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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> continue ta pay to Lender�he amoun�of the separately d�signated paym�n�s�hat�ere due when th� <br /> insurance coverage c�as��.to be�n�ffect. L�nder will accept, use and retain these paymen�s as a <br /> non-refundable�oss reserv�in�ieu of Mor��age Insurance. Such loss reser��sha11 be non�refundab�e, <br /> n�tw��hstanding the fact tha��he Loan�s ultima�el�paid �n fu�1, and Lender sha�� not be required to pay <br /> Borrower any�nterest or earnings on such loss res�rve. Lender can n� �onger requir�l�ss reser�e pay�nen�s <br /> if Mor��age�nsurance co�verage�in�he amoun�and for�he period that L�nder r�qu�res}pro�ided b� an <br /> insurer selec�ed by Lender aga�n becomes a�a�lable, is obta�ned, and Lender requires separat�ly designated <br /> pa�rmen�s��ward the premium�for Mortga�e�nsurance. �f Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a <br /> �andi�ion of making�he Laan and B�rro�ver was re�uired�o make separatety des�gnated payments toward the <br /> premiums for Mor�gage�nsuran�e, Borrower sha��pay th�prem�ums requ�red to mainta�n Mortgage <br /> Insurance�n effect, or to provide a nan-refundab�e�os� reserv�e, untii L..ender's requirement for Mor�gag� <br /> �nsurance ends �n accardance with any writ�en agreement�e�ween Barrower and Lender pravidin�for such <br /> term�nation or unt�� �ernunat��n i� required by Applicab�e Law. Nathin� in�his Secti�n 1�affec�s <br /> Borrower's obliga�ion to pay �n�eres�at the rate provided �n the Na�e. <br /> Mortgag�Insurar�ce r�imburses Lender�or an�ent�t��hat purchas�s the Note} for eer�ain Ias�es �t may �ncur <br /> if Barrower does nat repa��he Loan as agreed. Borrower is nat a part� ta the Mortgage Insura�ace. <br /> Mart�age �nsurers e�a�uate their�otal risk on a�� such insurance in force fr�m��me to t�me, and may en��r <br /> �n�o a�reemen�s v�ith o�her part��s that share or modif�their risk, or reduce Iosses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> �erms and��n�it�ons�ha�are sat�sfactory to the mor�gage insurer and the other pa�y��r part�es} t��hese <br /> agreemen�s. Th��e agr�ements may require the mor�gage �nsurer��make pa�ments usin� an� s�urc�of funds <br /> that the mor�gage insur�r may ha�e a�raiiab�e�wh�ch may include funds oh�ained from N�art�age Insuran�� <br /> pr�m�ums}. <br /> As a result af th�s�agreements, Lender, an�purchaser of the Note, anoth�r insurer, any reinsurer, any oth�r <br /> en�ity, ar an� af�liate of an�of the foregoin�, may rec��v� �d�rec��y�r indirec���� amounts �ha�deri�re fr�m <br /> �or n��gh�be characterized as} a portion of Borrower's pa�men�s f�r Mort�age �n�uran�e, in exchan�e far <br /> sharing or modif�ing the mor�gage �nsurer'� risk, or reducing losses. If such agreemen�pr�v�de��ha� an <br /> a�filiate of Lender�akes a shar��f�he insurer's r�sk in exchanbe far a share of the premiums paid to the <br /> insurer, �he arrang�rnent is�ften termed "cap�i�re reinsurance." �ur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agree�nents��v�II not affe�� the anr�oun�s�ha� S�rro►���er has agreed to pay far Mor�gag� <br /> Insurance, or any o�her�errns of�.he Loan. Such agreemen�s��v���not�ncrease the amoun� <br /> Borro��ver���I� o��e for Mor�gage Insurances and�hey ��v��l nat en����e I3orrower�o any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen�s w�ll no�affect�he righ�s Borrower has�if any-wi�h respect ta�h� <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the I3omeo►�vners Pro�ectio�A�t of 1998 or any other Iaw. These righ�s <br /> ma�inc�ude the r�ght t�receive cerfain di��iosures, to re�u�s�and obta�n canc�Ilat�on of�he <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e, to have the Mortgag�Insuranc��erm�na�ed au�oma��ca��y, andlar to receive <br /> a refund of an�Mor�gag�Insuran�e premiums�hat were unearned a��he�ime o�such <br /> canc�i�at�an.or t�rm�na�ion. <br /> �'1. Ass�gnm�nt af Miscel[aneous Prviceeds; Farf��ture. Ail Misc�ilaneaus Proceeds are hereby assigned ta <br /> and shall be paid�a Len�er. <br /> If the Proper�� �s damaged, such M�scellaneous Proceeds shai�be applzed to res�aration or repair af the <br /> Property, �f�he restoratian ar r�pair�s e�onom.ica�ly feasible and L�nder's securit� is n.o�l�ssened. Dur�ng <br /> such repair and restara�ion per��d, Lender shail have the righ��o ho�d such Miscellaneous PraC�eds unt�� <br /> Lender has had an opportun�ty�o ins�e�t such Praper��r�� ensure�he vvork has been completed�o Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNi�ORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3028 i 1�1 <br /> VMP C VMPfi�N�}[13��) <br /> Wa�ters Ktuwer Financial Ser�ices Page 9 af 17' <br />