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2� 1 ��7927 <br /> ���� �� �CRUS`C <br /> ����fi n ued} page 8 <br /> this [�e�d a���us�s�►a�l �� bin�ing upvn and inure t� the ben�f�t�f the parti�s, their success�rs and assigns. 1f <br /> ownership of the Pr�pe�becomes veste� in a pe�son�ther than 7rust�r,Ler�der,wi#h�ut no#��e ta T'�ustor, may <br /> deal with Trusta�'s�uccessors►rvith ref�r�nc��o t�is C��ed of Trust and the Indebtedn�ss�y r�ay of fo�ea�an�e or <br /> �xtens�on withou�rel�asin�Trustor fr�m t�e�bligatians of t�is a��d�f`i'nas#or�iabilit}�t�nder the Ind�btetlr�ess. <br /> Time i��f'the Es��nce. `Firn��s o�the essen�e in i��perforrnance a#'this aeed of Tru�t. <br /> 1Na�v�.lury. ��� part��$fo th�s F]eed of�'+rus�h�r��y w�i�e the r�ght to a�y jury trial frt any act��n, �r�ce�d�ng,4r <br /> c�untercl��m drought hy an�par#y aga��nst any athBr p�rty. <br /> V�fa�ver af Kamestead �xempti�n. 7'nastor h�r�ay reieases and vuaive� a]1 r�ights and benefits of the homest��d <br /> exem�#�on laws o�the S�afe of f�ebraska as tc�al�1n�ebtedness se�ur�d by fhi� Deed o�T�ust. <br /> QEF1Ni1'��NS. The fQllowing ca�ital�z�d wards and terms shaai f��ve th�fo�fa�r�ng msani�gs when us�d in this [�eed of <br /> 7rust. Ut�less�pecitic��ly st�ted ta the c�ntrary� ��I�'sfer�r�ces to d�llar��n�unts sf�all mean �mounts �n l�wful money <br /> af ��e Ur��te� States af America. �11ar�s �r�d t�rr�s used in t�te slr�gular shalE ��clude th� �lu�a[, and the �fur�� shall <br /> include th� s�ngular, as the contex� rr�ay �e�uire. W�rds �nd te�ms not o�herwise defneci in this Deed of Trusf sha�C <br /> have th�m�aninc�s att�ibuted t�$t�ch t��ms in the lJni�orm Co�tmercial Cnd�: <br /> Bene�i��ary, T�e word"8en��ici�ry"means First Nationa�6ank of�maha�and ii� �u���ssr,rs an�assi�ns. <br /> �orro�rer. 7'he word"�orrow�r"means TP�R a�veiapm�nt�, l.1��;7P�R RentaCs,L��;�nd Tim Plat��nd incl�de$ <br /> aII co-si�ners and caYr�akers signing t��Not�and a!I their su�cassors and assigns. <br /> �eed o�T�ust. T�e wv�ds "De�d o�Trust" mean this De�d af Tr��t a�mvng �`rusfo►r� Lende�, �nd Trustee� and <br /> �ncludes �nrithout litnit�tian aal ���fgnmen� and securi#y int�r��# pr�vi�ians relating to the persan�l pr�perty and <br /> RQnts. <br /> l��fau1#, �h�ward "Det"au�i"me�ns the D�fault set forth �n lhls�eed ot Trust in the s�ctivn�Itle� "�efau�t". <br /> Envir�nmenfal La�rs. T�e words "Environment�[ �.aws" mean �ny and a�l state� federal and loc�l statute�; <br /> re��l�#ians ar�d v�dinances relat�n� to t�� p�o#ecfion of hum�n h�alt� vr the �nvirvnmsnt, f��luding wit�out <br /> �imitat�or� #he�om�reh�nsiu� En�rir�nmerit�y Respans+���ompens�tion,and k.�ability A�t�f �98�, �s�rnend�d, �� <br /> U.