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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> in�he Proper�y and righ�s under this 5ecuri�y �ns�rum�nt; and (d} �akes such ac�ion as Le�der may <br /> r�asonably requ�re�o assur�that Lender's in�eres� in��e Proper�y and rzgh�s under this Securit� Ins�rumen�, <br /> an�Borrovver's abl�gation�o pa��h�sums secured�y �his Securit� Instrumen�, sha�l c�ntinue un�hanged. <br /> Lender rn.a� requ�re that Borrower pay such reins�atemen�sums and�xpenses in ane or more of the foilov��ng <br /> for�ms, as selec�ed by L.�nder: �a� cash; �b} money order; �c� cer�if�ed check, bank�he�k, �reasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution wh�se depos�ts are insured�y a <br /> federa� agenc�, znstrumenta�ity�r�ntit�; or�d} El�ctronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atement by Borrower, <br /> this Securit�r �nstrumen�and obliga��ons se�ured hereby sha�� rema�n ful��effect��e as if no accelera�ian had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, this right t�rein��a�e sha�i not app�y �n the case af accelera��on under Se�ti�n 18, <br /> �fl. Sa�e of Note: Change of Laan Serr►icer; �Vot�ce flf Grievance. The Nate�r a par��a� �nterest in�he <br /> Note��agether w��h this Security Instrumen�} can be sold one or more�imes wi�hout prior nat�c��o <br /> B�rrower. A sa�e might resuit�n a change in the�nt�ty �kno��rn as�he "Loar� Serviee�-"}that collects Periodic <br /> Payments du�under the N�te and�his Security�nstrumen�and p�rforms �ther mor�gage laan ser�icing <br /> ob�igat�on�under the Nate, th�s S�curity Instrument, and Appl�cable Law. There a�so m�ght be�ne or mare <br /> changes of�he Loan Servicer unrela�ed�� a sale�f�he No�e. If th�re zs a change nf the Loan Serv�cer, <br /> B�rrflwer v�rill be gi�en vvritten notzce�f the change wh�ch wi�� s�ate the name and address of the n�v� Loan <br /> Ser�i�er, the address to v�hxch pa�ments sh�uld h�made and any other infnrmatian RESPA requires in <br /> cor�nec�ion v�i�h a no�ice of transf�r of ser�ic�ng. If�he No�e is so�d and thereafter the Loan �s ser�riced by a <br /> Laan Ser��c�r o�her�han the purchaser of the No�e, the mor��a�e�oan servi��n� obliga�i�ns to Borrawer will <br /> rema�n�vi�h the L�an S�rv�cer ar be transferred�o a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by th� <br /> No�e purchaser un�ess o�h�r�vise provided b��he Note purchaser, <br /> Ne�th�r B�rr�wer nor I.�nder may c�mmence,jo�n, or be�a�ned to any judiciai action�as ei�her an <br /> �nd��idual li�igant or�he mem�er of a c�ass} �hat ar�s�s from�h�other par�y's actinns pursuant ta�h�s <br /> Securi�� Instrum�nt�r�ha� alleges that the o�her par�� has br�ached any pro��ision of, or an�duty ov�ved by <br /> reason of, thi� S�cur��� instrumen�, unti� such Barro�er ar Lend�r has no�if�ed �he o�her part� ��v�th such <br /> notice����n in compliance wi�h�h�requir�ments of Section 15}�f such a��e�ed br�ach and aff�rded the <br /> oth�r part}�hereto a reasonabie p�r�od aft�r the����ng of such nnt�ce to �ake correc���e ac�ion, �f Applicable <br /> Law pr��ides a��m�p�ri�d wh�ch mu�t e�apse before c�rtain ac�ion can b�iak�n, that time period wi�l be <br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purpases of this paragraph, Th�notic�of acc��erat�on and opp�rtuni�y t�cur� <br /> giuen to Borr�wer pursuant to S�ct�on 22 and the natiee of acce��ra��on gi�en to Borrower pursuan�ta <br /> S�ct�on �8 sha��be de�m�d�o �atisfy�he notice and oppor�unity to�ake correcti�re action pra��szons o�`thi� <br /> Sec�ian 24. <br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in th�s Se�tion�1; �a} "Ha�ardous Sr.�bstat�ces"are those substanc�s <br /> de�ned as taxic or hazardous substan�es, pa��utan�s, �r wastes b� En�ironmental Lav�and�he follow�ng <br /> subs�ances: gaso�ine, k�rasene, oth�r flammable or�ox�c petro�eum produc�s, �oxic p�stic�des and herbicides, <br /> �olat��e s�iv�nts, materials conta�ning asbestos ar formaldehyde, and radioac�ive n�at�r�als; �b} <br /> ".L'j�viro��r�aer�tal�.a�v"means federai laws and la�vs�f�he jurisdict�nn v�rhere�he Property is lacat�d that <br /> rela�e�a health, safety or en��ron�rnental pro�ection; �c} "Ejzvironrn��ztal Cleat�up"inc�udes any response <br /> act�on, remed�al acti�n, ar rema�al action, as def�ned in Enviranmen�a� LavSr; an� �d} an ",�nvi�orz�rxer�ta� <br /> Cotidi�i�j�"mea.n.s a condition that can cause, contribute t�, or otherw�se trigger an Enviranmen�a� Cleanup. <br /> Borrawer shal�not cause or p�rmit the pres�nce, use, disp�sa�, s�orage, �r release of an� Hazardous <br /> �ubstances, or�hreaten tfl re�ease any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in th�Property. Borrawer shal�not do, <br /> nor a1law anyon�e�se to do; anythin�affecting the Proper�y �a}�hat �s �n vio�a�ion of an�Environmental <br /> Lavv, ��}vvh�ch cr�a�es an En�riranmental �ond�tion, �r�c} v�rhich, due to�he presenc�, use, or re�eas�of a <br /> Hazardaus Substance, crea�es a candition�hat ad��rs�l� affec�s�h��a�ue of the Property. The pr�ceding t�o <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingfe Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNiF�RM INSTRUMENT �orm�028 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{NEy{134�3 <br /> Wdlters Ktuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 13 af�7 <br />