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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> designated a subs�xtute notice address�y nat�ce to Lender. B�rrov�er shal� pramptiy notify L�nder of <br /> Borrnw�r's change af addres�. If Lend�r spec�f��s a pr�cedure far repor�in�B�rro�v�r's change of addre�s, <br /> �hen Borra�er sha�� only report a chang�af addr�ss�hr�ugh�ha�spec��ied p�flcedur�. <br /> Th�re ma�r be on�y one d�s�gnate�n�tzce address under th�s Securit� �ns�rum�n�at any one t�me. An� no��c� <br /> �o Lender sha��be g��en by de�iver�ng ��ar by ma���ng �t by #��rst class ma�� ta Lender's address stat�d here�n <br /> un�ess Lender has designat�d an�th�r address by not�ce ta Borrow�r. An�noti�e in�onnec�ion with�his <br /> Secur�ty �r�strurnen�sha�l nnt be de�med ta ha�e been giWen to L�nder untii ac�ua�ly recei�ed by Lend�r, If <br /> any notice requ�red by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� is alsa required under AppliCable Law, �he Applicabl�Law <br /> r�quirement w�l� satisfy�he corresponding r�quir��n�n�un�.er th�s Securi�y �ns�rument. <br /> '16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules ❑f �onstructivn. Th�s Secur�ty �nstrument shal� be go�ern�d by <br /> federa� �aw and the Iavv of th�jurisdic�ion in which the Pr�perty is �ocated. Ali r�ght� and obligations <br /> �ontained in th�s Secur��y �nstrument ar�subjec�to any requir�m�nts and Iimitat��ns�f Appl�cabl�Law. <br /> Applicab�e Law might explicit�y or�mp�icitl� a�Iow the par��es ta agr��by con�ract�r it m�ght be szlent, bu� <br /> such s�lence�ha�� no�b�canstrued as a pr�h�b��ion a�a�nst agreement by con�ract. �n the event that any <br /> pro��sion or clause of this Securi�y�ns�rum�n�or the Na�e canflic�s with Applicable Law, such confl�c�shall <br /> no�affec�a�her pro�isi�ns of this Security Instrument ar the No�e which can be given effect without�he <br /> canflicting provision. <br /> As us�� �n�h�s Securi�y Instru�nent: �a} words of�he m.ascul�ne gender sha��m�an and include correspanding <br /> neuter ward�or words of�he feminine gender; �b} w�rds in�he��ngular shal�m�an and inc�ude th�piural <br /> and vice versa; and��} the u�ord "may" gi�es so�e discre�ian withaut any obligation to take any action. <br /> �7. Bvrrvwer's ��py. Borraw�r shal�be given�ne copy of�he No�e and of this �e�ur�ty �nstrument. <br /> 'l 8. Transfer of the Praperty vr a Seneficia� �nterest in Borrower. As used �n th�s Sect�on �8, "�n�eres��n <br /> �he Pr�pert�" means any �ega� or ben���cia� �n�er�st �n th� Proper�y, �nc�uding, but no�limited�o, thos� <br /> bene��c�al i�t�rests transferred in a bond for d��d, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escravv <br /> abreement, the intent�f wh�ch i� th�transfer of tit�e by Barrower at a futur�da�e�o a purchaser. <br /> If al� or any par��f�he Proper�y or an� �nterest in the Praper�y is s��d or transferred ��r zf Borro�ver is no� a <br /> na�ura� person and a b�nef�c�a� �n�er�st�n Barrower is s�ld or transferred) W�thout Lender's pr�or wr��ten <br /> consen�, Lend�r n1a� r�quire immed�a��payment �n fu�� of a�� sums s�cured by�his�ecurity Instrum�n�. <br /> Howe��r, th�s o�tion shall n�t be�xerc�sed b� L�nder�f such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises�his optzon, Lend�r shall give Borrower natice of acce�eration. The notice shall prflvide a <br /> period of no��ess than 3�days from the date the notzce is gzven in accardance w��h Sect�on �5 w�thin wh�ch <br /> Borrawer must pay ai� sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rument. �f Barraw�r fails ta pay�hese sums pr�or to <br /> the exp�rat�an of this period, Lender may �nvake any remed�es permi�ted b� this Se�uri�y�ns�rument vv�thout <br /> fur�her n�tice or demand on B�rrower. <br /> �9. �orrvwer's Right tv Reinstate After Ac�eleration, �f Borro�ver m�ets�er�a�n cond���ans, Borrower <br /> shail have�he r�gh�to haWe enfnrcement of this 5ecur��y �nstrument d�scontinued at any time pr�or to�he <br /> ear��est of: �a} �iv�days befar�sal�of the Property pursuant�o any p�w�r of sal�contain�d in this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�; �b} such oth�r period as App�icable Law migh�specify far th�t�rn�inatz�n of Borrower's righ� ta <br /> reins�at�; or�c} entry of a judgment enforc�ng th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�. Thase condi���ns are that Barrawer: <br /> �a}pay� L�nd�r all surns which then�v�u�d be due under th�s Secur��y�nstrument and the Nate a� if n� <br /> acce��rati�n had occurred; �b} cures any d�fault of any ather c�venan�s or agreements; �c}pays aIl expenses <br /> incurred in enfarcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limi�ed to, reasonable attorne�s' fees, <br /> proper�y inspecti�n and valuati�n f�es, and other fees incurred for�he purpose af pro�e��in� L�nder's int�rest <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-Far�ni�Mael�rsddi�Mac UNI��RM�NSTRUM�NT Farm 3fl28�la1 <br /> VMP 0 VMPfi{NE�{�3p2) <br /> WvEters Kluwer�inaneial Se��ices Page'f 2 of 17 <br />