2� 1 ��7929
<br /> �a�ment of Principa�a�d Inte�°est; �ther�harges,Borrawer sh���prornpt��pay When due the prznc�pa�of and
<br /> �n�eres�on�he de�b�owed�nder the�on�ract and 1at�charges or any a�h�r fees and charges due under th�C�ntrac�.
<br /> Applicabl� Lnw. A5 1I5�� 1�1 �h.I,S 5ecurity Ix�s�ru�ne�t, �he �erm "App�i�able La�r" sha�l mean aII �on�rolling
<br /> appli�able fed�ral, s�a�e and �ocal s�a�utes, regu�a��ons, ard�nances and ad�ni.nxs�rative ru�es and orders ��hat have
<br /> the effec�nf 1a��3 as u���l as a�l applicab�e f nal,non-appeaXable jud�cia�opit�.�ons.
<br /> Charges; Iliens. Barrow�r sha�� pay alI �a��s, a�sessmen�s, charges, fines and �mpfls�tians at�ribu�a.b�e �� the
<br /> Praper�ty v�hi�h may a�tain priori�y over this S�cur��y Instrum�n�, and Ieas�ha�d payments ar gr�und rents, �f any.
<br /> A�the r�ques�af Lender,�3orrower sha�l pro�pt�y f�arnish ta Lender rece�p�s evidencing�e payme�a�s.
<br /> Borr�,wer sha�I prom.ptl�r discharge any Iie�vvhi�h has priQrzty�ver this S��ur�ty��s�rumen�unless Barr�tiver: �a}
<br /> agrees in wr�ting to �he paymen� of the obl�gat�an secured by th� Iien in a mann�r a�ceptab�e �a Lender; �b�
<br /> c�n�e��s in gaad fazth the ��en by, flr defends aga�nst enforcemen� of�he I�en in, �egal proc��dings vvhicla in the
<br /> Lender's opi.nion operate �� prevent the enforcement of the l�en; �r �c� �ecures fram th.e holder of�h� �ien an
<br /> agreementi satxsfactory ta Lender subordina�zn��he �ien�o this SecU.ri�y In�trument. �f Lender de�ermin�s�hat any
<br /> par� of�he Property xs su�bjec�to a lien vvh�ch may a�tain pri�ri�y a�wer thi� S�curity Ins�rument, L,�nder may g�ve
<br /> Borrovver a na�ice identifying�he �xen. B�rrower shali satisfy the �ien or�dke one or more �f the actians set for�h
<br /> abave within ��days af�he g�ving of no�ic�.
<br /> I�a�ard or Property Ins�ran�e. Bo�rovver sha1l keep �he im.provernents r_�aw existing or hereaf��r e�-ected on�he
<br /> Praperty insured against�oss by fzre,hazards inc�ud�d vvith�n�he��rm"�x��nded coverage" and any o�h�r hazards,
<br /> inc�udi.n.g f�oods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. Thi� �nsurance sha�1 be main�ained in the
<br /> amaun�s an�far the peri��s�ha�Lender requ�res. The insurance�arr�er provid�ng the insu.rance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Barro�ver sub��c� �o Lender's approval v�rhxch shall not be ur�reasonab�y �vithheld. �f Borr��rer fails t� maintain
<br /> c�verage described a�o�re, Lender may, at Lender's aption, abtain c�v�rage to protec� Lender'� r�gh�s in the
<br /> Proper�y�n accardance with sectivn t�t�ed Pr�t��tian of Lender's l�gh�s i�the Proper�y. -
<br /> AlI insurance polzcies and renevvals shall �ae acceptab�e to Len�.er and shall znc�ud� a s�andard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha��have the right to�nld�he policies and renevvals. �f Lender requires,Borrovver shall prornp��y give to
<br /> Lender a��receipts nf paid premi�ms and r�n�wa1 notices. I�.the ev�nt of lflss, Borravver shall give pr�n�p�na�ice
<br /> to�he insu.rance carrier and Lender.Lender may�na�e proof o�'loss af na�n�ade promptly by Borrotiver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borr��ver otherw�se agre� �n wrxting, insurance pr�c�eds shall be appli�d to restoratz�n or
<br /> repair of the P�raperty damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretion, th� res�or�.tion or repair is ecan�mical�y feas�b�e
<br /> and Lender's security is n�� �essened. �f, zn �ender's sole discret�on, the r�storat�on ar repair is n�� economically
<br /> feasible or Lender's security tivauld be lessened,�he insurance procee�d�shaX�be app�ied�o the sums secur�d by this
<br /> 5ecuri�y Instrumeri�, whe�her or not then c�ue, wz�h any excess paid to �3�rrav�rer. If B�rrov�rer aband�ns �he
<br /> Proper�y, �r da�es no�ansv�rer�uithzn the numb�r of da�s prescribed�y App���able Law as se�forth�n a no�ice from
<br /> L�nder to Borr�wer�ha�the insurance carrier has �ffered to se�tle a��a�m, �hen Lender xnay collect the insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may us� �he proceeds to r�pair or�estnre �ae Prop�rry �r t� pay sums secured b�th�s 5ecurity
<br /> �nstrumen�,v�rh��her or not then due.The p�rzod of�ime for Borrawer�o an5v�er as set forth�n the nn�ice v�r���begin
<br /> �vhen the n�tz��is gi�en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender�nd Borrower otherw�se agree in wri�ing, any applic�t�on a�proceeds to princzpal shal��.ot ex�end
<br /> ar pos�p�ne the due date of tihe paymen�s due u�der the �antxact or cha�g� the amnunt�f�he payrnents. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion�itXed A�celer�t�on; Remedies, the F�raper�y �s ac�uired b�Lender, Borro�rer's right x� any insurance
<br /> palicies and praceeds resu�ting from damage �� �he Prop�r� pria� �o the acquis�tzon shall pass �a Ler�der �o the
<br /> ex�ent of the su�ns secured by�his S�cur�ty�nstru�nen�irnmed�ate�y p�-�or�o the acquisition.
