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2� 1 ��7927 <br /> ��E[� �F �'�U�� <br /> ��ont��ued} Pa�� 7 <br /> cal[ection serv�ces� the�ost v�searc�ing reco��s,ab#ainin�titl� rep�rts ��ncluding forec�Q�Ure repflrts}�surveyo�s' ; <br /> reports; �nd ��pr�isal �se�, tit�� InsUrance� and �ve� far the Trustes, to the sxt�nt permitted �y appli�abl� lavv. <br /> "�'rusi�r a�so will pay ar�y�ou�t�osts�in�dditivn ta alI ot�er sums pra�ided b�r lavy. , <br /> Filghts o#Trustee. Tr�ste�sha[I hav�all o�the ri�hts and�uties�f Len�er as s�t f�rth in th�s sec��on. <br /> PL]WEi�S AN� i3BL���71C�NS L�F T��STEE. T��fallav�in� prvv�sians relati�g ta tt�e pawe�-s ar�d obl�gations af 1'rus��e , <br /> are���t a f this�7ee��f Tru st: ; <br /> P�w�rs of Trust�e, In addltion to a�i pQwers af Yruste� �rising�s a mat��t af law,Tru�t�$shall h�ve the parnrer#� <br /> ta�t�the fal��wing ae�fans with respec�to�F�� F�r�p�rty up�n the�rr��ter� re�uest o�Lender and Tr�stvr: �a�jQin in <br /> prep��ing �n� f ling a m�p ot� ���� c�f t�he R�a� Prapert�, inclt�d�ng the ��di�atian Qf str�sfs or othe� right� t� the <br /> publi�; ��� �vin in gr��t�ng an� ea�emenf or crea[�ng any r�s#ri�ki�n an the R��►1 �r�perty; and �c} �oin in any <br /> sub��d�nat��n or�ther a�r�ement affe�tin�this�eed��Tr�ast or the interes�a�Len��r�ander this aeed af Trust. <br /> Truste�, �'�,ste��ha�� meet alI qualifications ���u;red�vr Trca��e� under aRp�icabi�l�w. ln additian to th� r�gnts <br /> and rem�dies set f�rth above, w�th respec�t� �Il �r any par�Qf the Ara�erty,the Tn�stee shall h�ve the right ta <br /> for��f�se hy r��t�c��nd�ale, and Len��r shali have the right tc� foreclvse by judicial ��reclosure, ��either cas�in <br /> a�cor�an�e w�th�nd ta t�e fu���xtent provided by�ppli�able law. <br /> Succ�s5or Trustee. ��nder�at�.ender's option�rnay f�om tim�tv t��rte aPpoint a suGcesSar Tt�rstee#o�rty 7ru�#�e ' <br /> appointed un�er#his []c�d of�'c�st by an ir�s#rume��exec�te� and ackr��wl�dg�d by Lender�nd re�vrded in tE�e <br /> �ffice a�the recorder vf HaII �aunty, State �f N�br��ka. T�t� instr-ument sha�l contain, in additivn �o ai[ other <br /> n�at�ers requ�red by state Ia�+ta the names af th� ariginal Lender, Yrcasteet �nd 7'rustar, the b�ok a�nd p�ge �ar � <br /> �ompute�systern r�feren�e� w�ere this Deed �f�'r�st�s recvrd�d, ��� #he ���e �n�f address of t�e successor <br /> tr�ste�,and tE���nstfumen�shall bs exe�ut�d and�cknawt�d�ed by a1I the bene�iciaMes undsr tE�is Deed of Trus�or <br /> th�tr sUccessors �n 1nt�rest. T��s�cc�ssvr trUstee, without canveyance of the f�rvp�rty,shall succe�d �o af� the <br /> fitle,p�vv�rt and dut��es c�nferr�d upvn the Yrus#�e En th�s Q�ed af Trust and by app�icabie�aw. Yhis pr�cedure f�r <br /> substituti�n of 7nrste�s�aiC gavern to th�exclUs�on of ail ath�r�rovis�ar�s f�r subst�tution. <br /> NaTI�ES. Any natic�r�quired#a be given un�er this �eed af Tru�t� in��uding v�rit��ut iim�tation ��y notice af defau�t <br /> �nd�ny natice af��l��h�!!be grven in writin�, and sh�lt be effective when actualCy d��i�ered, wh�n �ctual�y r����ved � <br /> by telefa��im�le�unl�ss