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_—� -_ ___._ __ <br /> �:� - - <br /> �:=j�. <br /> _�i <br /> � � � <br /> ___ _ ; �o--�0045� <br /> � .`�. �Ii:Lbi� i�Gi3i:l��a'l��w� •+��u tifi.;�oe. Trvstot S�:�l��'1,:, U�� �UX�S, CISSCSSI71P11}5 plll�i���lpt C�i.�.l).'S, �Ill����:'�l, ��,':IJV� �, �t1^.1�:11, iiil:S f1L.� It�l- ' <br /> .,,•;.�i�.�;u.+,:�•�Pu;�l.� ;o t;.e;'�:,�:erty. an•f I�;�se':��Icf poyments nr�7ro.:��1 rents, if any. G�t,�re the sa�na Le;:i.:c��ri�r.,,.,,.;�r. i;ust.r shoii p:emp. <br /> Ily f�,r��i>�i t,� ����icfi;:ia�} �II r,, oi um.�u��is cti.e �r:�1er this puroc;roph, qn.� in tha e��ent Trustor sh,ill i;i,'<a ;��•rment c:ii�cttly, Trustor s��a�l <br /> piu,��pth� (��r��ish !o l�en�ficiiiry reccipts e�icic�icin�� sUCh pay+nents. Trustor slwll pny all taxes an;l nssessrnents .��hich mny b� Ievied up�n <br /> � 1���,,�fi�i,uy's int��r�::t lie��.in oi uprn tl�ii O�red o( T�usi without rcc�nt,: to arty la�v th��T Nay l�c ci;nctrit irnposin;� ��yment of tt�c �shofc vr ony <br /> � I u�i ihereof i�pon 1h4 O�:t:t•fici�ry. <br /> 6. Adiiltio�tal Uun• a��d i'�oQuctla,� oi ::anniicl�,iy`i S�wtJty. Trusror shn11 make all pnpmeitfs of inleresf 4ni{ ;��in�.ipui un�l poy�ue��is of any <br /> olh�r chu�gos, tc��s arnl axpen�es centrnctod to be pnid ta uny eaisling lienholders or prior bene(icimies un.'.er uny prior deed of Irust or mor- <br /> 1fln�e helore tha doT�� they oi� delinquent and prainp�ly pay ond�ischarg� any nnd oll other liens, claims or cliorges �ch�ch moy jeopardiie the <br /> � secu�ity flrnntod lierein. If T�uslor foils to mako any suct� ,naymenl ar fuils to perform any of 11io euvenants anJ apreemonts contoined in tliis <br /> [?a�d nf i�ust, or in on��prior morlgoUe or deed ot trust, of if any action or praceeding is commenced wliicl�moteriitlly affects Uenot�ciury's in- <br /> tei�sl in tlie f'rnperty, in�!udine�, but not limited to, eminent domain proceedings,or proceedings involving o decrr,dent, or if Trustor fails to pc�y <br /> , YfJS�Ur�s debls grner:�lly as th:.��� cecc�me duG, thea [3enefitiary, at Oeneiiciacy's option and without no�ice to or drm�nd upon lrustor and <br /> �•�iihout re!easing Trustor ircm nn�e!?i;galion hereunder, m,.y make such a�,^.ea:onces, Jisburse such sums,antl tnke such aciion as is necessary <br /> io protect Geneficiary's inf,:rest +�+t�.iling, but nof limitecl to, disburseme�}t of reasonnblG attorney's fee�, paymrnt, purch�se, contest or com- <br /> � promise ui uny encuinhrunce, cht�rGe or lien, and enlry up�n iha Property to rnoke repairs. In tlie e��cn! Ihat jrustor shnll iail !o prucure in- <br /> se r,�n::a er ta ,�y ta>as, nstessmentt, or any olher chpryes �r t�make any pny'me:�is io e�ist ing prior lien Iu�IJ�rs er bene(iciories, Qeneficiary <br /> n�ay protura such insurn+:ce and n,nl,e s�ch payment. ,1ny nmoonts disbvrsei!by �enefic�;�ry pu:wa.