2� 1 ��7929
<br /> Transfer�f th�e Praperty ar a Benef�cial Inte�est in Bvrr�vv�r.�f al1 or any par�of�he Praperty or any�n�eres�
<br /> �n �� is sold or transferred �or if a b�nefi�i�.l interes� in Borr�tiver �s sald flr t�ansferred and Barr�wer is �ot a
<br /> natura� person} u��thou� Lender's pr�or�r�-it�en cansent, Lend�r ma�, at it�; opt��n, require �mmediate pa�ment �n
<br /> fu�� of a�I sums secured by this S�G�1� II15�I11I71�ri�. Ho�vever, th�s aptican sha�� not be exerc�sed by Lez�der zf
<br /> exerc�se is prflhibi�ed by federa�Iavv as af�he da�e�f�his Securi�ty�r�strum�nt.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this flpt�on, Lend�r shal� g�ve B orrav�rer n���ce af arce�era��on. The no�ice shall pravit�e a
<br /> periad of n�� I�ss �han th� minirnum number af d�.ys es�ablished b�AppXicab�e I�avv from the da�e the not��e �s
<br /> d��ivered or rr�ai�ed vvithin tivhich Borraw�r must pay aI� sums sec�red b� �his Secur�ty Instrument. ��B�rro�ver
<br /> fa�ls �a pay�hese sum.s prior to the expira�ion af this period, Lender may invo�e any remedies perrnit�ed by �hi�
<br /> Se�urity Ins�ent w��hou��her no�ice or der�and on Barrflwer.
<br /> �orrQwer's Right �ti Rei.nstat�. If Borr�v►r�r rneets certain conditiz�ns, Borrotiver �ha�� have the righ� to have
<br /> enforc�men�of�his Security Ins�rument d�scflnt�nued a� any time�rior�o ��e earlier of: �a} 5 da�s �or such o�her
<br /> period as Applxcab�e Law may specify fQr reinsta�ement�before sale of�he Proper�y pursuant to an�pativer of sa�e
<br /> con�ained �n this Security �ns�rument; or ��b� en� of a judgment e�fc►rcing �his Security rnst�um�nt. Those
<br /> conditions are that Borrawer: �a} pays Lender a1I �ums wh.i.ch �h�n would be due under this 5ecu.�ity Instrument
<br /> and�he��n�ra�t as�f no acce�erat�an had�c�urred;�b�cures any defaul�of any o�her covenan�s or ag�e�men�s; �c)
<br /> pays a�l expen�es incurred in enforczng thi�S�curity�ns�rument, xn�Iudi�.g,but mo�limi�ed�o,reasnnable at�orneys'
<br /> fees �o the e�t�nt perm��ted by Iavv; and �d} �a.kes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y re�u�re�a assure�hat�he
<br /> ��en af this Security Instrum.ent,Lender's rrgh�s in�he Praper�y and�3orrov�er's ob��gation ta pay the sums s�cured
<br /> by th�s Se�urity Ins�rument sha11 con�inu� un�hanged. Upan reir�s�a�ement by Borrov�er, �his Security Instrument
<br /> and �he abligat��ns secured hereby �hall re�ain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. �Io�v�ver, this
<br /> r�gh��o re�.ns�ate shall no�apply in�he case of accel�ratian under th�section��t�e�i Transfer of the P�rop�rty or a
<br /> l�eneficia�Interest in Borrower.
<br /> Haza�-dau� Substan�es.Borrower sha��nat cause ar permit�he presence,use, d�sposai, storage, or r��ease of any
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on or�n the Froper�y.�orrov�er shall not da,n�r allo�v anyfln�e�se to do,any�iing affecting
<br /> �he Prop�rty�hat �s in vio�atian �f any Erzvironmen�al Law. The pre�edir�g two sentences sha11 n�� app�y�a the
<br /> presence,use,or sttirage on the Proper�y of small�uanti�ies of Ha2ard�us�`ubs�ances that are generally�ec�gn�zed
<br /> �a be approprzate�a norma�t es��.en�ial uses and ta main�enanc�of th�Prop�rty.