ath�n�r�s�requl�ed�y l�w��wh�n dep��if$d wi#h a n�tian�lly r�c�gni�ed ov�rni�ht c�urier�ar, i� � <br /> rnaile�,wh�en deposit�d�n the�nite�Sta#�s mail�as f�rst c1a��, cer#ified vr re�i�t�r��mail p�s#a�e pr�pa�d,directed to <br /> tE�e addrssses�horrvr� near the heginning ofi thi� D�ed Qf Trust. AlI c�pies�t nati�es o�fareclos�re from th���f��r af <br /> any li�n�v��c� h�� pr�ority ove�this aeed a�T�Ust shafl be sent ta Len�ers a�dress, as Shawn near th+�b��inn�ng ofi <br /> this ���d af 7'rust. Any pa�#y ma}I ct��ng� its addre�s fvr n�ti�e� under t�is a��d of i"ru�t by giv�ng�arm�� v�rritten <br /> no#i�� to t�e other parti�s, sp��if��ng t�at tE��e purpas� v�fh� natice is to ��a��� th� par�y's �dtlress. For noti�e � <br /> ��rr�����,`t"rustor agr�es to k�ep l.ende�inf�rm��d�f all time�o�Yrus�o�s cur�ent address. UnE��s atF�ervitis�pravide� <br /> or requir�d by�aw� if there is mor�;h�n one T�ustfl��any n�tiG�g�iv�n b�1 L�nder t�any�'r�usl�r�s�eem�d ta�e not�ce <br /> given to a11 Tru�tors. � <br /> �l.��T�0�11� Ci]p�ES. Lend�r may cop}�� �ieGtr�n�cally or afhe�wise, �nd th�r�a�#er dest�ay, tf�� afig�nals af t�1s <br /> Agreem�nt and�or Related Documents in the �egular cours� �f �ender's business.��� such capi�� p�aduced from �n ; <br /> electroni�torm nr by any at��r r�liabl� m�ans �i.e., photographic ima�e�r facsimile���a�l�n ail r�spects be cansider�d � <br /> eq�ir��I�nt to��ori�inai,and Bprr�wer he�eby waiv�s any rIghts or obje�tians to the us�of such cvpies. <br /> �ISCE��NEoi�S p�o1l�sl�N�. T��foa�aw�ng r�'i�sc����rt��us�r�visions are a part vf th�s❑�ed ofi Yr�st: <br /> Amendments. 7�is�]eed�f Trust,tagether v�►ith any I�e��t�d�]ocumen�s, canstitutes�he en#i�e und�rs#anding and <br /> �greement�f'tf�e part�es�s�o t�e m�tters set fortF� in this L�����f T�ust. No alterat��n af o�r amendrnent to tht� <br /> ��ed�f Tru�k shall�e effe�tive unless�iven in writin� and slgned �y ih�p�rty or partie��tiught ta be charge�ar <br /> bound by th��l��ratiQn or arnen�meni, ; <br /> Annual Rep�rts, if the F'ro�erty is us�d far pur�oses oth�r th�n Tru�to�'s resi��n�, Yru�t�r sh�11 fumi�h t� � <br /> �ende�a upon request, a c��tifi�d ��aternent of net operating in�ame r+�ceived from the Properiy d�r�ng Trust�r's � <br /> previaus Fsca! year in sU�h forrn an� de�ail a� L�nder s�al� r�qui��. "Net op�rating ir�c�m�"sh�l� rne�n�1!t�s� � <br /> r�ceipts�rom fhe l�r���rty]�ss aI�cash expendit�res made in conn�ction vaith th�a��r�tEan n�t�e f�ro��r�y. ; <br /> � <br /> �apti�n Headir�gs. Caption �eadings in this C�e�d Qf"frust ar� for��nv�nience purpases onl�and ar� nat tv be � <br /> Usea ta inte�pret car�i�tine�he provl�ions r��this Qeed af 7rust. � <br /> �l�r��r. Tl�er�sh�Il be no m�rger oT tfte inter�st�r e�t�t�creat�d b��his De�d of Trus�vti►ith an�y oth���nierest or � <br /> � <br /> esta�e in the P�op��.