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2� 1 ��7929 <br /> �nterest fram �he da�� of disbursement a� �he same ra�e ass�ssed on advances under the Cantract and shall be <br /> payab�e,w��h interest,upan na�ice from Lender to Borr��ver requesting paymen�. <br /> Inspect��n. Lender �r i�s agent may ma�e r�asonable �n�ries upon and inspe��ions of�he Praper�y. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Borrov�er na��ce at the time of or prior ta an inspec�ian specify�ng reaso�.ab�e cause for�he znspec�ion. <br /> �vndemnati�n. The proceeds of any a�rvaxd or c�aim far damages, direc��r Gonse�uentiial, in connec�zon�th a�.y <br /> c�ndemnation ar other�aking af any part af the Froper�y, or for �anveyance in lieu of c�ndemnation, are hereby <br /> assign�d and sha�I be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n the event of a ta�al taking of�he Proper�y, �he proceeds sha�X be app��ed to �he sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y <br /> Instrument, vvhe�her or no� �hen due, vvi�h any excess paid �a B�rrovver. In �h� event af a par�zal �aki.�g of the <br /> Property in wh�ch the fair marke�va�ue of the Pr�perty immedia�.ely before �he �aking�is �qua� �o ar grea�er than <br /> �he amaun� af�he sums secured by this 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen� immedia�e�y before �he �a.king, unless Barrov�er and <br /> Lender fl�herwise agree in writzng,�he sums secured by th�s Se�urity�nstru�ment sha�i�e reduced by th�amount of <br /> �h�pr�ceeds mul�zp��ed by the fo��ovving frac�ion: �a}the�otal amaunt af the sums secured immediately b�fore the <br /> �aking, d�vided by �b} the fair market value of�he Proper�y immedza�e�y before �he ta�.n.g. Any ba�ance shal� be <br /> paid ta Borrower. Iri the e�ren� af a partial �aking of the Proper�y in Which �he fa�r marke�va�ue of the Praper�y <br /> �mmedza�e�y before �he �aking is less �han �h� am�un� of the sums secured irnmed�at��y befare the �aking, un�ess <br /> Boz-rower a�d Lender otherwise agree in wri�ing or unless Applzcable La�r otherw�se provides, �he praceeds sha�1 <br /> be applied�a�he sums secured by�his Secur��y�nstrument�whetiher or na��.e sums are�hen due. <br /> Zf the Prflper�is abandoned by B�rra,t7ver, or if, after�aotice by Lender�o Borr�vwer�hat the candemnor affers ta <br /> m.ake an avvard ar se�tle a c�a�m for damages,Barro,w�r fa��s�o respond�a Lender w�i�h�n�h.e m�nimum num�ber of <br /> days es�ab�ished by App�zcab�e Law after�he date�h.e n���ce is giver�,Lender zs au�hor�zed ta collect and apply�he <br /> pr�ceeds, a� i�s op���n, ez�her to restaraxian or repair af the Proper�y or �o the sums secured by thxs Se�urity <br /> �ns�rume�.t,whe�her ar no�then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Bo�-�rawer otherwise agree �n writiing, any app��catzon af proceeds to pr�nc�pa� shall n��ex�end <br /> or pos�pone�he due date of�he paymen�s due under the Co�.�rac��r change the amoun�af such paymen�s. <br /> Borrawer Na� Released; Farbearan�e By Lender No� a Wa��er. Ext�nsion of the t�me for paymen� or <br /> modxf cat�an of amorti�at�o�. �f�he sums secured by this 5ecurity Ins�rument gran�ed hy Lender to $orrawer or <br /> any succes�ar z�a interes� of Borrovver sha11 not operate �o r�lease �he liabil�ty of the ariginaT Borrawer ar <br /> Bflrrovver's successors zn interes�t. Le�.der shall nat be required�a�ommence praceedings aga�ns�any successor in <br /> interest ar refuse�a ex�e�d�ime for paymen�or otherw�se m�dify amor��zat�vn of the surns secured by�h�s 5ecur��y <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any demand rnade by �he original Borrower or B�rrower's su�cessQrs in �n�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerc�s�ng any right ar remedy sha�� no�be a wa�ver flf or prec�ude �he exercise of any <br /> righ��r remedy. <br /> Sue�essors and Assigns B�und; Jvint and Several Liab��.