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-�., _ _ <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> _ - �A� ��Q�#�S <br /> V <br /> _ . i i. i.tcaiv�i,itv�i 8pw�Oniuuii;�o��waic�;Sala. tl�o�dafa��t hy Tru�tar ia s:,^ payrns:tt of or,.c�fcri:s�:ttc c! t!;^ �cr::ts�:i:i t�r.c+;t�r�ts „r <br /> ihe Note, or any renewals,�i�oditicalions or exlensions �fiereui,ur the peryment uf any other indebtedness securedhereby or in the pe�formnnce <br /> of any oI the convenanls or agrcements hereunder, Beneficiary may declaro all sums secured here�y iuut�edi�►ely due and poyub{e and the s���ne <br /> � shall thereupon becon�e due and poyabte without preseniment, demand, protesl o�nofice oi ony ki��d, iherea(ter, peneficiury muy deli�cr to <br /> T�ustee a written dectaration of def�ult and demand to�salo.T�ustee shall have the power ot sale of the Property ai�d if�eneficiury decicies the <br /> � ' Pruperfy is to`_L sclu:2 shnll deposit with Trustev ihis Qccd of Trust and 9ho Note or noles ond any oliier dowments evidi:iic��iy e,p��id�tur es <br /> secured hereby,and slioll deliver to Trustee a written notice o!default and election to cause tlie Property to be sold,ancl Trustee, in tu►n, sl,��ll <br /> prepare a similor notice in ihe iorm required by law which shall bv duly filed fcr record by Trustee. <br /> � (a)After the lapse of sucli time as may be required by law following the recordation of Notice of Detault, and Notice of Dofault and Notice of <br /> Sale having been given as required by law.Trustee. without demand on Trustor. shall sell the P�operty in one or moro porcels and in sucli ordec <br /> as Trustor may determine on the date and ot the time and place designated in said Notice of Sole,ot public auction to the higliest biddcr, 11ie pu►- <br /> chase price poyable in cash in lawtul money of the United Stotes at the f ime of sals,The person condutting the sale may,for any cause i�e ar sl�e <br /> deems expedient,postpone the sale from time to time until it shall be completed and, in every sucl�case,notice of postponement sliall be g�ve,� <br /> by�public declarntion thereof by suth Qerson ot the time and place last appointed for the sale;p�ovided, if ihe sale is postponed for �onger tlion <br /> � one (11 doy beyond the day designafed in the Nofice of Sale, notice thereof shall be given in the same manner as the originol Notice of Sule. <br /> Trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchaser its Oeed conveying the Property so sold,but without any convenant or warranty, express, or <br /> implied. The �ecitols in the Oeed of any matters or iacts shall be conclusive p�oof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, including wi�t�out <br /> Iimitalion Trustee,may purchase at the sale. <br /> (b). When T�ustee sells pursuant to tlie powers herein, Trustee sliail apply the proceeds of tlie sale to payment of the costs and expenses of <br /> exercising the powe�of�ale and of the sale,including,without limitotion,the poyment of Trustee's Fees incurred, wliicli Trustee's Fees sl,all not <br /> in the oggregate exceed the following amounis based upon the amount secu�ed hereby and rernaining unpaid: 5 percentum on the balance <br /> thereof;ond fhen to the items se!iorth in subparog�oph(c)hereof in the order therein staied. <br /> (c)After poying the items specified in subparagroph (b), if the sale is by Trustee, or The proper court and otlier tosls of