2� 1 ��7927
<br /> ���� �� ��u��
<br /> {��nt��U��� �a�� �
<br /> AdwBrse �h��g�. A mater�ai ad�er�� cY�ange �ecurs in Borra�►e�'s ar Trustc�r's finar��i�l oand�tion� or Le��ler
<br /> b���eves the pt��pecx o�payment dr p�rfo�nc�af th�o tnde#�t�n�ss�s impal��d.
<br /> [nsecur�ty. �.�nder in good faitf��e[[�ves�tse����secure.
<br /> �ICHTS AA�D R�11�Ed1�5 C�N Q�FAL�LT. I�an�v�r�t of aefau[t��curs un��r this De�d a��ru�t� �t ar�y tim�th�r�after,
<br /> Trt�ste�ar Lender may ex�rd��any or�e ar mo�e af the tollovirin�ri�ht���d r�m�di�s:
<br /> Accel�rat�o� Upon pefaul#�A�ditianal R�medfes. If any Eue�#of D�f�ult occurs�s per t�e term��f the Note
<br /> s�cured hsret�y,Lenc��r may declar�a[�lndebtedne�s secure�by this D�ed af�`ru�#to be t�u��n��yabie�nd
<br /> ��e sar�sl��1i thereu�on bec�orr�du�an�l�ayabfe u�ithout�n��ar���ntm�nt�d�mand,pratest or notice af any
<br /> ki�d. Ther�aft�r, Leru�er may:
<br /> �a� �ither ir� �rson ar h}� ager�t, with ar urithout br�nging an� act[o� or pro�eding, ar �y a rec�iver
<br /> �ppa�ntEd b��court�nd withaut re�a�rd ta the��equ��y of its s��urity, ent�r upor�and take possession
<br /> �f'the Praperty,or�ny part thersa�',in its�wn narr�or�in the t�arne o�Trust�e,an�d��ny a�#s which jt
<br /> deerr�t�eressary or c�eslr�bfe t�pre�enr$th�va��e,m�rk�ta�i�ity t�r r�ntabili�of the�rop�rty,ar par�of
<br /> th�Property ar in#�rest in th�pr�p�rty; tncrease the inoame from tY�e�r�p�rty or pro���t th�s���rity�f
<br /> th� praper�; an�� �n►i�� or without taking passession af the �r�vpert�, s�e f�r ar c�th�rwise �o!lect th�
<br /> rents� issues and pr�fi#s Qf the Froper�y, In�1ud'[ng thv���a�t d��and�npaid, and���1y ih�s�me: fess
<br /> costs�nd�xpens�s of aper�tion and colf�ctfon aftc��n�y�'f�es,to ar�y indebtedness s�cured f�y this C�ed
<br /> c�f Tru��, all ir� such arder as Ler�der ma��i�t�t�'n€ne. TF�e en#sring �r�aon and takit�� p�ssessi�h of�he
<br /> F'rop�rt�, the ca��e�ti�n of such rents, i�sues�nd pr�fi#s, �nd #I�e app�i�aEior� tE�ereo�shal� not cure ❑r
<br /> t�vaive any de�'�u�t��notice af d�faujt und�r th�s C�af 7'ru�t or inv�l�dat$any a+�t done in response to
<br /> �uch d�fauyt or pursu�n�to sucL�n�tice�f tiefault;ar�d, n��ithstandin�#he aantinuance ir�possessi�n of
<br /> #h� Property�r the,+c�a�l��tian`r��eipt an�appl�catiar� of rent$, iss��s c�r proff�, Yru�t���r�.�n��r s��1i
<br /> be entitled ta�x�rase��ery rtght p��W�ded fQr ir�th�Nate or the Rel�ted Da�um�nts ar b�la�u�or�the
<br /> Qocurrenoe of any ev�nt of defau���it�eludin�t�e righ����xer�is�th�povtirer�f saf�;
<br /> �b} �omrnen�an��tion�o for�close thi�D�eed ot Trust a�a martgag��appoint a receiv�r or�pe�i��lly
<br /> enf�rc.��riy of th�cov�n�nts hereo�;ar��
<br /> ��� C�e��ver to Trustee�written d�clara�iQn caf cfe�'au�t an�detn�n�for sale�nd a writt�n n��ica of default
<br /> and efectian to caus�Yrusta�s in#er�st in t�e Proper�y tQ be sold,ut�h�ch r�otice Trustee sha�i cause to be
<br /> duly fi�et�fot�r�cord 6n th�app�'opr�at�affice�of the�o�n�y in�►hich the Pr��erty is[cacat�d;and
<br /> ��f} 1�11ith res�ect to��l or any part af t�e Per�onal Propet�.y,�.�n�er sh�i[Y��ve�11 ff�e right�and��m�diss
<br /> a���ecu�ed party unde�-ihe hle�raska Urnfvrrn�rnn�rc�al��.
