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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> ��. Ba�rower Not Released; Forhearance Sy Lender Not a VIJ'ai�er. E�t�nsion of�h��ime for payment o�r <br /> modification�f amortization of the sums secured by�his Securi�� Instrument grant�d by L�nder t� Borrower <br /> or any Successor in Interest o�Borrower shall no�apera�e�o re�eas��he�ia�bility of Borrower or any <br /> Succ�ssors in Interes�of Borrawer. Lend�r shall not b�requir�d��commence proceedings against any <br /> Suc�essor in In�eres�af Borrower or�a refuse to ex�end time for paymen�or other�vise mod�fy am�r�izat�an <br /> of th�sums se�ured��this 5ecur��y �ns�rument by reas�n of an�demand made by th��rig�nai Borr�wer�r <br /> an� SuCcessors �n�nteres�of B�rrower. Any forbearance by Lend�r�n exerc�sing any rzgh�or remed�r <br /> includ�ng, wi�haut��mita���n, Lender's a�c�ptance of paym�nts from�hird persans, ent��ies ar Su��essars in <br /> �nteresf of Borrower or in a�oun�s less�han the amoun��hen due, shail no�b�a wai��r of�r preclude�he <br /> �xercise of an� right ar remedy. <br /> '13. Ja�nt and SeWera[ L�a�ility; Go-signers; Successors and Assigns Bvund. Borrov�er�o�enants and <br /> agre�s that Borrow�r's ob�igations and liabili�y sha��he�oint and se�era�. Ho�ev�r, any Borra�er who <br /> ca-signs this Secur�t� �nstrumen�bu�does not execu�e the I��te�a "co-si�ner"}; �a} is ca�signing this <br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�flnl�r�o nzortgag�, grant and con�ey the co-signer's interest in�h� Proper�y under the <br /> �errns of thi� SeGur��y Instrumen�; �b� is not personaily a�l�ga�ed�o pa�the sums s�cured b��his 5ecuri�� <br /> �nstrument; and (C} agrees�ha�Lender and an�a�her Barrovver can agree to extend, modify, forbear or make <br /> any accommodations w�th regard to�he�erms of this Security �ns�rum�n�or�he Noxe v�rithou�the ca-s�gner's <br /> c�ns�n�. <br /> Su��ec�to the pro�risi�ns of Sec�i�n 1$, an� Successor in In�erest of Borrower v�►rho assumes Borrov�er's <br /> obliga�ions under this S�curi�y Instrument �n�riting, and is approved�� Lender, shall flb�a�n aIl of <br /> Borrower's r�ghts and benefi�s under this Secur�t� Ins�rum�n�. Borraw�r sha�i no�be re�eased fr�m <br /> Barrov�er's ob�igations and ��abi�z��under this Secur�t� �nstrument un�ess Lender agrees to such release�n <br /> wri�ing. The c��renan�s and agreements of�his Secur�ty �nstrument shall bind�except as pr�vided �n Sectian <br /> 20} and b�ne��� the success�rs and ass��ns af Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Charges. Lender�na�char�e Borrower fees for ser���es perfarmed �n cannect�on w�th Borrower's <br /> defaul�, f�r�he purpose�f protecting Lender's interes� in the Propert� and rights under this Securit� <br /> I�strument, in�lud�n�, �ut n�t lim�ted t�, a�torne�rs' fees, proper�y �nspect�on and�alua�i�n fees. �n re�ard �o <br /> an�other fees, the abs�nce�f express author�t�r in th�s Securit� �ns�rum�nt to char�� a speci��c fe��o <br /> Borrov��r shall not be cons�ru�d as a proh�bition an the charg�nb of such fe�. Lender�m.ay no�charge fees <br /> that are e�pressly pro�ibited by this Security Instrumen�or b� App�icab�e Lav�. <br /> If�he Laan is sub��ct�o a�a�v whi�h s�ts max�mum�oan charges, and that iaw is f�nally �nterpre�ed so tha� <br /> �he interes�or other Ioan�harges co��ected or�o be col�ec�ed �n conneG�ion with�he Loan ex�eed�he <br /> permitted limi�s, then: �a} an�r such�oan charge shall be reduc�d b�the amount necessary�o reduce�he <br /> charge�o the permit�ed Iimit; and �b} an� sums aiready co�ieCted from B�rro�uver which exceeded permitted <br /> �imits wil�be refund�d�o Borr�wer. Lend�r xna� choos�t�make th�s refund by reducing the pr�nc�pal o�rec� <br /> ��nd�r�he No��or. by makin�a dir�c��ay�ment to R�rr�w�r. If a��fi�nc� r������s�r�n���al, th�r�c����tian v�rill <br /> be trea�ed as a par�iai prepa�ment wi�h�ut any prepayment�harge�whether or not a prepaymen�charge�s <br /> pr�vided for under the Note3. Bflrrower's accep�ance of an� such refund mad�b�d�rect payment�o <br /> Borrawer w�II con�t��ute a wa�ver af any right of action Borro�ver rnight have arising�ut of�uch o��rcharge. <br /> �5. Nvti�es. A�I notices gi�en b}� Barrav�►�er�r Lender in connec�ion with this Se�uri�y Ins�rumen�must be�n <br /> �ri��ng. An�n�tice to B�rrower in conne���on w�th th�s S�curxty �nstrument shal�be deemed to ha�e beerr <br /> gi�en to Borr�wer when mailed by fir�t class mail or when actua��y de�ivered to Borr�wer's no�ice address if <br /> sent b�other means. No�ice�o an�one Borrower shai��ons�i�ute not�ce to all Borrowers unless Appl�ca��� <br /> Lavv expressiy requ�res o�herwise. The notice address shall be�he Property Address uniess Bnrr�v�rer has <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle F�rni[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac i�NIFqRM INSTRUMENT �arm 302$3141 <br /> VMP�; VMP6{N�3��3p2� <br /> Wo�ters Kluw�r Financiaf 5er�ices Page 1 1 of 17 <br />