�r at any time he�d bY�r far th�b�n�fit of Lender in any���aci#y�uvi#haut th�vuritt�r, G�ns�nt � <br /> of l.end�r <br /> ! <br /> Gavernlr�g Law. Thi� De�d of'Tru�t will b� gav�rngd by feder-a�l law applicab�� to Lende�arid� #v the �xt�nt t�a� � <br /> pre�mpted�y��d��a�I�w� t���aws of the St�te ��hlebraska withaut rega�'d fa its confl�cts��!aw prov��ians. Th�s i <br /> dee��f Trust ha$�e�n�Gcep#�d by Lender in the Stat�af N�br�ska, <br /> Cholce af Venu�. Irt#he�e i��I��vsuit, Trusta�agr�s up�rt tende�s T�au�s�t�su�mlt#a th+e�uri�d�ctian Qf t#�� <br /> c�urt��f H�[!Caunty��tat�of Nebra�ka. ' � <br /> ,�o�r�t and �e�er�l L�ab�lity. �!I ��rliga#tons �f�orraw�r a�t�Tru�tcar under this D�ed of T�t�st shafl �e join# �nd <br /> �everal�and�1i refe�ences to rrustt�r sha[[m�an ea�h an�ever��`rustor,and�1E r���r�nces to go�row�r shall me�n <br /> ea�h a�d eveiry 8orr�wer. Th�s m�ans ti�at eacY�Yr��tQr s��n�ng be��w 1s��spansi�le far�IE�bl��atian�in this C?e�d <br /> af Yru�t. VVher�any c�r��a�r�Qre❑f th� p�ri�es is a�orparat"ton, par�n�rship, �im�te� liabi�it�eamp�ny�r similar <br /> entit�,it is nat necessary�or t,��d�r�to inauir�into th��ov�er���any af the o�ficer$�d�rec�ars,p�rt��rs�mernbers, � <br /> �r 4�her agents ackin�or purpa�'rng ta a�t on th��n#ity's beha[f,�r�d�ny ob�igati�n�r�d�t�r cr�eat�d in relian�e <br /> v�n#ha prat'�t��ad�x�r�i�s�r ot�uch pQwe3rs sY���l bc�gu�ror�t�c�d un�ior thi��7oc:d vT"1'ru�t. <br /> �o�a�v�r b�l.�n�er. �ender�h�li n�t�e deerned to hav�e�rai�red�ny rights ur�der this I�eed af Trust unl��s su�h <br /> w�i�er�s given�n wr�ting and signed b���nder, h10 delay vr vrt�issian on the pa��af L�nd�r in exer�ising�r�y��gh� � <br /> shafl aperate as�w�iver of su�h ri�ht or any other�ighf. A waiver b�Lender af a provision t�f th�s D��d�f Trust � <br /> shal� n�t prejud�ce �r �onst�tute a waiver of Le����'� rig�t ��he�n►is� to cfemand skria� cvmpliance with that <br /> �ro�rision �r any �ther pr�uis�an o� this De�d �f Tru�t. Na prior waiver �y ��nd�r� �Qr a�y ��urse of dealing <br /> �efw�en Len�er and Trustor,sha�E con�tilute a w��ver of�n��f L�nd�r's rights ar�f any of�'ru�tor'� �bligations <br /> as to any�uture transacti�ns. ��enev�r the cans�nt c�f L�nder�s rer�u�red undar�h�s Deed af Trust� t��granting <br /> af such�artsent by Lend�r in any instan�e shall not canstitute con�inuin� �orrsent�o subsequent fn�tances wh�re <br /> su�h cons�nt is r�quired and in all�ases such eansent m�y be�rar�ts�or with�e�d in the sale discretion af�.ender. <br /> S�v�r�hlf Ity. �f a eour�af eom�e#�nt�urisdicti�n f nds�ny pravisian��this Caeed o�`�'rust to be ill�gal, �r���lid, �r <br /> t�n�n�ar�eabl� � to �n� G1rc�rrtstance, �h�t fin�ing sha�E not n�ak� the o�fer�dinr� prav��ion iil��a1, inWa�id, v� <br /> unen��r�e���e�to �ny a#.her�ircum�tan�s. 1�feas�bl�, th�off�ndir�g prc�vl�ion shall be oans��i�r�d madif��so <br /> t�at it bec�rrt�s �e�a1, valid an� en�orce��le. If th� of��n�ing p�av�sion cann�t b� s� m��ifed, it sh�il �� <br /> consi�lered de[et+�d fr�m this Deec� of 7�ust. U�less otherwis� requfr�d �y law, the iC�egality, �nua��d�ty, or <br /> un�nforc�ab�lity o�any pr�visi�n �f this C3eed of��'�u�t����I not affect t�e l��aE��}r��a�idity ar enfnrce�E��lity of any <br /> crt�er prou�s�on vf t�is[]eed�f`Cnast. <br /> Su�cessors ar��i Assigns. Su�ject t� any fimitations st�ted�n thi� D�ed af Trus� an�ransf�r of 7'rusi�r's i���test� <br />