�ty; Accommodation Signers. Th� cavenants and <br /> agreements af�h�s 5ecurity�ns�rument shall b�nd and benefx�the succ�ss�rs and assigns �f Lender and Barrower, <br /> subj ect to the pr�v�szons of sec��on t��Ied Transfer of �he Property or a Beneficia� Interest in Borrovver. <br /> Borrov�er`s covenan�s and agreements shal�be j oint ax�d severa�. Any person who co�-s�gns this S�curity Ins�� <br /> bu� has n� persanal �iabi�ity under the Coz�txac� �"Accammodat�on Sign�r"�: �a} is ca--szgn�ng this 5�curity <br /> Instrumen� �nly �� mnrtgage, gran� and �onvey �hat Acc�mmoda�i�n 5�gn�r's tnteres� in th� Pr��er�y u�ader �he <br /> �errns �f the Secur�ty Ins�rument; �b} �s na� persona��y obl�gated �.� pay the sums secured by thzs Securi�y <br /> �ns�rum�n�; and�c} agrees that Lender and any ather Borrovver may agree�o ex�end, modify, forbear or make any <br /> acc�mmoda��ans Uvi�h regard to�he�erms af�his Security�ns�rument or the �antrac�withau��ha�A�cammodation <br /> 5�gner's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. If th.e ��an s�cured by �h�s Securi�y I�xs�rumen� �s subject �o a IaW which se�s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and that law zs f nally in�erpre�ed so that�he �n�eres�or other�oan charg�s �ollec�ed or��be���lec�ed in <br /> connect��n wi�h the loan exc�ed �he permi�ted �imits, then: �a} a�.y such laan �harge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary�o r�duce �he charge�o the permit�ed ��mi�s and��} any sums already c�llected from Borrflvver <br /> wh�ch exceeded perm��ted lim��s will be refunded to Barrower. Lender may chaose t� make �his refund by <br /> reducing �he princ�pal owed under th� Con�rac�or by makzng a direc�paymen�to Barro�rer. If a refund redu�es <br /> principa�,�he reductian wi�l be trea�ed as a parfiza�prepaymen�under�he��ntract. <br /> Noti�e�. Any na�zce to Borrflwer pravided for in this Security �ns�rumen� sha�1 be given by delivering �� or by <br /> mailing�t�ay first c�ass ma��unless Ap�Iicable Law requ�res use af ano�her method. The n��ice sha11 be d�rected�o <br /> the Pr�perty Address ar any other address Barrov�er des�gnates by notice �o Lender. Borrovv�r agrees �a provid� <br /> Lend�r vvi�h B�rrav�er's mos�curren�ma��ir�g address, as �t may change from��o-��me. Any n�tice �o Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by f rs�class mail�o Lender's address stated herezn ar any o�her address Lender des�gnates�y noti�e <br /> ��Barrovver. Any no�ice provided for in�h�s Se�ur�ty�nstrument sha�l be deemed ta have been gzven to Bflrro,wer <br /> ar Lender�vhen given as provzded in th�s para�raph. <br /> Ga� Law; Se�erabil�ity.This Security Instrument shall be g�verned by f�dera�lav�and the la�rvs�f the state <br /> af Nebraska. In the event tha� any pr��isi�n. or clause af th�s Secur��y �nstrumen� or the Contrac� confl�cts u�i�h <br /> App��cable Law, such c�nflzc� shali nflt affec� a�her pravi�ians of�his 5ecurity Instrum�n� or the �on�ract whi�h <br /> can be g�ven effec�w�th�u�the�nnfl����ng prov�s�on. To this end the provzsions of�his Security Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> �ontract are declared���e severable. <br /> Borrav�er�s�apy.B�rrov�er shal�be given ane c�py of�h�s Securzty�ns�rument. <br /> Q 24a4-2a 15 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.618A-2A3D-2�15.12.3.t.11 I 5 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-SeGurity Instn�ment DL2035 Page 3 vf 5 www.campliancesystems.�om <br />