2� 1 ��72�3
<br /> Q��D �� �'��JS�'
<br /> ��a��fEr�€�et�} Page �
<br /> '�rust,including costs af e�id�nce�f title in conne�tion with sale.7rustee shall apply tF�e�coceeds of sale
<br /> tv Payrr��nt of ti}�1l sum�expenc�ed u�der lF�e Eerms o�this Deed o�Trust vr und�r t�1e terms of the�lote
<br /> not then rePaid, including b��l not ]imited io ac�rued interesi anc! Ea�e charges, �ii) all flther sums then
<br /> secured E��refoy,anc� (�ii}the r�mainder,i f any, ta the persan vr�er$ons legally en tit�ed thereto.
<br /> �c� Trustee m�y in tlie manr�er providecf by I�tiv�o�Epor��sa[e of al[or�ny portion o�the Prope�ty.
<br /> Remedies �!�t �xGlu s�ve. �'r�.�ste� ar7d �ender, and each �I �E�em, sh�l� be �ntitl ed to enforce payment and
<br /> performan��o f any indebled�ess or obligaEions s����red by E�is Deed o f Tru st and lv exercise all r�ghts and pvwers
<br /> under this De�d of Tr�st, under�he iVote. urid�r�ny of t11e I�elated Dvc�rn�nts, ar under any otF�er agreemen�or
<br /> any laws now or here�t�er in �orce: nvtwithslancfing,s�me or a!! of sucE� �nd��ledness ar��i obligations secUted by
<br /> tf�is Deed oi Tru st may now or I�ereaf ter be o tf�er�rise see��ed. wi�eth�r by mortgage, deed a f trU st, pledg e, li en,
<br /> assi�nment vr ot�erwtse. hJeiEh�� th� �ccepla��c� vt l�is peed ol Yrusl r+�r its enforcemenl� wi��ther by court
<br /> �ction or Pursuant l❑ lhe pawer of s��e or other �ovtirers co�Eained in lh�s D�ed ai T�us�, snall prejudice ar in any
<br /> rnanner af�ect Trustee's vr Lender's ri�t�t to re�lize up�n or enlorce any ather securi�y now or hereaf�er held by
<br /> 7rustee or Lender,�� being�gresd khat Yrustee�nd l�ender,anc�each of Ef�ert�, shall be entit�ed to enfarce this�eed
<br /> af Trus�and any otfner security now or hereafter held by l.ender or Trustee in s�cfn vrder and rnanner as they vr
<br /> eikher of them may in tE��ir abso[u�e d iscreEion determi ne. No remed}r �onferre� u pon or reserve� to 7ru stee or
<br /> �ender� is intendec� ta be excl�sive❑f any olher remedy in this �eed of�'rust ar by law pro�ided or perrnit#e�, but
<br /> each shaEl be cumufative and shafl b� in addition ta every oth�r rernedy �iven ir� thi� ��ed af Yrust or rtow or
<br /> hereafter existing at�aw or i� equily�r�y st�tu�e. �very pav+rer or remedy g�ven by the hlote or any of the Relafed
<br /> Docurnents to Trustee or Lec�der or �o wE�ich Eith�r of ti�em may be o�t�erwise entit�ed, may be exercis�d�
<br /> concurrentl�or�nde�er�dently, from Eime to time �nd as dite�+ as may be deemed expedier�t by Trustee or�er�der,
<br /> and eit�er flf �hem rnay p�rsUe incpr�sist�nk remedies. �lothirtg in lhis Deed of 7rust shaEl be construed as
<br /> prohibiting �.ender fr�m se�kin�a deficien�y judgment against the�rustor t� �f�e�xtent su�ci� a�t�vn is permitted by
<br /> �a►nr. Electior� by Lender to pursue ar�y rern�dy si�al[ nof exclude Pursui�af any oth�r rernedy, and an election to
<br /> make expenciitures or to ta�Ce aclian lo pertorm an obligation of frustor unde� this C?�ed of Trust, at�er�rustar's
<br /> failure to perforr�n, sha�l not�ffe��L.ender's right to cfec[ar�a default and�xercise its remedies.
<br /> Request fo�iV otice. Trustor, on behalf v f Yrustor and Lender, hereby reques�s «at a co�y of any[Votice o f Default
<br /> an�a copy of�n�Nvtice ot S�le under this Deed of Trust h�mai[ed t�them af the addresses set farih in the frst
<br /> paragr�ph o�this Deed o f Tru s!.