<br /> Preservation, Maintenance and Pro�ec�i�r� mf �he Property; �orr�v��er's Loan Applica�ion; L�as�ha�ds.
<br /> Borrower shall not destroy, damage or�mpair�h�Proper�y, allov��h�Pr�p�rty to de�er��ra�e, or comm�t was�e on
<br /> �he Propear�y.B�rrower sha��be in defaul��f any forfe��ure ac�ion ar praceec�ing,vtrhether civi�or crir�ina�,�s begUn.
<br /> �ha� in Lende�'s gaod faith judgn�en� cauld result �n forfeiture a�th� Prop��ty or othe�-v�rise materia��y impair the
<br /> Iien crea��d by this 5ecurity �nstrument or Lender's security in�erest. B�rr�wer may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reins�ate, as prov�ded in sectian t�tled Bor�oyv�r's l�ght to Reins�ate, by causing�he ac�ifln or proceed�ng�o be
<br /> di�missed�vi�h�ruling that,in Lender's good faith determination,preclude�farf�iture of the Barrti��er's in��rest in
<br /> the Proper�y �r� o�her xna�er�al ir�pairrnent of the I�en crea�ed by �his 5e�uri�r Ins�rumen� or L�nder's security
<br /> in�erest. Barrov�er shal� a�sfl be in defaul�if��rrov�rer,dur�ng the��a��app�zcation pracess,ga�e ma�erially fa�se�r
<br /> inaccura�e informa�i�n ar sta.temen�s to Lend�r �or failed to provide Lenc�er vvi�h any material irifflrmation} in
<br /> cflnnec�ion with the laan ev�denced by �he Co�.�rac�t. If this 5ecuri�y�ns�rument is on a leaseho�d, �3arr��rer shai�
<br /> comp�y with all�he provisior�s�f�he 1eas�. If Borrovver acquires fee�itle�a the Property,the�easeh��d and the fee
<br /> tit�e sha�1 no�m�rg�ur�less L�nder agrees ta�ie merger�n wri�ing.
<br /> Protection of]Lender'� Rights �n the Prop�r�y. �f Borrawer fa��s t� p�erf�rm �he cflvenan�s a�.d agreements
<br /> con�a�ned in�his Securzty�ns�rument, or�here �s� ��gal proceeding�hat may significan��y affec�Le�der's r�ghts in
<br /> �he Property �such as a praceedi�.g in bankrup�cy, probate, for canc�e�ation or forfe��ure ar to e�.farce Iav�rs or
<br /> regulations}, ��n Lender may do and pa� ��r �vha�ever is nec�ssary �� 3 ra�e�t the value of the �rap�r�y and
<br /> Lend.er's rights in�he Property. Lender's actions may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a�zen vvh�ch has priori#�y
<br /> �ver�.�s Security Zz�s�rum�nt, app�a.ring in cau.rt,pay�ng reasanab�e attorne�s'fees and e�.tering on�he Proper�y�a
<br /> n7a�e r�pair5.Al�h�ugh Le�der may take ac�ion u�der this section,Lender d�es no�have to do so.
<br /> Any am�un�s d�sbursed by Lender under th�s se�tz�n shaX� �become additiona� �eb� of Bvrro�er secured by this
<br /> Security �nstrur.rient. Unless Borrnv�er and Lender agree to other ��rms of paymen�, these arnau��s sha�I bear
<br /> C�2444-2015 CompIiance Systems,In�.G 18A-2A3D-20l S.I2.3,1,I I 15
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