�t tn this f urpqrc.plj S shalt becom4 a:lditional� <br /> in,l;;��a��:ies� oi ir�sl��r se:.urerl by this Dezd of Trust. Such amounts shall be paynb'e upon natice irom Jeneiiciory to Trustor r�t�ueSting poy- <br /> thercof, und sliall Uear inlerea' from the date of disbursement ot the rnte payuhle irorn time to time c�n ou►stan;liny princ'�nl under ihe <br /> t.ute u�d�ss�nyment of interesl ut such rnle xou�d bq controry to a�plicable la�ti�,in«!�ith evnni such amount� s!u�U hear interest dt 't,e highest <br /> rn�c ��ermi�sihle undar opp;;cn!�le �ntiv. t�othing cor;tn�ned in 1hi5 Porogrop�� G sho!I require tleneficiarv to incu:any e�,ense or tcke c�y a�tion <br /> hc�eimu^r. <br /> /. Assiywacnt o1 Rents. E1CtiniiCi+��y s:�nll huve Ihe ri�lii, `r���er untl nulherity tlui�ng the c�•�finunnit� 01 this Deed of Trust to co�lect 1he <br /> rnl1�5, 15Sl105!]7�!� ?[J�115^� R�ln P(p^n�l ��i�n�pf r}r� inI'GAnp�nrf� .�1 I�r�tn:�1�1nfPf1f1 Wt!h nr�v11�10!11:flY:�l! fIGCP�CIp(1 O{�f1C rn��r1 O�{PCiPO <br /> --- E ,� � r i , r Y t 1 r r t v <br /> � licreby. ❑nJ Trustor lirrel,y alfsolulely and untpn�litionolly nssigns oll such renls, issues and profits to[3enefitiary. ['anefiCiory, however,heretiY <br /> cansenls io tl+e Trustor's collect:on ond�efCntion oE Such renis, issues and prolits ns they acuue nnd become pa�•oble so long as Trustor is n�t, <br /> ----- i:� ti:��l i;ill'c. !(1t��?�i3U�t R'�=�l(C$(ICLt 10�.1}':I1Qfi} O� U��L'i:}C�3:C:�(7�SS S��LiC:�:��Cv`��'Jf IIl ��:� j�Cf(O;iit�liii'Of CQi}�(li�re�r��nt i1Cf?Wli�Ei. U�vfi <br /> nr�y surli d�(nult, l3eneficiary mny at ony ti�ne, eitlier in person, by agent, o-by receiver to be nppoi�,ter;�y a court, without notice anJ withaur <br /> reyard to �lie aclequacy of ony seu�rity for tlie inciebtedness I�ereby se�ured, {o) enter upon tirid fUke possession of the Property or any port <br /> tl�ereof, arcl in its otivn i:nm�sue for or atiierwise collect;uch re��ts, issues a;�d profits,including tl�ose past due ar�d v��paid, and apply 1he some, <br /> less cosi$ and expei�ses of operotion and collcction, inc):►ding rcasonablc attorneys fees, upan ony ind�bted�ess s?tured hereby, ond in sLCh <br /> o�der us Denciiciary may determine; ib) perferm such octs of repair or vrotecfion as mny be �ecessary or pro;:er to Conserve 1he value of the __ <br /> i n�p�i ty; tc}teose 11�e s�::ne vr urry Uui 1 il�ereof for sucli rentul, term, und �ipon such c�nditions as its judgment may ci:ctate or terminafe or ad- - <br /> just tl�e lerms and ccnclilio^s of any existing leose cr leases. Unless Trustor and aeneficiory ogree otl�er,ViS@�n�vriting, aly applicolion of rents. : . <br /> __ 7�e��ee....,m{:f� In„nv inalnliln:Inncc enrnrarl hor��v ehnll nni nxtvnri nr nretnnnn }iia riun tinf�nf tlin ineinitninn! nnvmon!e ne nrnvi�nd id tnir{ _._`,� <br /> --°°-- -- --• - - <br /> ,. . , , . . . .