<br /> A�#orneys' FEes; Expenses. If Lender institu�es �r�y sui� or activn to enfor�e any of tE1e terms of this Qeed of
<br /> l"r�st, �ender shail b��ntitfed fo recover su�f7 su�n�s th�cvurt may adJudge reasanab[e�s attorneys' fees�t tri�l
<br /> and �po� any appe�[. VIlhetE�er or not any court �c�i v�� is �nv�l�ed, �ncl �o the extent not prohi bited by 1 aw, all
<br /> reasonabf e exper�s�s Len�ier in�urs th�f iri l�end��s o�inior� are neoessar� �t any t�me �or the protectivn of it�
<br /> �nt�rest or the enforc�:ment of its rights sl��l� becon�e a part af the ind�btedness p�yabte an demand and shall b�ar
<br /> inter�st at the l�ote rat�frarr�ttie date of�he ex�endi�Ure until rcpa�d. Exp�ns�s ca�er�d by t?�is para�r�aph include,
<br /> without lirr�it�tion, hovve�er subject lo any IimiEs urider�pplicak��e[aw, Lender's�tlorneys' fees and Lenc�er's legal
<br /> expens�s� wl�ether vr nal tE�ere is a l�wsuit, inc[�iding altarneys' fees ar�d �x}��ns�s �or banlcruptcy praceedings
<br /> �in�luding effarts ta mo�ify or�racate any autamat�c st�y or injuncli�nj, a}�Aeafs,and any anticipated past J�rdgrnent
<br /> colle�tion servi�es, the cas�af searching revords, obtair�inc� title reports (inciuding forec�asure re�flrts}� surveyars'
<br /> reports, and ap�raisal fees, title insurance, and fees fflr ifle Trust�e, to l�e extent perrnitted by appli�ab�� law,
<br /> `f'rustor afso wil[pay any cour#c�sts, in addifivr�to a�E oth�r sums provided by lauv.
<br /> Righfs of Trustee. �'rust�e sh�fl h�ve�il vf tf�e rigf�ts an�dulies❑f�ender as set fortE� in this section.
<br /> F�I�E�S AN D �SLIGATI DNS OF TRU STE�, Tl��f�i Ior�rin g provis ivr�s relati ng to ��e pov�r�rs �nd oblig ations of Trustee
<br /> a re pa rt af th is Deed o�TrUst-
<br /> Pawers of Truste�, an addi�ior� lo �II�oti�r�rs a�Trus�ee arising as a rr�alter o�law, frus�ee shall��ave lF�e power to
<br /> ta�te ihe fo[�ow�ng a�Eion s�v ith respe ci to �he Properly upvn lhe wriile� r�q Ues t o f Lencf er and 7rust�r: {�7�oin in
<br /> preparing and filing � n�a� vr pia� af fhe Rea[ P�o�erty, �n�luding f�e de�iicalio�� pf $treefs or otE�er rights �o t�e
<br /> pu�lic; ��� J�in i� �ranting any e�semei�� or creatir�g any resfrictiar� on t��e Rea� �'roperly; and �cy jain ir� any
<br /> su�ordi�ation or ot�er agreement a�fecting this Deed of Tr��st or ihe in�e�est of Lende�under this �ee�of Trust,
<br /> Trustee. 7rustee sfiall meet a!� q ua[�frca�ians required for T'rustee under app[icable [aw. In ad dition to the rig hts
<br /> and rem�dies se# farth abv�e, with r�sp�cl �o �11 or nny par! vf ti,Q ProJ�QrEy, thv Tr�stoc3 s}�afl havQ #F�e ri�ht to
<br /> forec[�se by notice and sal�, an�i Lender shal[ ha�e Ehe rig�t to foreclose by�udicial far�closure, �n either case �n
<br /> accord�n�e rnrith anti lo the�u�l sxEenE prqvided b}r applicable la�v.
