� 2� 1 ��72�3
<br /> ���� �� T���r
<br /> ���n�i i�u��� �a�e 7
<br /> �revious fisc�l ye�r in such ��rm ar�d dela�l as LEnder shal] reqUire. "�let aperating incorne'' sh2�11 me�r� all c�sh
<br /> Teceipts frorn th e prop�rty less 2�1!��sh expenditures made in cannecEion�r ith lh e aperation v f the Property.
<br /> Ca�t��n Wead i n g�. Caption headings in this Deed at Trusk are fvr con�eni ence pu�oses �nly and are n ot ta be
<br /> used to interpret ar de�ne the provisiai7s of lhis Q�er�of Tr�st.
<br /> IVlerger. There shall be no r�erger of�h� �r�t�rest or estate c��a��d by this �7eed oi Trus�with �ny�t�er interes�or
<br /> es�ate in the Properl}r at any tim� 1��1d by or tar lhe b�neFif o� l.er�der irt any capaci[y, wi��ou�the wri�ten �a�ser�!
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gove r�ing La w. Tl�is Deer� of Tr�st �vit� be c�orrErned Uy fede rai Ea w �pplica ble tn Ler�der and, to f�e exfent na�
<br /> preempted by federal larv�tl�e �aws of the S�ate of hle�raska without regard to�ts conflic�s of law provisivns. This
<br /> Deed a��'rust flas been ac�ePte d by �.en d�r i�tt�e S tate o F N e bra ska.
<br /> CI�oice of Ver�ue, lf there Es a lav�rsuit, Truslar�r�rees up�n L�nder's request to submit lo th�jurisdic�ion of tfns
<br /> courts of�iaf�C�unty,State❑f Nebras�ca.
<br /> Joint and Several Liabi I ity. Af I ob�igativns o f �orrv�nrer and Trustar under this De�d oF Trust shall be jain� and
<br /> severa[, �nd a!I t�f�rences to Trustor sh�l[mean each ar�d e�ery Trustor,aRd aI�references to Borrower shal[me��
<br /> each ar��eWery Barrower. 'C���s me�ns that each Trustor$i�ning E�elow is respvnsible for all abligativns in t�i$De�d
<br /> of Yrust. Where any one or more of lhe parti�s is a carporation, partnersnip, limited IiabifEty company or simi�ar
<br /> entity,it is not n�c�ssar5r for�end�r�o inquire into tfie pawers af�n}r of the�fficers,directvrs,par�ners,mernl�ers�
<br /> or other agen�s �c�ing or purportinc� to �eE on th�en�ity's behalf, and any abligations made or cr�ated in reliance
<br /> upon the profsssed exer��s��f such pa�nrers sf�al�k�e guaran�eed under this Deed o f Tru st.
<br /> No Waiver by Lender. Len�er s hall n ot be deerned lo haWe wairred any rig h ts u n�ie�-t�is L�eed o f 7ru st un�ess su ch
<br /> waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. No de�ay or ofniss�on on�he parf of i.ender in exercising any right
<br /> shal�opera�e as a waiver of su�h right or any oEher r�ghE. � waiver by Lendet of� p�ovision of this E�e�d vf Trust
<br /> sh�ll nat prejud ice or �o�sti�u te � waiver o� Lenr�er's rig hl othe rwis e to demand s trict �omplia n ce w i ff� fh at
<br /> �rovision ar any a�f�er provision of �his Deed of Tr�st. Nv prior wai�rer b� Lender, nar �ny course af dealing
<br /> between �ender an� �'ruslo r, shall con s li�t�te a v��aive r of a�r�y af Ler�der's rig�ts or o�a ny o f Truslo r's obligai�vns
<br /> �s to any f u tu re tra n sa ction s. lll�fienever fh� c�ns ent v� E.end�r is rec�u�red u n�er Ehis Deed o f�'rust, f h e granf ing
<br /> af such �onsenl b}� l.ender in any insl�nce s�1�El nat c�nslitute c�nlinuins cvn�enl to subse�uen� instances where
<br /> such canse�t is required�n�in all cases s�����r�seni nlay be�tartted ur wifl��eld �n EEle so�e discre�ion of Lend�r.