__ __.. <br /> prcrrissory note or thnnge 1he amou�it of suth instal6nents. 1he entering u�+on and taKin� possession o# the Prnperty, the collection of such — <br /> re�,!;, issacs nn�J profi!;, �md Hie npplitation ihcreof os �forasaid, sl�oll not •;raive or cure ony defo�lt or noticc of defou!t hereundcr, or �n• _ <br /> ti•.,Ii,1�1; ,.>>� <�ct dane pursuant �o sud� notice. Truslor also css�gns to 13enefici�r�•, os furTlicr securily for lIt•� !`nr{0�'nonce of t:,e nbligotions •'�= <br /> 3� <br /> srri,,c�!lierehy,afJ prepuicl rents nnd all manies Hhich moy have been or moy hercafter be deposiicd witl� snid Trustor by ony lesscc of the Pro- <br /> �r:rty, to secure t(�e poyment af uny rent or damages, an;i upon defcult in Nie per(ormoncc oF ony of the provi;�ons hercof, Trustor agrees to <br /> dcliv?r sucli rents and c1eE�osits to�eneficinry. Delivery of written notice of Bene(itiory's exercise of the rights gronted hcrein, to any Ienant oc- <br /> tcpy+rg suid pcemises sh+ill be sufficient to require said tenant to p:y so�d rent to ihe I3enefitiory unti!furlfier nolite. <br /> �. tor.domaatlon. !f title to ony part of the Property shuil be taken in candemnation procecdinc�s, by right of eminent do��oin or simit�r ott�cn, � <br /> ,. . <br /> or shull t>e snld under Ihieut of co�idemnnlion, e�ll otivartls,u�::•nr�es and proceeds nre her,;by assigned and shull Le pu;d to f3eneficicr�• who shnll i ; <br /> r,pply su;:h owurds, dun;:iues and procceds te the sum secureci by tl�is Deed of Trusi, v+itl�tL�excess,if r.m�, poid ic Trustor. !f Trustor recei��es ' ' <br /> any �:ul:ce or olfier irifoitnotion reg:�rding wch octions ot procerdings, Trustor shall rive prornpt written r:otit2 thercof to beneficiary. �` <br /> Ite»eficiury shnit b�entifled,at i!s ol�tion, to commence,a�:peor in and prosecute in'sts own name an•r such cction er,rutr.edi�;3s and sha�l be en- � <br /> t�tled tu muke any comp+omise t�r se!tlement in connection with any wc'�actiw�or�roceedings. ' � <br /> 9. 1lemedie. Not Exclusivc. 3eneficiary shull be entitied to enforce pojrncn! on�performar.ce ot any :::r!r.�•;e•';c�s or cbl:gat��ns sec�.:�cd � . <br /> I:ereby ond �o exerc:;e oll rigl,ts ar.J powers under�his QeeJ of 7rust or under ony other�greer:�ent exec�tr.d;n co�inCCtiOn hBrCwith Or Uny Ib,vS • <br /> no•.v or hereafter�:: `�;ce, notw�ihsipnding sorne or all of the suth inJe.;i2uness ond obligo�ions secured!iereby rT:ay now or he:eafter be other- <br /> ,,vise sec��red, wliei:ier by�:ortgoge, deed of t;ust, pledge, iien, assi;r,nent or o1`ie*wise. Neither tfie accepto^ce o{ tfiis Dee� of Trust r.