foreclosu�e�nA snte <br /> if liie snle is pursuont to judicial fo►eclosure, ihe proceeJs uf sule shull 5e applied in the order stale;l bclu�t!o tltc popinent of: <br /> � (1) Cost ot any evideiue ot title procured in connettion with such sale and of any ievenue requireJ io be puid; <br /> i2) Atlorneys 1ees; <br /> (3) All sums then secured hereby; � <br /> (4) Junior trust deeds, mortgages,or other lienliolders;and <br /> (S) Tlie remoinder, if any,to the person or persons legally entitled tliereto. <br /> _ - ��� ��1�18 RC:t��:�:Ji� S� 1�:::��L"{CF T::lS! :S 4 h3.^.�:�S i�°�innrl�� S+�Qhr�,4�I��u. ���� Ur_.ta�nant rnn;ninari in rmy nthrr «ction nf this drer! _ -_ - <br /> � notwilhstonding, the Beneficiary shall not be entitled to receive or take and debtor sholi not be obligoted to poy or give;any confession of jud�- � �_ <br /> meM,power of allorney to confess judc�ment, power of attorney to pppear for o borrower in a judicial proceeding or ag�eement to pay thr costs . _- <br /> � . .�. [ _ r�-'•:-^ • --•�J.. _.t..._7:'S�. l.,. ...►.:6:�..d 1,.. �J..1.....LY 1,.,.� 0.�,.:dn.1 I.,.u.n..n. �1.�.� <br /> . .. .. • .. .. . • <br /> ... - -- ----�-� W LUIICIIWII VI 111@ UIIUIIICr� �ee�, UIHC»av�u vetJ v� sv�ws+.v�. ::vvw�w� v.....� �. � .-- . <br /> this section does not apply to the Trustee fee referred fo in parograph b(b). Provided(urther, thaf this poragroph shpll not apply to this Dced of _ <br /> Trusf,if the BeneliciQry is not o bank. - — <br /> 12. Additional Securifr Insirumenfs.Trustor,ot its expense,will execute and deliver to ihe Benefitiory, prompt!g upon demdnd, sucli sec���i- <br /> ty insfruments os moy be required by Beneficiary, in form and substance satisfactory io Beneticiary, coveri�ig�ny ot tl�e P�operty conveye:i I�y �� � <br /> this Deed of Trust, which security instruments sholl be additional sewriiy for Trustor's taithiul perlormonce of all ot the terms, cavenonrs a��d , <br /> tonditions of fhis Deed of Trust, the promissory notes setured liereby, and any otlier seturity instrurnenis executed in totineci�on witli tliis t�uri- <br /> ' saction.Sucli instruments shall be recorded o�f iled ot Trustor's exaense. <br /> 't <br /> 13. Appoinlmenf o� Successor Trusf¢e. Benetitiary may, irom time to time, by u written insti'ument executed nnd ucknowlr.d{t��d by i <br /> 8eneiitiory,mailed to Trustor ond recorded in the county or counties in which the Property is located ond by otherwise complying with the p�ovi- <br /> sions of the opplicoble laws cf the State of Nebrasko, subsfitute o suctessor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. }��'' <br /> 14. Inspections. 8eneficiary, or its agems, representatives or workmen, ore authorized to enter at any reasonuble time upon or in m�y nrn t <br /> of the Property for ihe purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing any of the octs it is outhroized to per(orni unJcr tlie <br /> terms of the peed of Trust. � (.