<br /> 5everability, If �C�L1f� Df COrT1�7Lt�Ft[JEt�[�C�[Ct1011 f�nds �r�y �rQ�tsio�of this Dee�Q��'r��st to b��l�eg�l� in�afid� or
<br /> un�nfarce��le �s lo any c�rcun�stance, tEiaE �n i�ii�ng sl�ali not rr�ke l�e o�fending pro�risian i Ileg�l, invalid. ar
<br /> unenfor�able as to �ny other ci�curr�stanc�. !f feasiule, the affending E�roWis�on sl�all be consider�d m�d�f ed so
<br /> that it beco�r�es le�al, �ralid and enfarcea�le. If tf3e affending prov�sion cannot be so modi�ied, it sl�all be
<br /> oonsidered deleted irom ll�is D�ed o E Trust. Uti[e�s oth�n�vise requir� by law, the illegality, in�alidity, or
<br /> unenfarcea�ility o f�ny provision af thi s De�d of Yrust sh�ll not�f�ect khe l�g�lity, validi Ey or enforc�ability of any
<br /> �ther pravisian of this De�d of Trust.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. Subje�l la any limilativr�s st�Eed ir� t��is D�ed of Trusl vn �ransfer of 7rus�o�'s interest�
<br /> this De�d of Trust shal[ be k�inding upon and inure �o �f�e �enefi� of the parties, their sU�cessors and assigns. I�
<br /> owr�ership af�he Prap�rty becomes vested i� a person ot�ler�han T�ustor, L.�r���r, tirtiriftlou� notice lo Trustor, �nay
<br /> deal w ith �rustor's successars wi tF� refe�ence to�his De�d o�Tr�ist and�h� [ndebte�n ess by way o f far6earance or
<br /> extension without releasing Truslor from���e�bli�ations vf tf�as peed vf Trust or liability under li�e Ir�debtedness.
<br /> Time is of#he Ess�n��. Tim�is�f li�e es�eitice ir�lhe Per{or�manc�af tE��s Qeed of Trust.
<br /> Vlraive �lUr}r. All par#ies #o tf�i� Qeed af Trust hereby waive t�le ric�h# �o any jury trial in any action, proceeding, or
<br /> counterclaim brou�h#by ar�y��ar#y against any oti�er parf�.
<br /> �Ilaiver of Nomestead Exemption. Tr�lsEar herel�y releases and waives aEE ri��lts anr� [�enefils of the homeste�d
<br /> exempti�n lavvs vf the 5tate of I�ebraslc�as!o��� Indebte�ness secured by tl�is�eed o��'rus�.
<br /> DEFINIYIONS. �'he follo�ruing capi�a[ize�i words and terms shall have the falEo�ving m�anin�s wl�en used in this Deed of
<br /> Trust. Un�ess specitically staled to the contrary, all ref�renc�s lo clal�ar amaun�s s�all mean amo�nts in lawful money
<br /> of tF�e L3nited States of A�t�erica. �lords a�d lerms used in EE�e singu��r sh�l] irtclude !he plural, and t�e plural shall
<br /> incfude f h e si n�uia r, as tE�e conlo x l rn1y re��ir�. Wvrd� �r1d t�arm� na� alho rwis� cf Qfi n or3 in lhis ❑oad of Trt�s l sh�1E
<br /> F�ave the m�ani�gs atlribu�ed to such lern�s in th� Unifarrn �vrnm�r�iat�ode
<br /> gene�iCE�i'y. The tvord "B�neficiary"c�leans�i�st N�E�on�l�ank of Oma�a,ar�d its successors�nd assigns.
<br /> gorrower. Tf�e worc! "Borrow�r'' m���5 JAYI`!S. [. 1..� ; Je�fr�y L 1v�e��; dnci Sandra J l��ead and includes a[I
<br /> co-sig ners and co-r��alt�rs sig niny !I�e l�o te ����i�EI�h�,�� s u c4�ssors and�ss igns.