�r �ts <br /> eniortement wheiher��y taurt pE`,on cr pursuanf to the Fo•rrer of sole or ottier�owers l:orein contoiTi�d, sl�all prc;u�ic�or in nny menner ai(ect <br /> _ R�neiiri�ry'S�i�ht to reUlize u;:o�'+9r enfcrce any other 5�!'Uriiy npw Or l��r���(1nr hnl�1 t�y(lrnnfirinry, it i�ninr� c�nrr��i lhpt Qnr.pfi-inry 5tinil ('p <br /> e+�tiited to enforce ti�is Deed of Trusi and any other seturity notiv or lierea`:er tiela t�� 3enef�ciary :cti such order r.nd n;c::ner as it m�y� in its ob- <br /> soiuie discretion derermire. �Jo remedy herei�ca�terred upon or reserve;i to 9enelici;;r�is inter�;c�'o i�e excl��sive of ony otf:er remed•�herein <br /> ar by law provide�i or permitled,but each shall be cumulotiti�e ond sholi be in addition to every oiher remeJy 5�ven h�reurder or now or herecFter <br /> e::;sting at law or in equity o: by statute. Every power or remedy providerl iiereunder aliis Deed of Trust to E3en�f�ci;;ry o� to wh:ch il moy be <br /> ofl�crwise entilled, moy be exertised, conturrently or indeperdently, from time to timc ond as o(ten os may be deemed expedicnt Beneficiory <br /> nnd�t mny pursue inconsis►ant remed�cs.Nolhi�:y i�e,ein shcll be to,�strocd�s�rc!"��t;n, flcnAfic�nr/ fmm cnn�;in�o d?!iciency iud�ment against <br /> iii2 Trustor to the exteni such ociion is permitted by law. <br /> 10. Yrt�nslnr oF {�tonart y; Aeeumnfinn, If �II nr nnv nnrf �( thn ��rnnnrty or nm i�1l�rnct th�rrin ic c -Ir� trnnt(.:.rnrl �.�.,,,,,�.��,1 1... T..��+.,� -- -- _ <br /> - - -� --� -�-- -, - -- <br /> withoul Deneficiory'�priur wriften coi�sent, extluding (n)�he creu�ion of q lien or eiuurnbrc,e�e s�bordi;:ute to tl:'s �7ec•�1 oI Trust, (b) thn�reo- � <br />_ � tic,n of u purch75e money security interest for household appliances. ([)u transfer L�clevise, cinscem or by o�ero+ion of !ow upon tl:e denth of u ' <br /> __ {Oltlt �Q(1(7i1� Of �(�� 1}1Q qftlfl� of anv lenscholrl IIIIPIPCI OP 1�lfan vvhrt nr �ncc nnt rnntnin�nn r�n nnt'nn tn r���r�6ncn Rnnnfirinrv m�v nt <br /> - - ---- . . , . . � . ._ �_. . _. ."- -'..._......� _.. _�..._.. r' -..___, __.._..' " � • . <br /> �� [�enefi[inry's oplion, doclure a0 1he sums sewred by 'I�is Deed Gf Trust to be imn:ediaiely due nnd��oy�l�le, or co;,s�;he Trust�e to file a nolice � <br /> c�F �ir,tuu'1. i3en�fici�ry sha�l hdve x�ni�ed such oplioi� fo nccelerate if, prior to �he scle, L•onsfer or cer:•:�••�r.r,^r., t3�n�{;ci�ry r.nd thn pe�son to at <br /> �� tir��om Ihe pr�pr.rty is to be sc�d or lransferred rench ngreement in v�riling th��i the crcdit of su�.l;;���;�•n i�sati;i;:ct�•y t� ncc^firi�r f cir,d th�it • <br /> -- L fiie p�yno�r.cis the su���s secured by this Deed of Trusl sha11 be nt sur h�ctit�os t�en�fic:nry sl:n,!re;.�.�est. ��. <br /> � � <br /> ; tiF <br /> 4 �.�� <br /> ----; ,, ,� <br /> t�� <br /> ��,�: <br /> .,,�,,,R:: ____.l <br /> f,o. <br /> ,4'dc;� <br /> „y�)E,. <br /> �f;it��� <br /> . �I ti. <br /> t !�`�� <br /> �( ' / <br /> .�llt�6 <br /> a� ..I '� <br /> �� f „ <br /> .�L � <br />