<br /> Fvr�ctasure t�y pow��vf 5ale, if Lert�er ele�ts ta fareclase hy�ac�rcis�of th�P�wer c�f�al�her�Cn�antained,
<br /> L�nd�r sh��l n�tify�'n,�ste�and sha11 dep�sit wEth `�'ruste�this Dee�1 af T�'ust�nd the N�te and such rece�pt�
<br /> �n���ridence af ex��nditur�s mad�and s�ured by this D�1 of`Crust��'n.�st��rr�y require.
<br /> ��} Upan r��ei�t of such nat�c�f'ram Lend�r,�'r�st�e�hal��us�ta tae reaarde�, pu�lished and de�iv�r�i
<br /> to�'rustar�uch NQtice af�efault an�iVo#ic�af Saie as then r�uir�d�y I�w�nd by this C�ed�f�rust.
<br /> Yrustee shail� u�ithaut demanc� on `�na�tar, a�ter su�h tEme �s may then be r�u�rec� b� �aw and after
<br /> reavrdatian of�uGh NvtEc�of QefaUlt ar�d a�ft��1�1�#i�a of�I�ha►�in�b�en give�as re�ulred by�aw, se�l
<br /> t�e Pr�p�rty at the time �nd �1�c� Qf saie f�xed hy it in such 1�at��e of S�le� �ith�r�s �wh�l�� ar in
<br /> separafe 1ot�or�arc��s or Etem$2�s Trusf��sha![d��tn�xpedien�,and in�uch or�i�r as�t may determ�ne,
<br /> �t pu��i��u�t��n to th�higf��s#�idder�vr cash ir��aw�ul m�n�y�i�he IJnit�cf�tat�s payable at th�tFm�
<br /> of sa�e. Tnust���ha�� de�iver ta suc�t �ur�haser�r pur�h�sers tner�of its goo�f and suffici�nt d� or
<br /> de�#s oon�e��ng #�re�r�p�rt� sa�ol�, b��wi�h�u� �ny�ow�nan#or w�rrant�, �xpr�ss�r implE�d. Th�
<br /> r��ifals in�ucF�deed of an�matters or f�cts sha�� be cat�cl�siv� Pr�o�o►f th�truth�ulness#h�re�f. Any
<br /> personr inc�u�ing vwithout limitat�an Trustor�Trustee,�r l..�nder,rnay�ur�ha���t su�h sale.
<br /> �b� As may b�perrr�i�#�d by lav�►, �f�er d�ducting alf c��ts� f��s and exp�n�es vf'i'ruste�and�f this
<br /> �'rust�lr��]udin��ost�nf evideno�of tjtle fn canne�t�on with sale,Trus���sha�l�p�ly the�r�oe�ds��sale
<br /> to pa�rn�nt�f �i��I!s�ms exp�n��und�r the terms af this breed�f�r�st a�-t�nder th�terr�ns�f the iVat�
<br /> n�t fhen repaid,�ncludin� but nat limited to ��r��� int�r�s� ar�d la�e�harges, �ii} all oth�r sum�then
<br /> secured he�eby.�nd �iii)the�er��nder.if an�.to#he persan 4r�r�ns i�ga[�y entitled ther�to.