<br /> Succe�sar Trustee. �.ender, at Lender's�ption, m�y fron� tirne t� �irne appvint a succ�ssflr Trusfee to any TrustE�
<br /> appointed under this Dee� ❑f Tr��st by �n inslrum en� executed and �ckna�rledg�� by Lender art� recorded in the
<br /> o�fice of the recorder o� Hafl Caunty, SI�Ee o� hJebraska The Ensl�urnen� sE�aE[ contai�t, �n addition to �ll otf�er
<br /> matters required by s��te law, tl�� narn�� af tfte original Lender. Tr��sk�e, and Trustor, tf�e book and p�ge {or
<br /> corn�u�er systern reference� where l�is �eed of Trus� �s recorded, and lli� t�ame and address of the succes�or
<br /> truste�.and the ins�rument shall be exe�uled and ackna�vledged by all the ber��ficia�ri�s under this Deeci of�'rust or
<br /> their successars ir� interest. The succ�ssor trustee, withvut eonve}r�nce of �he Property, shall succeed to a[� the
<br /> �itle� pov�rer,and tiuties canterred upon the Trust��in {hi� Qeed vf Trusi and by applicabl�law. This procedure for
<br /> substitution of 7rustee shall govern to tn�exclusion of all atf�er pro�isions for substitutior�.
<br /> NOTICES. Any natice �equirecf to be given �nder�f�is D�ed of �'rusE, in�luding viri�hout limilafion any notice of default
<br /> and any natice of sa[e sha!! be g�ven in wr�tin�, and shalE be e�f�ctive whert �ctua»y d�livered, w�en acEu�lly received
<br /> by telef��s�mil��unless�then�rise r�quired by laur�,when de�osif�d with a nation�liy recog��zed o�erni�ht courier, or,if
<br /> ma�led,when depa�ited in the Unifed States mail, as first clas�, certifed or re�i�t�red rnail pastage�repaid, di��cted to
<br /> the addr�sses shown n�ar tfi�be�innin�of ttiis �eed�f Trusl. �ii cv�ies of notices of forec�osure trom t��e holder oi
<br /> any Ilen r�rhlch ha5 priorit�flver this De�d of T'rusf shall be ser�t to Lender's address, �s sho�rr� near�he b�g inning of
<br /> t�1Es Deed of �rust. Any �arfy m�y c�ange its address for not���s under this D��ci of TrusE by gi�ing farm�l wr�tten
<br /> natice to th� other ��rties, speciEying th�� the purpvse of �he r�otice is ta change #he p�rty's �ddress, Fvr notice
<br /> purposesT Trustar agrees to keep Lender inforn�ed af ai� tim�s af Trustvr's cu�rent address. Unless ather�vise provided
<br /> vr required by Eav+r, i F lhere is rnor�t��n ane Truslor� �ny notice gEv�n by Lender�v �ny�'r�.islar is c�eem�d to be nv�ice
<br /> giv�:n to a11 Trustors.
<br /> ELECTF��NIC CDP��S. Lender may copy, ��eetr�nica�lly o� ott�ertivise, and �hereafter desfroy, tne originals of this
<br /> Agreerrtent andlor Refated Do�t�menls in th� regu�ar caurse vf Lentier's business. A!1 such capies praduce� �rom an
<br /> electronic �arm or by any other refia��e rn��ns �i.e.. �hotagraph�c imac�e or f�csit��ile)slialE ir� al! respecls be considered
<br /> equivalenl to �n original,a�d garrower he�-eby waiv�s any rig�ts or o�jeetions to lf��us�af such�opies.
<br /> 1��S�ELLA�lE�US PROVISlO�l�. �'fie foEloYlinc�n�i�ce!laneaus provisivns�re���rl af lhis ���t!of 7rus�:
<br /> Amendrnents. This Qeed vf Trust togatfl�r wi��7 �ny F��I�t�t�floc:uirei�ts. cvrlst;lules t��e enlire underslanding and
<br /> agreement vf the parcies as ta ti�e r�a�ters s�t fortt� i�r tl�is peed of Trusl. l�ln ��teration of or�mencfinent to this
<br /> Deed af Trust shafl be effec�ive urr�ess gi�en in writir�� �nd signed by th�pa�ty or parti�s so�ght ta be G��rged or
<br /> bound by the alteration ar ar�encfinen�.
<br /> Ar�n�al Repvrts. �f the Ara��riy is u�ec� fvr purpases ot)�er ���n Trustor's r$sid�n�, Trustor shalf furr�ish ta
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified slaE�menl of net oPer�ting inc�m� r�ceiW�d fram the Araperty dur�ng�'rustors
<br />