<br /> Dee�f �f Tru st. �'I�e wo rds "D eed o f �'rti s�'' me�n t1��s Qeeci v f T r�s E a mong T rus lor, �ender, and Tr�stee, a nd
<br /> inc�udes �r itY�a�t lirn i ta�ion all assignmeni an� s�Gu rily i n teresi �rovisiol�s reEaEi n g to th e Personal Prvperty and
<br /> F�ents.
<br /> Defa uEt. The w ord "D e��ull"means�f�e Defa u�t se t fflrl�i in th�s D�ed o f rrust in lh e secti�r�tilled ''D e fa u(t''.
<br /> Environ mentaE Laws, 7f�e vvvrd s "Enwiron m enEal La�r s" me�n any a nd all s�a te, federaf and �ocal s tatutes�
<br /> regulations an�i ordinances relaling zo �he �rotection of huR�an heal�f� or lli� enwirortmenl. including v�r€tho�t
<br /> limi#atian the Compr�hensive �n�ironrr�e��aC Respo�se, �orn��nsation, and Li�4ility Ac# af 198�, as amended, 42
<br /> V.S.C. Section 9G01, ef seq. t"C��CLA"y, the Superfund Arnendmenis a�1d l�eauthorF�alion Act oi �986� Pub. L.
<br /> �la. 99-499 �"SARA"), the H��ardous��ateriafs Transporlation A��, �9 L1.S,C.Seclian �80'l, eE seq,, the f�esou�ce
<br /> Gonservation and Recove ry A�t, a� U.S.C. Sec�ion f���, e t s eq.. ar o lh er applicable siate ar federa I law s, r�les,
<br /> or ro�ult�tior��ndoplvc!purt�unnl ll�arrs�n.
<br /> �ven�of D efau It. The wa�ds"Even l of Defa u Il"mean a n yr�f!he even�s o f d etaU Il sel fvr�h i n ��is ❑eed o�Trust�r�
<br /> the events of default section ot tl�is D�ed of Trus�.
<br /> G�aranty. The wo rd "�u ara n�y"rr�eans the gua ranly frarn gua ra ntor, e n�orser, su r�ty,ar accom moda tion pa rty to
<br /> Lsnc�er,including tivithout limilalion a guar�nty o[aE!ar parl of f�e�ot�.
<br /> Hazardous 5ubsfances, Yhe wprds "Haz�rclo�rs Su�s�ances" mean ma�er�ais tf�al, because af l�eir quan�it}r,
<br /> conceri��a tian or Pn ysic�l, cheiriic�l ar inf�ct�aus �lia ra cie rislics, m�y c���se ar pas� a prese n t or paten lial f�azard
<br /> to �um�n h�alth or���e enviror�ment when imprvperiy used, lrea�ed, slored, d�spvser�vf, gene�rat�d, manufaclured�
<br /> transPor�ed�r olh�rwise i�andEed. Tl�e���orcfs "M�zardvus Subslances" are used in CheEr very �irpad�st Serise�r1d
<br /> ir�clude wiEhoul lirn�lali�n ar�y an� a1l h�zard�us ar t�xic subskan�es, rnalerials or wti�asle as cie�ne� by �r listed
<br /> under the �n�rirv�rr�enta I La��r s. Th�#erm "H�Z��r�uus S�b5 Ed�LBs" �l5�tn�iUd es,w ith o u t li mi��tio n,petroleum and
<br /> �elroaeurn by-pradt�c�s or any fraction �tiereo�and asb�stos.
<br /> �mRra�ements. Th� wor'd ''Improvements" me�,�s al� �xisting an� future [rn{�r�vemer�ls. 4uildings, structures,
<br /> mabile hornes �ffixed on khe Rea� Property, faciEilies. �ddiEi�ns, rep�ac�ments and olfler construction on th� R�a!
<br /> �rope rty.
<br /> Indebtec�ness, 7he word "Jncie�ledn e�s" m ea ns aE! principal, inle re�i, and othe� am oun ts, cos ts and ex�enses
<br /> p�yabEe under lhe �ate or Related Dacum�nt$, tvget�er v�rith a11 renew�rls of, exlensiar�s o�, modifications af,
<br />