<br /> ��� Yrc��t�e rr�ay in the manner�ro�i�ied�y�a��st�an�sale a��il or any��r�i�n of th�F�f�pe�y-
<br /> Remed�es �iat Exc[us�ve. Trust�e and �enciet� an� eac�r of them� sha�l be entjtled to enfor�� p�y�ment and
<br /> p��vrmar�ce a��ny indebtedness or rab�i�atians secur�d�y thEs peed o�Trust an�td exer�ise ali rtghts and po�r�rs
<br /> und�r thi� aeed of Trust, Unde�the hi�#�, under any af the R�lated Dacurnents,�r urt�er�n�ath�r��ce�ment�r
<br /> any la�rs now ar here��ter in f�r�e;no�wi�hstanding,some ar all of s�ch ind�btedn��s�nd obl�ga�ions s��ur��by
<br /> this�e�d of T�ust rnay now�r h�reafter b�otherv�ris� secur�ed, whether�y rnartgage�dee� a�trust, p�edge, ii�ns
<br /> ass[gnm�nt or othe�wise. N�ither#he acc�ptance o�th�s Qe��af T��st nor its enfarcement� wheth�r by �ourt
<br /> actian �r pursu�nt to th�power ai sale ar oth�r�ow�rs ��ntained in this Deed�f Tru�t, shall pr�ju�ice�r fn�ny
<br /> mann�r aff��t r�uste�'��r Ler�d�rs right to realize upon or enf�ra� �ny Qther se��arity n��rsr�r he��a�ter h�ld by
<br /> Trustee or�L�nd�r,it �ein�agreed that Tr�ste�and t�ender�and ea��a�th���shal��e entitle�ta enfo�ce this�eed
<br /> o�Trust and any a�her s��urit�now �r hereaft�r he�d by L�nder�r T�stee�n su�h �r�er and rnanner as they ar
<br /> e�ther of th�m may En th��r�bso�u#� dis�r�tian d�te�m�n�. No remedy con�erre� u��n ❑r resenr�d t� �'rust�e ar
<br /> �.ender,is intend�d to b�exc�us���o�ar�y ofh�r remedy in �his D�e�of'I'rust or by law�ro�r�ded or�ermitt��, but
<br /> ��ch shaC] ���Urnu��t�ve and sha�[ a$ in addi�i�n ta every�th�r rem�dy giv�r� in thls beed �t Trust ar now ar
<br /> her�after�xistin�at law or in equity or�y�t��ute, ���r�p�wer or�remedy given by the Nate a�an��f the Re�ated
<br /> aocum�nts t� 7r�sl�� or Lender �r tv wh�ch ei�h�r �f them m�y be vthetwise ent�tled. may be exer�ised.
<br /> �canGurrQntly vr i�a��aenda��t�Y,�rorn tlrne ta t�me anQ as vtt�n$s may�e de�me�i expet�t�nt by 7�'u�Ie��r i.en�er,
<br /> �nd ei�h�r �� them may pursu$ in��ns�s�ent r�msa[es. i�lvth�ng ir� this Deed �t� Tr��t shalC b� Const�Ued as
<br /> prohib�tin�Lender fram s�ekin�a t�efc�ency judgment�gaY�st the't"rustar ta th��xtent such action is permitte�by
<br /> [aw. �f�cti�n by Lender to pursu+�any remedy st�al! nat�xclu�e pursuii�f ar�y other rem�dy� �r�d �r� election to
<br /> make �xp�en�lifures or#o t�k�action to pet�orm�n vbligat�on af�'rttst�r under thi$ De�d�f Tru�t,�fter Trc�stor's
<br /> f�i�ure t� p�rfartn,shall r�ot affec���nd�rs rigE�t tv declar�a t�efauit and exerci��its r�medies.
<br /> Request for N�t�ce. Trustar,�n heh�lf af�'nastar ancf Len��r�hereb�r�c�uests#hat a�cflp}�of eny�I�t�ce of a�fau�t
<br /> and a cap�r vf any[�lottc�o�Safe und�r#hi�C}�ed of Trust be mailed to them at ihe a�dr�ss�s$�t fvrt�In the f�rst
<br /> p�ragraph of#his��ed of Tfust.
<br /> �4t��rr��ys' Fees; �xp�ns�s. I�Lende�institutes any su�t flr acti�n tt� �r�io�c� �r�y af th� temns of this C�e�d a�
<br /> "rrust,�,encfer sha11 kae�ntitled t� r�aav�r su�h sum as tn�court rr�y�djudge r�a��nabl�as at�orneys'fe�s at tri�f
<br /> and uptrn an�appe�l. VllhetMer a���t�ny��ur���t�an is inv��ved, and to the ext�nt n�t proh�bited by iaw* af�
<br /> reaso��b�� ex�a�ns� L�nc�er incu�s th�t in Lender's Qpinivn are necess�ry���ny#ime f�r the prof��tior� r�f its
<br /> int�r�s�or the�nforcernent ot its rights shall b�oame a p��t raf#�e Indebte�lness p��a�fe on derrrand a��shall E�ear
<br /> interest at th��1ote rate fr�m the date�f tf���xpendi#ure unt����p�id. F�c�nses cx�ver�d by tl�fs p�at�gr��h�nclude,
<br /> r�rithout limitati�n, how�v�r subje��#o�ny Irr�i#s unde�app��ca�le I�v�, Lend��s at#or�eys'f�es and�.�nd�e�s[ega!
<br /> ex�nses� whet��r r�r nvt there i�a I�wsuit, including attarneys' fees �n� �xpenses far ban�Crupt�y pr+ace�ding�
<br /> (inc�u€�i�g��farts to ma�ii�y or v��te�ny ar�tomati�sta�o�1r�Jun�tior�},�p�eals,�nd any ar►ticipat�d past judgm�nt
<br />