Potent�al Default shall mean the a�currence of any event which with the giving of notx�e
<br /> andlor the passage of time andl�r the ac�urrence of any other �andxtxon would ripen into an
<br /> E�ent of Default.
<br /> Trust Estate shal�ha�e th�meaning spe�ified in Sect�on 2.�1.
<br /> ARTICLE II.
<br /> Sectxon�.�1. Grant�ng C�ause�. In order to secure the repayment of the �bligations,
<br /> up to the Maxrmum Debt Lxmit, and to dec�are the ��rms and condxtions upon which the
<br /> �bligatxvns are to be se�ured, the Grantor, in cons�d�ration of the premises, does hereby grant,
<br /> barga.ln, seli, alienate, convey, assxgn, transfer, mortgage, hypotheca�e, p�edge, set a�er and
<br /> canf�rrn unto the Benefi�iary, and its respecti�e ass�gns the fo��owing (a�� af v�hich are
<br /> hereinafter c���ectxvely called the "Trust Estate"}:
<br /> Ali right, txtle and interest of the �rantor xn ar�d to those fee and Xeasehold estates in real
<br /> proper�y described in Exh�.bit "A" hereto, subj ect in each case to �h�se matters set forth zn such
<br /> Exhil�xt, together wxth a�� buxXd.ings, impro�ements, fixed assets, water rights, dra�inage righ�s,
<br /> u�gatlan rights, personaXty and f�xtures now or xn the future annexed, aff�xed or attached to said
<br /> real property or said buildings, impro�ements or stru�tures located�her�on; arid
<br /> . Al� right, �xt�e and interest of the �rantor in, ta and under any ar�d aI� grants, pri�ileges,
<br /> r�ghts. of way, easement� and other similar interest now awned, heXd, Xeased, enj oyed or
<br /> exer�Ysed, or wh�.�h may hereafter be owned, h�ld, leased, acquired, enjoyed or exercxsed, by the
<br /> CJran�ar for the purposes af, or xn connection with the real property desCribed in Exhib�� "A"
<br /> hereto ar, the construction, acquisxtion, ownershxp, us� or aperation by �r on behalf of the
<br /> �4].-�D75161-��� 3
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