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2� 1 ��7945 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> ���� ��p ��������� Q�������.a��� ���� � <br /> recnrdativn of such iVoti�e o'� Defauft and after fVotice o�r Sale ha�ing been giWen as requ�red by faw, sell <br /> �he Property at the �ime and p[ace o� sale �ixed by it in such iVotice of 5ale, either as a whole, or in <br /> separate lots or parcels or i�ems as Trustee sha�� deem expedient, and in su�h order as it may determine, <br /> at pubi�� auctian ta the highest laidder�or �ash in lawfu� money of the United States payable at�he �ime <br /> vf safe. Trustee sha[E defi�er to such purchaser or purchasers there�� its good and su��icien� de�d or <br /> deeds can�eying �he proper�y so sold, but wi�haut any cv�enant or ►rvarranty, express or implied. Yhe <br /> recitals in such deed af any ma��ers or facts shal� bs conc�usi�e proof o�the truthfulness therev�. Any <br /> persan, including wi�hout Eimita�ion Trust�r,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase a�such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, aft�r deducting all costs, #ees and expenses of Trus�ee and of this <br /> Trust, includsng cvsts af e�idence❑�title in�onnec�ton wi�h sa4e,Trus�ee shal� a�ply�he prflceeds o�sa4e <br /> tv payment of {�� a!I sums expended under �he terms o� this Deed of Trust or under the terms v# the <br /> Credit Agreemen� nat then repaid, including hut not limited to accrued interes� and late charges, ��i� ali <br /> �ther sums �hen secured hereby, and �iii} �he remainder, i�any, to the person or persons legally entitled <br /> thereto. <br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by�aw postpone safe of a!f ar any portion a�the Property. <br /> Remed�es �1vt Exclusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each �� them, shall be en�i�led to �n#orce paymen�t and <br /> pertormance of any indebtedness or abligations secur�d by this Deed ��Trust and to exercise all rights and powers <br /> under this Deed ❑f Trus�, under �he Credit Agre�m�nt, under any ❑� the Reiated Dvcuments, ar under any ather <br /> agre�ment or any laws now vr hereafiter in �or�e; notwithstanding, svme or aii v� such ind�btedness and <br /> obligatians secured by this Deed a�T�-us� may now or hereaf�er be otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed <br /> v�trust, pledge� iien, assignmen� or o�herwis�. IVeither the acceptance of this Deed vf Trus� nor its en��rcement, <br /> whe�her by cour't aG�ion ❑r pu�-suant�o the p�wer v� sale or othsr pawers cantained in this Deed ❑�Trus�, shall <br /> pre�udice or �n any manner af�ect Trustee's or Lender's right�o rea[i�e upfln ar enfvrce any �ther se�urity naw or <br /> herea#�e�held by Trustee or Lender, it being agresd�ha�Trustee and Lender, and ea�h ofi them, shall be entitled to <br /> en�vrce this De�d a� Trust and any oth�r security now or hereafter held by Lender or Trus�ee in such ❑rder and <br /> manner as they or ei�her of them may in their absotute discretion determine. fVo remedy can#erred upnn or <br /> reser�ed to Trustee ❑r L�nder, is intended �a b� ex�lusi�e ofi any �ther remedy in this ❑eed of Trus� ar by law <br /> pro�ided o� permitted, bu� each sha[� be cumulati�e and sha�l be in addition to e�ery other rem�dy gi�en in thts <br /> Deed of Trust or now or hereafter exis�ing a� law or in equity or by statu�e. E�ery pvwer or remedy gi�en by�the <br /> Credit Agreem�nt ❑r any ❑fi the ReEated Documents to Trust�e or Lender or t� which either af them may b� <br /> otherwEse enti�led, may be exer�ised, concurrent�y ❑r independently, from �ime to time and as o�ten as may be <br /> deemed expedient by Trus�ee or Lend�r, and ei�her v� them may pursue inconsis�ent rem�dies. Nvthing in this <br /> Ueed o�Trust shall be cvnstrued as prohibi'�ing Lender frvm seeking a defi�i�ncy judgment against the Trus�vr to <br /> the extent such action is permit�ed by iaw. <br /> El�c�ion o� Remedi�s. Ali ❑� L�nder`s rights and remedies will be eumulati�e and may be exercised alane or <br /> t�gether. If Lender decides to spend mvney vr �o perform any af Trustor's obligations under this Deed of Trust, <br /> af�er Trustor's failure �a da so, that decision lay Lender will not affect Lender's right to declar� Trustor in de��ult <br /> and t❑exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Reques��va��la�ice. Trus�or, on behalf vf Trus�or and Lender, hereby reques�s tha�a capy❑t any Nvtice o�Detault <br /> and a copy o#any fVo�ice af 5ale under this Deed ❑f Trust be mailed ta them at the addresses set forth in�he #irst <br /> paragraph o�this D�ed ot Trust. <br /> A�orneys' Feesr Expenses. 1� Lender institutes any suit ar actian to enforce any o� the terms af this Deed af <br /> Trust, Lender sha[[ be entitled to reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' �ees at�rial <br /> and upon any appeal. VIlhether ar not any Gaurt acti�n is in�vl�ed, and �a the e�ten# nvt prahibi�ed by law, all <br /> reas�nable expenses Lend�r incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any t�me for the protectian of i�s <br /> interest or�he en�orcemen�vf its rights shai! became a part at the Indebtedn�ss payable on demand and shall bear <br /> interes�t a� ths �redit Agreement rate from the date o� the expenditure unti[ repaid. Expenses co�ered by this <br /> paragraph inClude, w�thout limita�ion, howe�er subject to any lEmits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' #ees <br /> and Lender's legal e�cpenses, wheth�r vr not �here is a lawsuit, Encluding attarneys' fees and expenses �or <br /> bankruptcy proceedings �including effarts �a mvdify ❑r �acate any automatic stay or injunction}. appeals, and any <br /> anticipated pos�-judgment collection ser�ices, the cost of searching records, obta�ning titie reports �inc�uding <br /> ��reclosure �eports}, su��eyors' reports, and appraisai fees, ti��e insurance, and fe�s �or the Trustee, to the extent <br /> permitted by applicable law. Trustar alsa will pay any cour#costs, in addition to all other sums pra�ided by iaw. <br /> fi�11SCELLAil�IE�US PFdO�lISIQNS. The foliawing misGellaneous proWisions are a part of�his Deed ❑f Trust: <br /> Cove�ning La�v. This Deed vf���ust wi�l be gor�ern�d �a� ��dera� 1�� ����icabl� tv Len��v and. to the exten� nv� <br /> p���mpted by�ederai la�v.�he laws of�h�S���e of Nebr�sk�vvi�hnut reg�rd tv its �on�licts o�I�w prv�isivns. This <br /> Deed o�r Trus��as b�en�cce�tec�by Len�e�in�h�S���e of�lehraska. <br /> Tim�is o��he Essee�c�. Time is o��he essence �n�he per�ormance ❑f this ❑e�d of Trust. <br /> �ai�er v� Hv�nes�e�d Exer�ription. Trus�vr hereby re�eases and v►rai�es all rights and bene�its o� the hamestead <br /> exemp�ivn la�nrs o�the S�ate o�IVebraska as ta all Ind�btedness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFII��Tt��lS. The folfowing wards shall ha�e the#ollowing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust: <br />