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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> satisfaction, prov�d�d that such �nspe�tion shall b�undertaken promp�l�. Lender may pay for th�repairs <br /> and rest�ration in a s�ngie d�sburs�ment or in a series af pragress paymen�s as th�w�rk is comp�eted. <br /> Un�ess an agreement�s made in wr�ting or App�icabl�Law r�quir�s int�r�st to��pa�d on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha�� not be requir�d to pay Borrnw�r an� znt�rest ar earnings on such <br /> Misc�llaneous Proceeds. �f the restora�i�n or repa�r�s na�econorni�ai�y feasib�e flr Lender's se�urity would <br /> �e lessened, the Misc�ila�eous Pro�eeds shal�be app�ie�t� the sums secured b� this Security In�trumen�, <br /> whe�her or not then du�, with th�ex�ess, �f any, pa�d t�B�rrawer. �u�h M�scellaneous Proceeds shal�b� <br /> app��ed�n�he�rder provided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> In the���nt af a t�ta� tak�n�, �estruc��an, or l�ss �n�alue of th� Pr�perty, �he M�sce��aneflus Proceeds shal� <br /> be applied to the sums se�ured by this Securi�y �nstrument, whe�her nr na��hen due, with the e�cess, if an�, <br /> paid to B�rrflwer. <br /> �n the event of a par�ia� taking, destruct�Qn, or�oss in va�ue of the Property in wh�ch�he fa�r market va�ue of <br /> �he Pr�per�y immediately befor�the par��al �a�ing, d�struction, or Ioss in va�ue�s equal ta ar greater than the <br /> amount of the sums secured by this Se�urity Instrument immediately befnre the par�ia� �aking, des�ruct�on, or <br /> �oss in va�ue, un�ess Borr�wer and Lender�therw�se agree�n wrzt�ng, �he sums s�cur�d by this Secur��y <br /> �nstrum�n�sha��be redu��d by the amount of the M�s�el�ane�us Proceeds multipli�d by�he foliovc�in� <br /> fract�on: �a} �he to�a� amount of the sums secured �mmedia�ely�efore th�partia� �ak�n�, destruc��on, �r loss <br /> in valu�di�ide�.by �b} the fair market value of the Proper�y immediately�efore�he partial �aking, <br /> destructinn, or lass in value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower, <br /> �n the e�ent�f a partial taking, des�ru�ti�n, ar�os� zn�a�u�of�he Praperty in which�he fair marl�et�a�ue of <br /> th�Property immediately befare�he part�a� taking, destruction, or�oss in value is iess than th�a�moun��f the <br /> sums secured imm�d�ate�y before�he par�ia� �aking, destruction, flr Ioss in value, unless Borro�v�r and <br /> Lender��herw�s�agre� �n writing, the Miscellaneaus Proceeds shall be applied�o the surns secured by �h�s <br /> �ecur�ty �nstrument whether ar no�the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandaned by Borro�er, �r�f, after not�ce by Lend�r�o Borrau�er�ha�the�ppo��ng Party <br /> �as de�ned in the next sen��nG�}off�rs to znake an award to se��l�a cla�m for damages, Borrower fa��s to <br /> r�sp�nd ta Lender v���h�n 3D days after th�date the notice is gi��n, Lender is author�zed to�o��e�t and appiy <br /> the i'Viis��llane�us Praceeds either�a restaration or repair of the Pr�perty or tfl the sums secured by th�s <br /> Security �nstrument, tivh�ther ar not then due. "�pposing Far�y" means�h�third party that owes Barra�ver <br /> M�sce��aneaus Proceeds or the party agains�whom Borrflwer has a r��h�of ac�ion in r�gard ta M�s�eilaneous <br /> Proceed�. <br /> Borr�wer shal�be�n defau�t if any ac��on or proceeding, ��h�ther civil or cr�m�na�, �s begun that, �n Lender's <br /> judgmen�, �ou�d result in farfeiture of�he Property or other ma�erial �mpa�rment af Lender's int�res� in th� <br /> Prop�r�� or rights under this Se�urity �ns�rument. Borro�v�r can cure such a d�fau�t and, if ac�e�erat�on has <br /> oecurred, reins�ate as provided in Section �9, by causzng the action or proce�ding ��be dzsm�zssed with a <br /> ruling that, in Lender's�udgmen�, pr�c�udes farfei�ure of the Property or other materia� zn�pairment of <br /> Lender's �nterest in the Proper�y or right� under this Security Instrum�nt. Th�proceeds af an� award or <br /> claim far dama��s tha�are a�tribu�ab�e to th�impairmen�of L�nder's �nterest in the Pr�per�y are hereby <br /> assign�d and sha�l be paid to L�nder. <br /> All Miscellane�us ProCeeds�hat are not applie�to res�oration ar repair of the Praperty shal�be applied in the <br /> ar��r pra�ided for�n Sectian 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-�annie Mael�reddie MaG llNiFqRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�Z8 11�'f <br /> VMP� VMPfitN���1302� <br /> WoIters Kiuwer Financial Ser�i�es Page'�4 af 17 <br />