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--� _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ <br /> � 1 � <br /> ( <br /> � � <br /> i <br /> 21. NoHce�. Except for any notites, demands, �equesis, or other communications required under applicable la►v lo be given iii anothe� rnun- <br /> ner, whenever eeneficinry or Irustor g�ves or serves any no�ice(inciuding,wiihout ii:nito�ion, nol�ce oi�ieiauir qn�i norice ot saieL cien,nrnit��� <br /> quests or other conununication with respect to this 6eed of Trust, euch such notice, ciemand, reu,vest or olher conu��un�cu�iun shull be in�v�itu��� <br /> � and shnll be eifective only if the same is delivered by personal service or mailed by certif ied muil,postage prepoid, return receipt �cyuesied, ❑d- <br /> dressed to the address as set forfh at thQ beginning of this Qeeri of Trust. Trustor liereby requesis tiiat a copy of ony natice af defau!t, n�iy <br /> nolice of sale,reyuired or permitted to be given fhe Truslor hereunder, be mailed to il ot tlie oddress set forth at tlio bec�inning ot ilus Uec�i�t <br /> T�ust,Any party may at ony time clionge its address fo�•such notices by delivering or mailing to tl�e ottier parties hereto,as nforesaid,o natic�� <br /> of svch change.Any notice hereunder shall be deemed ia have been give�to T�usto�or 8eneticiary, when c�iven in the m�nner designoted heroi�i. <br /> � 22. Governtng Low.Tltiis Oeed of Trust shall be gove�ned by the laws of the State ot Nebrasko. <br /> 23. Svece�sors aod Assigns.Tl�is Oeed of Trust and all terms, conditions and obligations herein apply to ond inure to tl�e bcneli� ot un�f I����:! <br /> all p�rtles herelo, their heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representatives, successors and assigns. The term "Deneticiary" slia�l ���ea�� t��r <br /> � owner ond hAlder of the Note, whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. <br /> 24. lotnt and Soveral lia611ity.All convenants and ogreements of Trustor shall be joint and several. <br /> Y5. Sevorability. In the event any one or moro of the provisions contained in this Dced of Trust, or tlie Note or ony other scturity �nst�un��•+�t <br /> given in connection with this transoction shall ior any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforcea6le in any respect, sucli i�rvui�d�ty, il- <br /> legolify,or unenforceabilify si�all,at 1he option of Beneticiary, not ofiect any provision of tliis Deed ot Trust, but tliis peed af Trust sl�nll be c�n� <br /> strued as if such involid, illegal, or unenforteable provi5ion had never been contoined herein or Ihe�ein, If the lien of Iliis L'eed uf i�ust is�i�vp�id <br /> or unenfarceable as to any part of the debt, or if the lien is invalid or unenforceable os to any pnrt of tfie Property, the unsecured or par�inl�y <br /> secured porlion of the debt shall be compleiely paid prior to the payment of tl�e remoining and secured or pa►tially secured �ortion o( il�e cirl�, <br /> and all payments made on the debt, wliether voluntb�y or under fareclosure or other eniorcement action or prncedure, shall be conside�e�1 tu <br /> hove been firsl ppid on and applied to the full poyment of that portion of the debt wliicl�is not secured or not Iully secure�by �I�e �ien oi tl:�s <br /> Deed of Trust. . <br /> 26. Number and Gender; Captioos.Whenever used herein, the singular nurnber sliall include tl�e pfur�l, the piural, tl�e sinc�ul�r,and tl��ut� <br /> of any gender shal)be-applicable to all genders. The captions nnd hr.adings of the paragraphs of this Oeed of lrust are for convenience on�y a���l <br /> are not to be used to imei pret or definc tho provisions hcreof. <br /> Z7. Aeeeptanee 6y Trustee. T►ustee accepls Ihis Trust when this peed of Trust, duly execuied and ucknowledged, is made publ�; �e�u��t�,� <br /> provided by 1aw. <br /> IN WITNESS WIIEREOF,Truslor lias executed this Deed of Trust os of tlie doy �d year iirst abov written. <br /> x ���– - . _---- - <br /> Robert W. W ters • <br /> x��'�'�-l� --------� -- •--- • • <br /> SiATf OF NE[3RASKA ) Mary �. �laters :- _ <br /> � � 55. <br /> ,, .------ fnIRJTV(lC ueT T � --- -- <br /> On this 7th doy af Januar� , 19��. before me, the urnJersigned,p Notory Public duly commiss�oned ar,�l quolih���i fr�- ' _-_ <br /> said taunty, personnally came Robert W. Waters and Mary P. Waters, husband and wife __ _______ __ , _— <br /> to me known to be the idenficnl persons whose names ore subscribed to tlie foregoing instrument qnd acknowledyed tlie execution fl�ereof tu!�r � <br /> � their voluntary act and deed. <br /> Witness my hund und noturial seol ut ,.����/�in said coumy. the dote aforesaid. <br /> : <br /> �--� ����� t <br /> �__._ � ��CS:��""�"�---- -- - - --- <br /> No�o,y rut:tic ��r <br /> �L�TMY,S{�IeN�Or� ;�'�a°; <br /> My tommission expires: �p���TM�� <br /> M!I OMw.Eq�.Oei 21.1993 <br /> �c� <-: cn <br /> . �. :;�,i ^ � a <br /> � . _ ',' � � . <br /> • �_ fi� <br /> � � � � � <br /> • 4� V <br /> ——--= wi , � � � � , � . 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