�.�. S�ct1�n 960�, e�seq. {"�E1�CLA"�, the Supe�'�nd Amer�dmer�ts an� R�auf��r��at�on Act af��86� Ru�. �.. <br /> N�.�9-�99 �"SAR1�"�,the}�azarcf�us Materials Transp��t�#�o�A�t,�� LI.�,C.�e�t��n 1 Ba�,et seq,,the ResQur�e <br /> Conservation and Recove�r l�ct, 4� LT,S.�. �ectian G�0�, ei s��.� or other appl�Gable sfa#�ar feder���aws, �ules, <br /> or re�u�a�ions adop#ed�urs��nt th�reta. <br /> �r��nt��'�ef�ult. 7h�war�s"Event af❑e�aul�"mean�r�y o�fhe�v�nts a��del`ault set fQrth in this aee�of�'�ust in <br /> th�events�f��f�u[t secti�n�f this a��d of Tr�st. <br /> �uaranty. Th�wo�d "��a��nty.`m�ans the guaran�y fram guarantar,er�dorser,sure�y,or a�cQmm�dation party to <br /> l��nder,�nc�udin�w�thaut�imltat�on a gus�anty af al�or part a�the[�dt�. <br /> Hazard�us Sul�stances. 7he words "�azard�us �ubs#anc�s" m��n ma#eria�s that� because af th�ir quantity, <br /> concer��ratio� or physical, c�t�m���E or infe�tiot�s �f�ara�teristfcs� m�y caus�ar pase a pres�nt a�pat�ntral hazar� <br /> to hUman health or th�en��ranm�nt when �mproperiy U�ed,t�eated, sto�ed,�isp�sed a�, gen�rated,mar�uiaGture�, <br /> transpor�ed ar otherwise f�and�ed. The words "Ha�ar�aus Su�st�nc�s"ar�used irt th�ir v�ry broadest sense and <br /> �r�c�u�� with�ut I�r�it�tion any and a�[ f�azardaus or taxi� substan��s� materials or wa�te as defned b�r �r fist�d <br /> un�e�the Environrr�enta! �aw�. 1"h�t�rm''H��ar��us Sub�tances"�Iso inc�udes,with�ut lim�t�t��n, petrol��tm and <br /> �e��aleum�y�praduc�s�r any�rac#ior��her+ea�an�a�bestos. <br /> ��nprvv�ments. The w�rd "Im�r�v�m�nts" rneans al! �xist�rig ar�d future improvement$, �u�ldings� st�-uctu�es, <br /> moblle homes affixed an t�� �tea! Properfy� faci�i�ies, add�tiQns� �eplacement$ and oiher Gvnstru�tiQn ar� th� �ea� <br /> Aroper�y, <br /> �nd�bte�ness. 7he wa�� "Ind�bt�dness" means ail principal, ir�t�re5t� and olher amounts, cvsts and exp�nses <br /> payable under thQ htat� ❑r Relat�t� D��ut�r�ents, tog�#h�r with al� ren���l� of, �xtensions of, mvd�f�cations af, <br /> c�nsolEda�ions ai and substitutians far the J�at� or R�la�ed D�cuments and any amaunts exp�nd�d vr�dv�r�c�d�y <br /> Lende� t� �15C�i���E Trustor's obligat'cons or expens�s incurred �y Truste� or Lender to enforce Tru�#ar`s <br /> ob�igafians ur�der this p�e� v�`fr��t, t�gether w�th inte��st on such amaunts �s provided ir� this �eed of Trus�. <br /> Spacif��ali�, withaut lirnitation, �ndebter�r��s� includes a11 amo�nts th�t may be ind�r�ctly se�ured b�r !hs <br /> Crass-Col�ateralization Frav�s�on af this D��d of Yr�s�. <br /> l.ease. The word "�,�ase" me�ns th+� l�ase af khe Pro�eKy 6etw�en Lar�dlor�, a�d�fined in Refated Do�um�nts, <br /> �nd Trustar. <br /> Lende�, Th�word"�.enderu m�ar�s First N�t��n�l aa�k�f�lmaha,its successors and�ssigns. <br /> I�ot�. �'he ward "Note"m�an� any and ail flf�orrower's lia��l�tf�s, ohl�gati�n� ar�d�ebts to t��der, n�w exis#in� <br /> �r herein�fte�in�urr�d o�created,inc�uding�wi�hvut fimitation,�[r laans,adv�nces, i�rt�rest� C45tS[�8�]�S, overdra€t <br /> indeht�dnass� cred�f card ir�debt�dn�ss, le�$e �bllga�tor�s, ii�b�li#i�s ar�d �bligat�ons under intere�t rate prote��ion <br /> agreements ar�orei�n currency�xchange a�re�m�nts ar�vmmo�i�ty price prvtection agr�em�nt$,other obl�gativns, <br /> and iiabili�ies c�f Sorrawer taget��r wlth a�� m�difcat�o�s, increases� renewals, and extensions of the <br /> afor�r�entianed. Addit�on�lly� �ereby incorpar�t�d �s �f fuf�y set forth herein are the �erms and c�nd�t�ons of any <br /> �r�m�ss�ry nnte� agr�em�nt vr oth�r d��urr�ent �xe��t�� by �arrower andlar t�n��r �ndic�ting this security <br /> nstr men# ar the praperty d�scribed hereln s�all �e cons�dered "Collatera!" s�curing such �ramissory n�te. <br /> agr�em�nt��r ofher Enstru�rtent,or�ny sim�lar reFeren��. <br /> persona� �roperty. Yh� vvords "��rsanal pr�perty" mean a�� �quipmec�t, fixtur�s, and other artic�es vf�ersonal <br /> praperty now or hsreafter �wned by Trustor, and rtc�w ar h�reaft�r att�ch�d or atfix�� fo th� Raal p'roperly: <br /> t��c�the�r w��h a�� ac�ess�on�, part�, and addltlons tof all replaceme�is �f, �nd �1� subsritu�lor�s for, any af �u�h <br /> praps�t�r; and to��th�r' with a]E ��oceed5 [fnc[uding w[tt��ut I��3tatE4n a!I insur�nce praceeds and ��funds of <br /> pr�miums��ram ar�y sa1�or oiher d���vsltion of the�rope�ty. <br /> prope�#y. Th�v�lord"P ropert�''mean�collecftvel�tf�e R�al F�rop�rty and the Persnna�Rroper#y. <br /> �t�al proper�y. TI»w�rds"Fte�i F�rbpert�"mean th�reaf pra�er�y, interests and rights,as furth�r d�sGribed 1n it��s <br /> D�ed a f Tru�#. <br /> Rel�ted aocurnents. Th� wards "R�late� aocuments" m��n all �romissor�► notes, credit a�r��m�nts, laa�n <br /> agreements� envtranm�nta� agr��mer�ts� guaranties, securit�r ��resm�rris, mvrt�a�es� de��ds �f tr�st� security <br /> d���s, coilat�r�l m�rtg���s, �n� a!I othe� instrumenis, agr�enlents ar�d documents, whether n�w or nereafter <br /> existing,execut�d fn conn�cttan wi�h th� Inde�tedne�s. - <br /> Rents. Yh�word "R�nt�" mean� �ll present �nd fUture rents, revenues, incor�e, rssues, ��y�lifes, profits� �nd <br /> dth�r benefits der��ed�rorn th�PraP��Y• <br /> Trustee. T��vfrard"Trusfee''means�i�rst N�ti�n�f�ank of Omaha,whose address is 8�� Af��n ar., �rand 1sl�nd <br /> , �!� �a�U�i ar�d ar�y s�b�tifu#a�r suc��ssvr trustees. <br /> 7r�sfor. The word"Trustar"means TPCR Renta�s�LL�. <br />