<br /> �orro�wer sha��promptly give Lender wri�ten no�ic�of any znvestiiga�i�n,claim, demand, Iavvsuz�or o�her ac�ion by
<br /> any governm�n�a� or regu�atory ag�ncy or pr�vate par� �nvolving the Praperty and any Hazardaus Subs�tance �r
<br /> Environmenta� Law Qf �rvh�ch �3arro�wer has ac�xa� kno�v�edge. If �orro�trver learns, ar �s no�if ed by any
<br /> governmental or regu�atory autharity,that any removal or o�her rem�d�atiom�f any Hazardous Subs�ance affec��ng
<br /> �he Praper�y is necessary, BarroWer shall pr�mp�Iy �ake a�1 necessary reme��a� a�tions in a�corc�ance vv�th
<br /> Env�ronmental Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substanc�s" axe those subs�ance� dPfined as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmentai Lavtr and the fol�awing sub�tiances: gasolane, kerosen�, o�her flammab�e or taxic pe�rnleum
<br /> pr�du�ts, tox�c pes�ic�des and herbicides, va�at�le s��vents, rnaterials �on�air.�ng asbes�os or forma�deh.yde, and
<br /> radioaG�ive ma�er�als. As used�n�h�s paragraph, "Envzronmen�al Law" me�ns federa��avvs and�a,ws of�h�sta�e of
<br /> Ne�raska�ha�rela�e�a hea��h,safety or env�r�x��nental protec�ion. �
<br /> .A�ccelerat�on; R��nedies. Lender shall g��� �o��ce tv Bvrro�ver �rio� �:o acce�era�i�n f�llnwing Barr�wer�s
<br /> breach of any�ov�nant vr agre�ment in th�s�ecur�ty Ins�rur�����r th��Qntra�t und�r wh�.ch a��el�ra�ion
<br /> is per�nitted �but not prior�fl acceleration un�er the sect�or� t����d 'I`ransfer of�he Property or a Be�eficYal
<br /> Interest�.n Bn�rower, unl�ss Appl�cab�� Lavv provides other�wise�� T'h� no��ce sha�� specify: ��� the d�faul�;
<br /> �b} the action requ�red to cure the d�fault; (c} a da�e, no� Iess t�han �he minimum nux���� o�' days
<br /> established by Applicable Layv fr�m the da��the not�ce�s gzven t��or�rower,�y wh�ch the def�u�t m�u��be
<br /> cured; and �d� that fa�lure to �ure the d�f�u�t on or bef�re �h� da�e specif�ed �n the not��e may result in
<br /> a�ce�erat�vn af th.e sums secur�d by thY� �ecur��y Instrument and ���e of �he �roperty. 'I'� the e�t�nt
<br /> per�rutted by law, �he n�tice shall furth�r i�form Borrower �f the right to re�ns�ate after ac�elera�i�n and
<br /> �he right t��r�ng a�aur�action to a�sert the non�exist�nce�f a def�.��t�r any o�her defense of Barr�w�r�o
<br /> a�celerativn ax�d sa�e. If the defau�t zs na� cur�d fln or bef�re ��� da�e specified�n the not�ce,Lender �.t its
<br /> op�iar� �ay r�qu�re �mmedia�e payment �x� fuxl� of all sums se�ur�d by �h�.s Security Instruxn�nt v�it�.out
<br /> furth�r demar�d and may �nvv�e th� po�v�r Qf sa�e and any oth�r rerr�ed�es permitted by Appl�cab�� I1aw.
<br /> To th� ext�nt perm�itted by lav�, Lender s���l b� entitxed t� c�il�c� all expens�s i�curred in purs�i�g the
<br /> remed�e5 pr�v�ded in this Sec��on,inc�udin�,but na���mi�ed to, �eason�b�e attorneys' fees and�o��s of�it�e
<br /> evide�c�.
<br /> If the pvwer v;�sa�e is�nvoked,Trustee �ha�record a notf�� of d[efau�t�n ea�h county�n which any�art�f
<br /> the Property i�Ivcated and sha�l mail �op��� of such not�ce in t�e xnann�r pre�er�bed by Applicabl�Lawv�o
<br /> Borrawer and to the �ther pers�ns prescri�e�l by A.ppiic�b�� �a�. After the �fine re�u�red by Applicabie
<br /> Law, Truste� �hall g��e pub�ic nat�c� of sa�e ta �he p�rsvn§ a�d in t�e manner prescrx�aed by ,A►.pp�i��b�e
<br /> Law. Trustee,with�u� demand on Barr�wer, sha�l s�l�the�rop�r�y a�public auction tfl the h�ghest��dd�r
<br /> a��he t�me an��pia�e and wnder the terms des�gna�ed�n the not��e of s���e in�ne ar mvre par�e�s an��n an�
<br /> order Truste� de�ermine�. Trustee may pas�p�ne 5ale of all or �.ny parCel of the Property by �pub�xc
<br /> ann�uncerr�en.�at the t�me and p�.ace vf any pre�i�us�y schedul�d sale.�ender or it�de�ignee m.ay pu�-chase
<br /> �he Pr�p�rty a��any sa��.
<br /> Upnn rece�pt �f payrner�� of the pr�c� bid, �rustee sha�� deliver �o the�urchaser Trustee's deed �on�reying
<br /> the Prvper�ye � he recitals in �he Trusteeps d�ed shall be prima facie eviden�e af the truth ❑f�he statements
<br /> C�24b4-24I 5 Compiiance Sys�ems,Inc.618A-2A3D-2��5.12.3,1,t 115
<br /> Consurner Rea�Estate-Sec�r�ty Instrument DL2436 Pa�e 4 Qf 5 www.comp�ia�cesystems,cvm
<br />