�',` <br /> 15. Option to Forecicse. Upon tlie occurrente of any default liereunder, Beneficiary shalt have the option to foreclose tl,�s Deec1 oi i�ust �n � <br /> the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgoges on real property. _ <br /> 16. Forebearance by I3eneficiary Not a Wairer. Any forebearance by Benefi�:ary in pxercising nny rig!it or remedy f�ereunder, or ott�erv;�se <br /> afforded 6y applicable low, sliall not be a waiver of or preclude tl�e exercise of ony such r ight or remedy. l�kewise, t~e v�oiver by �eii�ficic,ry o' <br /> ony defouli of Trustar under this Deed of 7rusi shaN not be deemed to be a waivcr ut ony other or similur defaults s�tse��uently occurring. <br /> 17. Trustor Not Releosed. Extension of the tirne tor payment or modification or amortizotion of tlie sums secured by th�s Deecl o( l�ust <br /> gronted by Beneiic+ary to any successor in interest of Truslor sholl i�ot operate to rcicase, in an; manncr, the liobility of thc o�ig�r���� irus�or nnd <br /> Trustor's successor in iMerest. �eneficiory shpll not be rsquired to comm�nce proceedinys ogU�nst such successor or re(use to extrnd Nme for <br /> poyment or otherwise modify ornortitation of the sums secured by this Ueed of Trusf by rcason of any ciemand n,udc I��� tbe nr�g�n,il Trusto� u��d <br /> Trustor'ssuctessorininterest. <br /> 18. Bene(ieiary's Powers. Wilhouf affecting the liobility of the irustor or�ny oiher person lioble for t1�e pc�ymeni of urry obl�yut;�,n h��r���n <br /> ----- rrrentioried, ond without offecting ihe lien or chorge of this Deed of Trust upon any po�tion of the Property not then or thcretoforc rcl�us�d oz ' <br /> __--__ : eoniriiv�nr_thn l�ill mm��mf nf nll�mn�irl nhlir�nfinnc Rnnaiirinrv nmy, frnm lims?tn timn rmd wi�hout noti[C. �I)rCIC�SC C1nY pCrSpn SO huhlp. (n) - °-_— <br /> extend the maturity or olter any of the tern,s of ony such obliy�tions, (iii) gr�nl ofher indulyences, (fv) ielrc�ie or recenvey, or ctiu��� to h�• ' <br /> released or retonveyed at any tirne ot Beneficiory's options any partel, portion or all of the Proper ty, (v) take or releuse any othe� a� ud�l�t�c���:�� <br /> � r��...7 �t . ..f..1.l�ti��:...����..,jr...,...�t�::C:� .,. �„jt mnDn rmm�ncilinnc nr nth�r n:rnnnrrn�ntt with drfitnrc in rrintion Ihririn. <br /> _ .__ •rv�..� i�r �.. vv nv. �v ...n..... � v. �...«..���...�." "' " ' ' ' ' „ ' <br /> �� - 19. fWuro Advaneos. Upon roryut�s� of iru5tor, lrusfeo at T�u.1oo's option, prior �o roconvo�runcn o( tbn Prn�,rrty �s> 1����•t�u, inny imiln � <br /> �� (uture odvontes to Trustor. Such future �dvances, with inlernsi lhereon, shull be secured by this Trust Ueed •�•��c.� rv�;lc�:ce�1 hy �;�rn���v,� •; � <br /> notes stpting thal snid notes aie secured hereby; provided t},at ot no time she�ll the secured princ�pul, futuie adti�u,r��s. nu+ �ntl,�d���,� �.un,: n.l• f'l <br /> L vunced to protect the secui ity, er.ceed pn u��yregate prinuput n�nou��t of $.. none . �� <br /> a <br /> I20. Retonvoyance by T+vstee. UG�on written request of 43ene(iciory c}tltinr�thr�t till c�in�5 Snr��i nr�Iu•t rh•/ hctvn hrr��t^�•1 r�i�.! t:,.•�; c����C",!��r n <br /> ---- - of 1hi5 Deed ot iruSt nud tlu �Jotc to Truslce for Ca��cellution ond retentiun cr�•1 u�r,n ����y�n�.� � b, T.,��t�:; „S (� ,.. � . •. ��.,.. i,...,,.r. ..•� .•i <br /> �� <br /> v� fCCOnvCy tU TniSir�r, pr th�� p�•�Sr�r�t�r prrSOn> IE�q711y fntillC(I IhQrC10, wiili�,ut v,;inbnty, n��y ��n•t�c;� •,f tl,�• I'�;;.�•��� ��. .; � � ' ,. '..� �, •• ' � <br /> !�� rECitUls in;:�cli re�.on�a�r�n.•o •�(�.•��r�r�N�.rs c,r {•i-t5 �.t:•�II he�n11i Ii�Si�o pr�n(r,f tl:o tivtitif�'• r••; •i��-. . 1� , .. �.... . .. , '• . <br /> , I7A flp5'fl„��'�'JS �I�:i.�,nr•,���,� �....�.:'. ����'li�r rl 1i���•r31�lPt�•1��.. <br /> �' <br /> . �. �4, <br /> •�`f `{ � <br /> �,��+� <br /> � �i��.� <br /> .,�'d,f! <br /> .!� `;v <br /> �t,`� . <br /> •.,. <br /> � • .' <br /> �,. , <br /> .` . <br /> af i <br />